Hey DiM, i think your last thousand words above looked on the appropriate side. I agree with what you've said on the corners (if it's anything like the examples above).
But i've also included an essay of my own arguing in favor of a wooden background over the marble finish. The conclusion is a little hard to discern, but i'm preety sure the intention is to illuminate the value of a lighter, less standoutishblock that is current, though the terms of the debate were earlier set out by the fact that adding another island was too much work*;
NB: Extensive plagarism may (or may not) be detected.
*Appendix A: Just so that your aware of the quality of the graphitician currently attempting to advise you, i have provided you with an example of some ammendments of my own to your work (i think this is my finest);
I think most will agree that these skills are unsurpassable.
(just wanted to throw it in to show how the general feel of the map would look with an extra island for the legend - in case the possibility wasn't entirely closed)