I had fun in the World Tournament. Didn't conquer though. . I'll take San Francisco, 8-Thoughts, or Valley of the Kings (in that preference) where ever you need me.
World 2.1
North America
Eastern Front
Middle Earth
Age of Realms: Might
Middle East
Solar System
Pearl Harbor
Do i have to be premium member to be part of this trounament?
if not, then sign me up for RAIL USA. How do we determine the date and time of each game?
deego86 wrote:Do i have to be premium member to be part of this trounament? if not, then sign me up for RAIL USA. How do we determine the date and time of each game?
When the tourney is full I'll send you a PM with your games. You need to keep two slots dedicated to this tourney if you're not a premium.