gimil wrote:Whats the ETA on these maps being uploaded?
christmas update

Moderator: Cartographers
gimil wrote:Whats the ETA on these maps being uploaded?
DiM wrote:gimil wrote:Whats the ETA on these maps being uploaded?
christmas update
natty_dread wrote:I was wrong
gimil wrote:DiM wrote:gimil wrote:Whats the ETA on these maps being uploaded?
christmas update
DiM your always a fun wrecker, i hope your dice are extra crap today.
reverend_kyle wrote:Of course, special thanks to DiM and Gimil for their going above all others to help on this mapmuch appreciated.
DiM wrote:reverend_kyle wrote:Of course, special thanks to DiM and Gimil for their going above all others to help on this mapmuch appreciated.
anytime mate.
natty_dread wrote:I was wrong
RjBeals wrote:Wow, congrats reverend_kyle - a fine map to add to our collection. I love the white borders and the soft 'pastel' colors - reminds me of my mapgood job man.
gimil wrote:DiM wrote:gimil wrote:Whats the ETA on these maps being uploaded?
christmas update
DiM your always a fun wrecker, i hope your dice are extra crap today.
Tom32 wrote:First of all, great job, i ve been awaiting for that one for some time, as all French CC members i believe.
For the sake of correctness and consistency, I would just like to give you some comments on wording, so that hopefully you can make it perfect :
Continent names
- Pyrenees continent shall definitely be renamed "Aquitaine", as "Pyrenees" is only the the name of the mountain chain separating Spain and France.
- Alps continent shall be renamed "PACA" (standing for Provence-Alpes-Cote d'azur)
Spelling mistakes
- Loire-Atlantic shall be renamed "Loire-Atlantique"
- Cote d'Armor shall have a terminal "s" : Cotes d'Armor (unlike Cote d'Or which is a single coast)
-Lozerre has only one "r" : Lozere.
- Alps => Alpes
Consistency and aestethic
- Vienne is ok, but quite administrative. Given the borders you made, "Poitou" would be much nicer and accurate
- Same for Haute-Vienne. "Perigord" would sound so much nicer.
- ...... Doubs => Jura
- ....... Var => Provence
- ....... Paris => Ile-de-France
- ....... Pyrenees (territory) => Pays Basque
- ....... Aude => Languedoc
- ....... Cher => Berry
- ....... Corsica => Corse
- ....... continent "Burgondy => Bourgogne
- ........continent "Britanny" is wrong, even in English i think it shall be Britain. In French : Bretagne
- ........ continent "Picardy" => Picardie, but "Nord" would be quite more appropriate given your boundaries
- Charente would be nicer with an "s", as your boundaries include both Charentes, the Charente, as well as the Charente-maritime. You can also use "Angoumois", which is the traditional name for this area.
I did not mention mistakes due to the lack of accent in english language, but if you are willing to, i can help you correct that too.
Cheers and thx again for your work
yeti_c wrote:The artist on this map has been banned from the forums... so I suspect that it ain't gonna happen!!
DiM wrote:kyle has indeed been banned from the forums but that is no relevance as he can still update the map and have somebody else post it.
Ruben Cassar wrote:DiM wrote:kyle has indeed been banned from the forums but that is no relevance as he can still update the map and have somebody else post it.
Good idea. Can someone contact him then?
Kaplowitz wrote:Ruben Cassar wrote:DiM wrote:kyle has indeed been banned from the forums but that is no relevance as he can still update the map and have somebody else post it.
Good idea. Can someone contact him then?
I actually just got an email from him, un-related to this map, but he mentioned that he was going to ask lackattack to take the map down from CC. He says its because of his "hatred for CC".
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