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krusher & BlackIrish - [See Linked Thread For Verdict]

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Postby poo-maker on Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:23 pm

May i ask what happened in these games- krusher?

If i remember correctly, you were about 20 points away from reaching brigadier for the first time.
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Postby codeblue1018 on Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:29 pm

LOL Krusher, Honduras didn't attack you one time in all three games and dropped all in the same place in all three games. Man, it couldn't be any clearer bro. Lost all respect for you now especially with this information Poo just un-covered. I am certain there will be plenty more to come. WOW! [-(

Nice Poo!
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Postby krusher on Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:44 pm

yes I know honduras I actually told him about this site I told him I was going to become brigadier and he said that I suck I said fine I challenged and hosted 3 games best 2 out of 3 but then when he joined the games he didnt attack me I asked him why and he said because I know you will start bitching if I win.... I told him I would never play with him again and I havent played a game with him since this day. by the way if I wanted to cheat with him why didnt i host a 6 player game and tell him to suicide on other people? it makes much more sence then for me to play 3 games with him to get 6 points.... by the way poo those games are not where I became brigadier I played 1 after 6 player game i believe and won it which got me to brigadier. any more questions?
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Postby romeojguy on Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:46 pm

Good JOB! Poo... It is true. Notice the other player always is just ending turn as fast as possible that is why in one game you see it changes from always being alaska to quebec all of sudden.

krusher if that is try why play 3 games to him when he did it the first game... ... ...
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Postby krusher on Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:53 pm

he joined all 3 games at once and since I way to the last minute to play I was already stuck on all 3 I though he was trying something new or that he was gona fort every one up to a single place and whipe my troops who were scatterd all over the map but instead he just didnt play.... again not my fault if I knew he wouldnt of played I wouldnt of wasted my time to gain 6 lousy points.... and if I wanted to cheat we would of hosted a 6 player and I would of told him to suicide on other people this way instead of me geting 6 i would of goten 40.
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Postby khazalid on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:06 pm

rebelman wrote:One of the games involving black irish was watched by a number of us in live chat a few days ago (both myself and point guard were following it and i think clapper011 and possibly khaz were watching it as well as we were discussing it as it unfolded in chat.

what seemed really strange about this game was krusher was left holding continents gaining their bonus with just 1s and nothing else yet neither blackirish or jesusreigns would break him.

a few other items we noted in chat about this game were:

i was stopped from entering it (I was placed on ignore by Krusher to block me) - if this game was a "set up" the last thing he needed in there was a loose cannon like me

this game was set up immediately after he lost 2 games to the same player causing him to drop below 3.5k.

after krusher won this game thus putting him over 3.5k again, blackirish and jesusreigns were "rewarded" with some team games with krusher which the were always likely to win

net result of all this - krusher is well over 3.5k again and the above 2 players are not down pts as despite what they did in the game they are "paid" for their efforts by the team game which also got krusher some more points.

i realise i may sound like a conspiracy theorist and that is why i did not post this at the time. But having read this thread I wanted the mods and other relevant parties to be aware of the above - as a few days on given what has now emerged it seems there may be some truth in this "conspiracy theory".

i can also confirm this is the case. i can also confirm that krusher is an illiterate and meaningless excuse of a player, or something to that effect. score reset please!
had i been wise, i would have seen that her simplicity cost her a fortune
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Postby Mentos- on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:10 pm

I think a good solution would be to clear his ignore list and prevent him from ignoring anyone then see how he does when anybody can join his games...
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Postby michiganfan22 on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:10 pm

khazalid wrote:
rebelman wrote:One of the games involving black irish was watched by a number of us in live chat a few days ago (both myself and point guard were following it and i think clapper011 and possibly khaz were watching it as well as we were discussing it as it unfolded in chat.

what seemed really strange about this game was krusher was left holding continents gaining their bonus with just 1s and nothing else yet neither blackirish or jesusreigns would break him.

a few other items we noted in chat about this game were:

i was stopped from entering it (I was placed on ignore by Krusher to block me) - if this game was a "set up" the last thing he needed in there was a loose cannon like me

this game was set up immediately after he lost 2 games to the same player causing him to drop below 3.5k.

after krusher won this game thus putting him over 3.5k again, blackirish and jesusreigns were "rewarded" with some team games with krusher which the were always likely to win

net result of all this - krusher is well over 3.5k again and the above 2 players are not down pts as despite what they did in the game they are "paid" for their efforts by the team game which also got krusher some more points.

i realise i may sound like a conspiracy theorist and that is why i did not post this at the time. But having read this thread I wanted the mods and other relevant parties to be aware of the above - as a few days on given what has now emerged it seems there may be some truth in this "conspiracy theory".

i can also confirm this is the case. i can also confirm that krusher is an illiterate and meaningless excuse of a player, or something to that effect. score reset please!

i agree with all this. he in fact asked me to help him in a game and he would tell me exactly wat to do. i cannot quote him as it was on msn. just thought this info would be helpful
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Postby krusher on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:12 pm

I knew I was hated due to my score but dem i didnt know so many people would come forward with lies to get me banned just because they are jealous and dont want to see me in the top.
Last edited by krusher on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby firstholliday on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:12 pm

Hell if someone quotes A.Hitler that should be enough to have them banned.
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Postby benjikat on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:16 pm

firstholliday wrote:Hell if someone quotes A.Hitler that should be enough to have them banned.

agreed - more than half my ignore list is purely for insensitive / immature nazi references....
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Postby krusher on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:23 pm

you cant censor me, freedom of speech.
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Postby Strife on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:33 pm

krusher wrote:you cant censor me, freedom of speech.
That doesn't apply here, this is a canadian based game, not U.S. they can censor what that want. And as for the U.S. amendment, thats really more of a guideline, you can't go up to the President and tell him your gonna kill him. :roll:
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Postby kwanton on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:41 pm

Even if the site was based in the U.S. freedom of speech wouldn't apply.

