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P Diddy Arrested

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby kentington on Mon Sep 23, 2024 12:41 pm

bigtoughralf wrote:The US criminal justice system working to put a black man in jail, what an unexpected turn of events :roll:

Pack Rat wrote:Our Justice System works great for millionaires and billionaires.

Imagine how well it worked out for Jeffery Epstein. Of course he should have been jailed sooner and we should have gotten the 'list' , but it didn't do well for him and P Diddler is on the same track. If he doesn't send that list out to the public soon, then no one will see it and he won't be in jail long.
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:11 pm

RIGHT, we only prosecute black people in the USA. Epstein was really black below his white skin.

Crazy liberal narrative, proven WRONG, again.

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby Pack Rat on Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:18 pm

Look at who is playing the race card, MAGA cult follower, lol.
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Sep 23, 2024 2:55 pm

Pack Rat wrote:Look at who is playing the race card, MAGA cult follower, lol.

You are pee-rat; you area crazy stooopid liberal who drank the Kamala Kool Aid. Biden made it and Kamala is now stirring the pot.

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby Pack Rat on Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:52 pm

Oh....that hurts...
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Sep 23, 2024 3:59 pm

And you could not WAIT to reply to me, could you? Seven minutes. If responding to me is your highlight of the day, then you have a SAD LIFE, pee-rat. You prove me right with each reply, pee rat.

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby Pack Rat on Mon Sep 23, 2024 4:12 pm

OMG! You just beat my best time in replying!!!

Got you on speed dial now.
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:03 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:RIGHT, we only prosecute black people in the USA. Epstein was really black below his white skin.

Crazy liberal narrative, proven WRONG, again.

Obviously not ALL arrests are made on the basis of race.

But there's no doubt that race plays a large part in deciding who will be arrested, who will be convicted, and the length of their sentence.

The result...
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby saxitoxin on Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:20 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:RIGHT, we only prosecute black people in the USA. Epstein was really black below his white skin.

Crazy liberal narrative, proven WRONG, again.

Obviously not ALL arrests are made on the basis of race.

But there's no doubt that race plays a large part in deciding who will be arrested, who will be convicted, and the length of their sentence.

The result...

I have a feeling if you replaced race with income or assets you'd find there is perfect or almost perfect ascendancy from most wealthy (Asian) to least wealthy (Black). People end up in prison because they commit crime. People largely commit crime due to material deprivation.
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby saxitoxin on Mon Sep 23, 2024 7:26 pm

I was almost right. There is a variance among Polynesians that I suspect can be explained by the fact they're concentrated in Hawaii which has an astronomical cost of living due to Oprah, Zuckerberg, Will Smith, Bill Gates, Bette Midler and various other Rats buying up thousands and thousands of acres, thereby suppressing affordable housing stock to the poor and working class.

1. Asian Americans:
Median household income: Around $94,000

2. White non Hispanic Americans:
Median household income: Around $77,000

3. Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islanders:
Median household income: Around $66,000

4. Hispanic:
Median household income: Around $57,000

5. Black or African Americans:
Median household income: Around $48,000

6. Native American and Alaska Natives:
Median household income: Around $45,000
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby mookiemcgee on Mon Sep 23, 2024 10:46 pm

saxitoxin wrote:
Dukasaur wrote:
jusplay4fun wrote:RIGHT, we only prosecute black people in the USA. Epstein was really black below his white skin.

Crazy liberal narrative, proven WRONG, again.

Obviously not ALL arrests are made on the basis of race.

But there's no doubt that race plays a large part in deciding who will be arrested, who will be convicted, and the length of their sentence.

The result...

I have a feeling if you replaced race with income or assets you'd find there is perfect or almost perfect ascendancy from most wealthy (Asian) to least wealthy (Black). People end up in prison because they commit crime. People largely commit crime due to material deprivation.

The best available metric for measure if blacks actually commit more crime per capita or if they are simply arrested/prosecuted more frequently (since you can't measure who commits crimes, only who's arrested and punished) is the look at the race statistics for exonorations... and you don't even have to adjust it per capita to to see the glaring obvious fact that the legal system treats blacks as guilty, and all other races as innocent until proven guilty.

In 2022 the university of Michigan published a report called 'Race and Wrongful Convictions in the United States 2022', they reviewed the cases of 3,200 innocent defendants exonerated in the U.S. since 1989 and found that Black Americans are seven times more likely than white Americans to be falsely convicted of serious crimes. This is true across all major crime categories except for white collar crime. PDF link to the full report below ... review.pdf
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:34 am

mookiemcgee wrote:The best available metric

No. Simply saying something is the best doesn't make it the best in the absence of some reason as to why.

