Subject line: Vaca_Sagrada
These are suspected Multis/Secret Alliance (gogoftw)
Suspect users: Vaca_Sagrada and gogoftw
Game number:
Comments: I entered a 3-player game with the above players. For most of the game, the two of them attacked me, which is completely fine. But gogoftw eliminated me and he was way ahead in the game. He was controlling the most territories and had the most number of armies. However, after eliminating me, he stopped attacking Vaca_Sagrada. He simply put all his armies in one country where he couldn't even attack Vaca_Sagrada and was no longer earning any cards. Eventually, Vaca_Sagrada took over the entire map and won the game. This is a very highly unusual thing to do since gogoftw was so far ahead in the game. Why would anyone just give up a winning game and allow someone else to win? I noticed that they played a few other games where Vaca_Sagrada won and that may be more evidence that this is a multi account player.