Remember when you signed up and checked that little box that said you agree with the guidelines and whatnot? That basically means you give up your freedom of speech in a way. Since you agree to follow the guidelines put forth by the site, the site owner can choose to change the guidelines at any time and restrict what you say.

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Postby THORNHEART on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:47 pm

lol he has had that nazi post for years and btw what does it have to do wit this case...

also seems all the guys acusing krusher are the same guys no one new and the keep siting the same old posts( or coming up wit new ones that respond to things krusher is saying post that they didnt have before like they were keeping them in reserve or somat) is it possible this is just a case of jelousy...

that jesus or blackirish are just losers in the game?

only other theory is that they have been recruited to help krusher in games by guys who hate krusher so that these krusher haters can acuse krusher?their helping others to make these charges against krusher...
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Postby joecoolfrog on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:53 pm

krusher wrote:I knew I was hated due to my score but dem i didnt know so many people would come forward with lies to get me banned just because they are jealous and dont want to see me in the top.

So if its jealousy about your score why are people not queuing up to tell lies about SkyT,Poo-maker,Comic boy,Sjnap,Genghis,Maniacmath and all the other guys.
Not only have you no class,apparently you have no dignity either.
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Postby BaldAdonis on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:53 pm

krusher wrote:I knew I was hated due to my score but dem i didnt know so many people would come forward with lies to get me banned just because they are jealous and dont want to see me in the top.

This is the best thread I've ever seen on CC.
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Postby joecoolfrog on Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:54 pm

THORNHEART wrote:lol he has had that nazi post for years and btw what does it have to do wit this case...

also seems all the guys acusing krusher are the same guys no one new and the keep siting the same old posts( or coming up wit new ones that respond to things krusher is saying post that they didnt have before like they were keeping them in reserve or somat) is it possible this is just a case of jelousy...

that jesus or blackirish are just losers in the game?

only other theory is that they have been recruited to help krusher in games by guys who hate krusher so that these krusher haters can acuse krusher?their helping others to make these charges against krusher...

Ho Ho Ho :lol:
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Postby The1exile on Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:04 pm

joecoolfrog wrote:
krusher wrote:I knew I was hated due to my score but dem i didnt know so many people would come forward with lies to get me banned just because they are jealous and dont want to see me in the top.

So if its jealousy about your score why are people not queuing up to tell lies about SkyT

They do.
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Postby krusher on Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:09 pm

SkyT is also very hated guy and people always comign up with shit against him this is no different as soon as some one gets to the top theres always a conspiracy theory and a bunch of haters who try to build on it.
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Postby hwhrhett on Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:10 pm

the only accusation against skyt that ive ever seen was admitted by skyt himself.... got a link? maybe i need to catch up
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Postby THORNHEART on Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:18 pm

the only guys accsing krusher are the ones in close place behind him...clasic case of jelousy...note skyt not making any posts...but poo is ne is in 3rd

its obvious this isnt about whether krush cheated or not but about who gets his place in 2nd.
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Postby Prankcall on Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:18 pm

Personally it will be words vs words..But I tell every1 that is playing against u to watch u..I have watched many of your games Krusher..It's no fluke you are a cheater and I dont need no mod to tell me different..I seen it with my own eyes.The list of people that could be in leagues with u is Jesus Reigns, Black Irish(for sure) and maybe skeletons of death..I ve seen some people make dumbass moves but never like those above players mentioned..As far as a score reset..Well i personally dont care..but u should be banned from playing speed freestyle..Bet u wouldnt thrive no-more..
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Postby wicked on Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:20 pm

PLEASE STAY ON TOPIC AND STOP THE RANDOM CONVERSATIONS. ](*,) Really guys, how many times do I need to ask? This is the 3rd, so maybe the 3rd time's a charm. We're following this thread closely, so again, please only post if you have something relevant and of substance to add. And as much as we value your opinions, let's stick to the facts for now. If you don't want to post anything publicly, you can PM me. Thanks for your cooperation.
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Postby krusher on Sat Nov 17, 2007 5:26 pm

how long is this gona take I really want it to be over its geting annoying and the more time you take the worser its gona get theres nothing else they got. its preaty much there word vs my and I ask you again go check the total points I won and lose when Irish was on my games Rebel man did the exact calculations of each game and my total gain is 19 points now tell me even if we did have a secret alliance how much of a difference did these 19 points make in my over all rank? and if we had a secret alliance shouldnt we have won more games and gained more points? it just dos'nt make sence.

1214726 -43
1214438 +39
1209376 -29
1208980 +46
1208483 +49
1202416 +42
1190624 -46
1190399 -53
1190233 -28
1184710 +7
1184469 +41
1183908 -38
1183650 -41
1180708 +43
1180496 +55
939447 -42
929753 +37
914780 -20

Total gain 19pts in these games
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