In the case of exonerations, the UM report also shows Asians have a lower rate of false convictions than whites (if Asians are considered "Other" as the numbers are so low it doesn't break them out).

So either: (a) America is racist, but only against Blacks and - in fact - is "non-negatively racist" against Asians, which simply doesn't make sense, or, (b) there's some other factor at work.

I would venture to guess if you are in a lower wealth group you're more likely to depend on a public defender for your defense than if you're in a higher wealth group. And public defenders don't take cases to trial, they simply try to plead down to the lowest possible charge, which would lead to higher levels of false convictions. That seems to be the most likely and reasonable probability and doesn't require us to bend ourself into a pretzel to come up with some wild theory by which judges are only racist against Blacks and simultaneously have this affectionate love affair with Asians whereby they like Asians even more than they like whites.
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:12 am

... a larger percentage of private attorney caseloads are comprised of white defendants ...

... a much higher percentage of those with public defenders and CJA appointed attorneys were [pre-trial] detained compared to those with private attorneys (88%, 84%, and 38% (!!!), respectively)

Private attorneys are better than public defenders at getting light sentences and not guilty verdicts. Whites and Asians have the highest income and assets and are, therefore, more likely to be able to afford private attorneys.

The United States is not special, crime correlates to presence or absence of deprivation here like everywhere else. The only difference in the U.S. is that wealth correlates to race due to historic and geographic reasons (i.e. a large segment of the Black population come from families that started with $0 in assets as recently as 170 years ago; Asian immigrants can only effectively arrive to the U.S. via aircraft and persons who immigrate to another country by transnational air travel tend to have greater baseline assets than those who walk into another country; etc.).
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby mookiemcgee on Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:20 am

saxitoxin wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:The best available metric

saxitoxin wrote:No. Simply saying something is the best doesn't make it the best in the absence of some reason as to why.

Someone should tell Trump...

saxitoxin wrote:In the case of exonerations, the UM report also shows Asians have a lower rate of false convictions than whites (if Asians are considered "Other" as the numbers are so low it doesn't break them out).

So either: (a) America is racist, but only against Blacks and - in fact - is "non-negatively racist" against Asians, which simply doesn't make sense, or, (b) there's some other factor at work.

It makes the best sense. It makes perfect sense. I think it might have been a perfect argument. People are saying it was a perfect argument that mookie made, and denying the strength of the argument is basically criminal. It's really animal behavior to deny the strength of Mookies argument, you'd really be an animal, less than human to even claim I wasn't right. You know China built a wall, and I think they made be onto something. Seems to have had an affect on the crime rates. Very low, lowest numbers in years, maybe ever. Have you heard about this Hannibal Lector?
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby Votanic on Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:53 am

mookiemcgee wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:
mookiemcgee wrote:The best available metric

saxitoxin wrote:No. Simply saying something is the best doesn't make it the best in the absence of some reason as to why.

Someone should tell Trump...

saxitoxin wrote:In the case of exonerations, the UM report also shows Asians have a lower rate of false convictions than whites (if Asians are considered "Other" as the numbers are so low it doesn't break them out).

So either: (a) America is racist, but only against Blacks and - in fact - is "non-negatively racist" against Asians, which simply doesn't make sense, or, (b) there's some other factor at work.

It makes the best sense. It makes perfect sense. I think it might have been a perfect argument. People are saying it was a perfect argument that mookie made, and denying the strength of the argument is basically criminal. It's really animal behavior to deny the strength of Mookies argument, you'd really be an animal, less than human to even claim I wasn't right. You know China built a wall, and I think they made be onto something. Seems to have had an affect on the crime rates. Very low, lowest numbers in years, maybe ever. Have you heard about this Hannibal Lector?

Keep on arguing, mook. Who knows? Diddy might even hire you for his defense team.
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Sep 24, 2024 3:35 am

One large factor in this CRIME discussion is that many crimes are done by blacks, are NOT in proportion to the overall US Population. This point does not discuss the WHY of crime, as many who have posted are postulating upon. This data is by the FBI:

For example, the murder numbers are one example:
by white by blacks
3,650 4,078

percent by race
45.8 51.2

robbery show similar trends
percent, white vs black
44.7 52.7

one more, Aggravated assault
percent, white vs black
61.8 33.2

Anyone can go through the data to illustrate their point of view, but I think my examples are salient examples. Certainly murders get most of the attention in the media.

