I think we've beaten this to death, but I would like to respond to your last two points.
In reverse order:
Votanic wrote:If you really are a self-serving rationalist that always promotes his own buttered side of the bread then you might want to think twice jumping into the political sack with the borderless, cop-modless, genderless, anarchist Radical Left.
I don't think I'm entirely a "self-serving rationalist" but I definitely have never been associated with the Radical Left.
I don't quite fit into any political category very well, but if you absolutely had to stick me somewhere, I think most people would put me in with the moderate left.
Votanic wrote:You might think it is the height of radical-chic to promote open (non-)borders that allow any and all (il)legal scofflaw foreign migrants to come and go as they please,
I really don't think I care what is or isn't chic, lol.
You already know I object to migrants being smeared as scofflaws, but I won't bother rehashing all that.
What I object to even more in you statement is the oft-repeated lie that what is being promoted are "open" borders, where migrants "come and go as they please."
The statement I originally made, which you objected to, was that "people fleeing from tyranny have a right to ask for asylum."
This does not mean that they have a right to
get asylum, only that they have a right to claim it and have their case heard. Obviously, not all claims are valid. Unfortunately, after 30 years of starving your immigration courts, they have developed a backlog of five years. You can't afford to house refugees for five years, so you release them to await their hearing. That's not their choice. Most would be happy to plead their case the same day, but having a trial date five years in the future leaves them in limbo.
But all right, say you got your house in order and ran the courts properly. Would you then be obligated to take any and all refugees from all the world's troubles?
I would say, not.
I'd like to bring in an analogy, if I may, from First Aid training.
One of the things you learn in First Aid is, that once you have the certificate, you have an obligation to help. But you are not obligated to go above and beyond your capabilities.
An even more important thing you learn in First Aid is, don't become one of the casualties. You don't go electrocuting yourself by grabbing a person who's on a live wire. You're no good to anyone if you're laying there dying beside him. You don't go rushing into a burning building to pull people out of the fire, unless you're a trained firefighter with all the proper equipment. You're not helping anyone if you're another piece of charcoal on the fire. Etc., etc.
So by analogy, while I think you do have a moral obligation to accept refugees, you aren't required to accept so many that you break the back of your own country. An intelligent immigration policy which regulates how many refugees can be accepted and triages which ones have the greatest need absolutely makes sense.
Also, and I have said this in this forum before, it needs to be a national policy. I actually do agree with Abbot and other southern governors bussing refugees north. Yes, it's a publicity stunt, but it's made necessary by the lack of proper federal government. The feds should be distributing the refugees evenly around the country, so that no community pays a disproportionate share of the costs of resettling them.
We have the perfect case study in Germany, which in 2015 was hit with a very serious overflow of migrants. They were apportioned to different German cities according to their available housing and job markets, and while some problems do remain, the vast majority have been successfully employed and integrated into German society. Also, those cities that welcomed the migrants with such thing as language training and help with job placement, have fared far better than those who stuck their head in the sand and left the migrants to fend for themselves.
Lack of resettlement policies and a chaotic border are not what I'm advocating. Compassionate but intelligent migrant management is quite possible.