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Clan Challenge (LoD Beat Bounty Hunters)

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Clan Challenge (LoD Beat Bounty Hunters)

Postby reptile on Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:47 pm

This thread is for LoD and Bounty Hunters only please!

LoD Roster

1v1 Players
1. reptile
2. prankcall
3. thekidstrumpet
4. rayray

Doubles teams
1. reptile and michiganfan22
2. prankcall and thekidstrumpet
3. tango and rayray
4. godfella and syd
5. shewolf and strider24

Triples teams
1. reptile, prankcall and michiganfan22
2. rayray, godfella and syd
3. djt5483, jsmith72, and strider24

Bounty Hunters Roster

1v1 players
1. killer619
2. clapper011
3. jonsvall
4. hecter

Doubles teams
1. jonsvoll/misscrystal
2. clapper011/WildTiger
3. Julia Gulia/SaxyMom
4. skaterchild3/Caleb the Cruel
5. killer619/hecter

Triples teams
1. Jonsvoll,Misscrystal,MasterChief
2. barbie,OojakeoO, Julia Gulia
3. hecter,griffin_slayer,SaxyMom

Round 1

1v1 games
1. 784436 8 thoughts, flat rate, chained Winner : LoD
2. 784848 classic, flat rate, chained Winner : LoD
3. 786038 Benelux, flat, chained Winner : LoD
4. 785103 Carribean Islands, no cards, chained Winner : LoD

Doubles games
1. 784450 Germany, flat rate, chained Winner : LoD
2. 797394 Classic, flat rate, chained Winner : B.H.
3. 785105 Benelux, no cards, chained Winner : B.H.
4. 785244 Alexanders Empire, flat rate, unlimited Winner : LoD
5. 801624 British Isles, flat rate, unlimited Winner : LoD

Triples games
1. 784446 Middle Earth, flat rate, chained Winner : LoD
2. 785107 Classic, flat rate, unlimited Winner : B.H.
3. 787144 Classic, no cards, chained Winner : LoD

Round 2

1v1 games
1. 832461 Winner : LoD
2. 819878 Winner : LoD
3. 820727 Winner : B.H.
4. 818579 Winner : B.H.

Doubles games
1. 820728 Winner : B.H.
2. 819874 Winner : LoD
3. 846334 Winner : B.H.
4. 840595 Winner : B.H.
5. 832447 Winner : B.H.

Triples games
1. 820729 Winner : LoD
2. 828531 Winner : B.H.
3. 823896 Winner : B.H.

LoD Records (LoD MVP purposes)
Red = win ; Blue = loss ; Green = in progress

reptile 5-1 ; 784436, 784450, 784446, 832461, 820728, 820729
prankcall 5-1 ; 784848, 797394, 784446, 819878, 819874, 820729
thekidstrumpet 2-2 ; 786038, 797394, 820727, 819874
rayray 1-5 ; 785103, 785105, 785107, 818579, 828531, 846334
michiganfan22 3-2 ; 784450, 784446, 820728, 820729, 832447
tango 0-2 ; 785105, 846334
godfella 1-1 ; 785244, 785107
syd 1-3 ; 785244, 785107, 828531, 840595
strider24 2-3 ; 801624, 787144, 832447, 828531, 823896
jsmith72 1-1 ; 787144, 823896
shewolf 1-0 ; 801624
djt5483 1-2 787144, 823896, 840595
Last edited by reptile on Thu Sep 20, 2007 7:32 pm, edited 37 times in total.
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Postby reptile on Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:48 pm

Barbie can you post or pm me your roster!
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1 vs 1

Postby Prankcall on Thu Aug 23, 2007 1:22 am

My settings chained,seq,flat,classic thx...I'll get back to u on the doubles..Those settings mentioned are my 1 vs 1 games thx
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Postby barbie on Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:13 am

Bounty Hunters


Julia Gulia/SaxyMom
skaterchild3/Caleb the Cruel

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Postby rayray on Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:36 am

All my games are made and ready for bounty hunters to join !!!
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Postby She Wolf on Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:22 am

hey, isn't Caleb the Cruel a Jesus Freak & Hecter a Spamalot?

does anyone here see something wrong with this picture? :shock:

me thinks these players should be replaced.
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Postby rayray on Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:28 am

She Wolf wrote:hey, isn't Caleb the Cruel a Jesus Freak & Hecter a Spamalot?

does anyone here see something wrong with this picture? :shock:

me thinks these players should be replaced.