Note that blacks comprise about 13% of the US population, while whites comprise about 60% of the population. So blacks, comprising 13% of the population, commit (are arrested for, to be more correct) over 50% of the crimes in some categories, and about 30% of the crimes in many categories. If the blacks are committing most of the crimes, then it makes sense that many blacks are prosecuted (and thus convicted) for most of the crimes.

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Sep 24, 2024 1:21 pm

Yes, that's true. However, that stat is abused by the right to quietly suggest that Blacks have a higher propensity for crime, which is likely not true. What seems more likely is that Blacks have a higher likelihood of poverty due to certain historic disadvantages and the poor have a higher propensity to crime (as the wealthy have diminished incentives to commit crime).

This is why I support reparations for ADOS Blacks, though not immigrant Blacks (in theory, though not in practice, since all proposals I've seen are ridiculous and unworkable).
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Sep 24, 2024 2:09 pm

saxitoxin wrote:Yes, that's true. However, that stat is abused by the right to quietly suggest that Blacks have a higher propensity for crime, which is likely not true. What seems more likely is that Blacks have a higher likelihood of poverty due to certain historic disadvantages and the poor have a higher propensity to crime (as the wealthy have diminished incentives to commit crime).

This is why I support reparations for ADOS Blacks, though not immigrant Blacks (in theory, though not in practice, since all proposals I've seen are ridiculous and unworkable).

While some will argue that POVERTY (and lack of material things) is the root of many crimes, I will argue that GREED is actually the root cause. Not ALL poor people commit crimes, such as theft. And certainly I did not state nor imply that All blacks commit crimes.

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby Pack Rat on Tue Sep 24, 2024 3:18 pm

[quote="jusplay4fun"][quote="saxitoxin"]Yes, that's true. However, that stat is abused by the right to quietly suggest that Blacks have a higher propensity for crime, which is likely not true. What seems more likely is that Blacks have a higher likelihood of poverty due to certain historic disadvantages and the poor have a higher propensity to crime (as the wealthy have diminished incentives to commit crime).

This is why I support reparations for ADOS Blacks, though not immigrant Blacks (in theory, though not in practice, since all proposals I've seen are ridiculous and unworkable).[/quote]

While some will argue that POVERTY (and lack of material things) is the root of many crimes, I will argue that GREED is actually the root cause. Not ALL poor people commit crimes, such as theft. And certainly I did not state [b][i]nor imply that All blacks commit crimes.[/i][/b][/quote]

Who said or implied, that you said all blacks commit crimes?

Republican Mark Robison though said, He would love to have slaves. Heck, he would love slaves to make trans-sex slaves.

Saxi is right about poverty causes crimes, but his views on wealth is wrong. Poor people use guns to commit crime, while the wealthy use pens to commit multi-million dollar crimes.
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby saxitoxin on Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:21 pm

Pack Rat wrote:Saxi is right about poverty causes crimes, but his views on wealth is wrong.

sounds like something a poor person would write
Pack Rat wrote:if it quacks like a duck and walk like a duck, it's still fascism

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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby jonesthecurl on Tue Sep 24, 2024 11:30 pm

I think that Trump alone (or if you like various Bidens Clintons, etc) prove that being rich doesn't mean you don't commit crimes.
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby Votanic on Wed Sep 25, 2024 3:41 am

jonesthecurl wrote:I think that Trump alone (or if you like various Bidens Clintons, etc) prove that being rich doesn't mean you don't commit crimes.

I seriously doubt anyone, even at their most ideological (or sarcastic), would ever suggest that, jones.
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby Pack Rat on Wed Sep 25, 2024 1:45 pm

saxitoxin wrote:
Pack Rat wrote:Saxi is right about poverty causes crimes, but his views on wealth is wrong.

sounds like something a poor person would write

Ha-ha-ha, if I'm must be poverty stricken and can be found on street corners holding written card board begging for change so you could feed your starving family.
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Re: P Diddy Arrested

Postby mookiemcgee on Wed Sep 25, 2024 2:17 pm

Pack Rat wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:
Pack Rat wrote:Saxi is right about poverty causes crimes, but his views on wealth is wrong.

sounds like something a poor person would write

Ha-ha-ha, if I'm must be poverty stricken and can be found on street corners holding written card board begging for change so you could feed your starving family.

Jim Boston's wife's boyfriend is rich, but the cuck husband who's wife is dating a rich guy isn't everything in life. As long as you aren't giving handjobs behind the dumpster at wendy's you are doing ok in my book.
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