jeffonfire wrote:jeffonfire says: Nice this is going well!
I go and fine cena-rules 4 coins for being violent and 5 coins for murdering some guy and plundering! Nesconqerer is fined 4 coins for trying to steal.
you must give the fined money to me or i will fine you for not paying the fine.
1 twine, 5 raw meat, 1 pants(am wearing), 1 shirt(am wearing), 1 knife, 10 coins
house 1 is 1 room big. It contains a dragon with a sattle on.
Time until forced eat 4.
*Pays jeffonfire his 4 coin fine along with his other bat hide*
I guess I have to move on in my quest... *Looks at map to see an island*
*Begins his wood chopping and gets raft 20% done
Inventory: Knife,shirt,pants, bat meat 2, coin 7, map, 9 fingers, 4 days until forced food.