in a map revamp, there are no changes to connections. regions can be renamed and moved and their shape changed, but they must always connect to the corresponding region or regions on the new map, otherwise games in progress (as well as logs of finished games) will be completely upset. the germany revamp is an example of one where most regions were renamed and moved.
personally, i dislike the gameplay on this map because its small size ought to make it most suitable for 1v1, yet player 1 usually has a 4-3 deployment advantage because he starts with 12 regions and player 2 normally has only 11 because he loses 1 region by the time he plays his first turn. on a small map, it's really difficult to turn things around if u have a 1 troop disadvantage every turn. we can overcome this by making 1 city start neutral, though this need not be tied to the revamp process and u need to have more than a single complaint about it before u feel that u have to do something. having said all of the above, the map has an attractive pastel colour palette that i'd like any revamp to retain (at least in part) and, being the only italy map, i still play the odd game from time to time.