Agreed, why should these players be allowed to play for different clans in our challenges !!!
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Postby reptile on Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:18 am

i will pm the bounty hunters everything today. most games are created and ready for them to join. also i will update the 1st post with the bounty hunters roster along with game numbers later on today.
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Postby TheKidsTrumpet on Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:22 am

Haha wth, why are they double dippin' clans... I think it's retarted when people aren't loyal to one clan. Le Pac De Fichu Pour La Vie!!!
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Postby TheKidsTrumpet on Thu Aug 23, 2007 10:52 am

btdub my singles game is made
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Postby reptile on Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:57 pm

barbie, i need to know how to correctly spell jonsvall OojakeoO and there was another one,,, i sent it to you via email.. please let me know.. thanks!
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Postby Caleb the Cruel on Thu Aug 23, 2007 6:41 pm

Well hecter and I are both members of the Bounty Hunters, and are additionally both members of the Region of Risk Fans. Then we are both leaders of our own clans, mine being the Jesus Freaks and hecter(although his is un-official) has Spamalot. He and I disagree on several things, but keep being pulled together for issues on CC for some reason. First we were anti-Queen Puff, then we were both angry with the Mod Squad, and now we have to stand up for our right to be in mulitple clans! We are both loyal to all of our clans. In fact, hecter and I are more loyal to the RORF than most of the RORF's other members are! "Thou must only have 1 clan" is not in the Bible, nor is it in the CC rules and guidelines. Every clan that hecter and I are in have different feels and we are in them because we agree with what they stand for and against. For instance all of mine and hecter's clans are against a 1 clan rule! :wink: Also, before you Damned people start complaining about us being in multiple clans, maybe you should weed out your fellow Damned that are in more than 1 clan(I'm not giving names). Otherwise you're preaching pure hypocrisy. :lol:
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Postby Prankcall on Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:03 pm

Game 1 LOD wins :)
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Postby SaxyMom on Thu Aug 23, 2007 8:12 pm

TY reptile. Just a note - in the triples match-ups my name is misspelled. There is no sassymom; it's just me, saxymom. Sorry - it was a typo.
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Re: Done

Postby reptile on Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:53 pm

Prankcall wrote:Game 1 LOD wins :)

already? what game?
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Re: Name

Postby reptile on Thu Aug 23, 2007 9:54 pm

SaxyMom wrote:TY reptile. Just a note - in the triples match-ups my name is misspelled. There is no sassymom; it's just me, saxymom. Sorry - it was a typo.

sorry, i will fix that right away!
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Postby rayray on Fri Aug 24, 2007 3:01 am

Caleb the Cruel wrote:Well hecter and I are both members of the Bounty Hunters, and are additionally both members of the Region of Risk Fans. Then we are both leaders of our own clans, mine being the Jesus Freaks and hecter(although his is un-official) has Spamalot. He and I disagree on several things, but keep being pulled together for issues on CC for some reason. First we were anti-Queen Puff, then we were both angry with the Mod Squad, and now we have to stand up for our right to be in mulitple clans! We are both loyal to all of our clans. In fact, hecter and I are more loyal to the RORF than most of the RORF's other members are! "Thou must only have 1 clan" is not in the Bible, nor is it in the CC rules and guidelines. Every clan that hecter and I are in have different feels and we are in them because we agree with what they stand for and against. For instance all of mine and hecter's clans are against a 1 clan rule! :wink: Also, before you Damned people start complaining about us being in multiple clans, maybe you should weed out your fellow Damned that are in more than 1 clan(I'm not giving names). Otherwise you're preaching pure hypocrisy. :lol:

We are already aware of this and those members will be removed shortly.
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Postby Prankcall on Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:46 pm

Our 1 vs 1 me against clapper see game#784848...Good luck LoD
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Postby michiganfan22 on Fri Aug 24, 2007 9:53 pm

good win prank
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Postby reptile on Sun Aug 26, 2007 10:18 am

This should be completely up to date

* rosters (a few minor changes)
* completed games

there are still a couple of games yet to start.. just waiting on ppl to join!
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Postby TheKidsTrumpet on Mon Aug 27, 2007 2:56 pm

Chalk up another LoD win, in 1v1 singles, thekidstrumpet defeats Jonsvoll in game 786038 in 11 rounds. Great game Jonsvoll.
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Postby rayray on Wed Aug 29, 2007 10:39 am

Another LoD win

785103 !!!
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Postby reptile on Wed Aug 29, 2007 9:28 pm

ok thanks.. everything updated
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Postby Wild_Tiger on Fri Aug 31, 2007 1:30 pm

the words Wild_Tiger and loosing don't go together.
Bountyhunters win 797394
I got beaten by 2 privates and all I got was this lousy feedback!
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Postby barbie on Fri Aug 31, 2007 11:14 pm

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