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Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy - Wolves Won

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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:28 pm

SoN!c wrote:Unvote

Circling back to when LC and DDS were the masons lmao. Boy those 2 cards shuffled insanely. What a game. But back then i had Kong as scum.

So vote PMc, the one i was sure on being town. Who writes this stuff?

Why me and not Pepe + Max? Who in this world is EWs partner? Me? I just subbed in, begged the other mafia to kill my partner and hoped to ride the wave of that to victory?
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:51 pm

Rereading the thread and Sonic seems kind of obvious to me now.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Sat Sep 07, 2024 11:58 pm

SoN!c wrote:
Loose Canon wrote:We have to lynch day 1 and every day.
Does anyone disagree?

I looked up mafia wiki and looked for "best to play scenario's" based on mafia wiki stats on this scenario. I deleted that idea in the end because the game only starts when everybody has confirmed their role invite..

Only 9 confirmed sofar? So first we need to wait on everybody's confirmed status. That means waiting on Max too and whatever he wants to say :D :D :D

And the deleted idea was basically to ask EW what would be the best play here (having no PR). Last game lynching D1 turned out to be a bad idea so hearing EW and following EW seems plan? 7 to 11 chance EW is town and if he is not we will notice it when he posts something deviant perhaps? Also Lynching D1 means very blind (as good as random) odds that we will lynch on 4/11 odds hitting scum (very low chance)? Is not helping if we lynch town. We should hear very experienced players first is my idea. Though nut to crack here

How over explained is this EW rant? I can't put my finger on exactly its purpose, but it feels contrived.

1. He thought of this idea and then deleted it
2. Gives odds of EW being town
3. If he isn't we will notice it

And like, all he is doing is asking EW whether he thinks lynching day 1 is a good idea.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:08 am

Next, we have the DDS and Strike world's thinnest case. First read through I thought he is just applying pressure as townie to see what goes, but he actually lies about seeing Strike online. How does this make any sense? Strike un hid himself for a day and didn't realise it? CC has a bug no one ever noticed before? He misremembered?

Lynch all liars.

SoN!c wrote:
PepeAtila wrote: :lol:

But I still think you are both suspects... also because I have no other clue.

Yes i agree, because the initial defense was so lame, i swear it felt like both DDS and Strike were caught with their pants down. Also i saw them both coming online (users browsing this page) and they didn't reacted..just looking like shiiiiiit we are caught..

In the end DDS just posted this gif:

DirtyDishSoap wrote:Image

That's all he could counter..and then Strike posted something that sounded as his wolf funeral oration - looked conceaded - singing Roses are red and Violets are blue..

I swear it felt like if i posted a written confession at that time i think Strike would have said "Oh well, whatever, i'll sign it ". Even downloading and uploading that stuff. That balloon momentum build up was so big it was about to burst...but then Loose swooped in changing the subject back to Max and deflated everything.

SoN!c wrote:
strike wolf wrote:Curious how you could see me Son!c when I always stay on invisible mode.

Thats how i remember it :D

Besides you posted stuff so you must have been online.

Point is initial defense was so lame, it felt like your pants was both down.

DDS only posted this gif:

DirtyDishSoap wrote:Image

And you posted something that sounded like your wolf funeral oration - looking conceded - singing Roses are red and Violets are blue even!..

Don't you agree that that sounded pretty forlorn as both your initial defense on being the Wolf-pair?

2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:32 am

Sonics next attack is on EW, which was of course correct, but it was notably preceded by EW picking up on the lie, starting a wagon on Traf (his partner) and saying he would kill sonic (or maybe traf) as scum.

Extreme Ways wrote:
strike wolf wrote:Curious how you could see me Son!c when I always stay on invisible mode.

if this is true sonic has some terrible agenda going on

Extreme Ways wrote:
SoN!c wrote:Deadline is less then 6 real life days guys, that's not so long in here. And still no daily Max.. We should reach consensus soon to get on 6 votes because majority wants to lynch. Also im thinking the night kills could provide extra intel?, like im hoping the day result from Charle will give some clue about who was the maffia kill and who was the wolf kill. Like "player X got eaten" (= wolf kill). That would make it more interesting i think and in a non-PR game we should get that info at least. Not much else to go on.

That's up to Charle to decide (and see how it was done in previous games?)

Also, I just saw that indeed we always need a majority to lynch someone.

Unvote Sonic Vote Trafalgar
Wasn't sure who to go on bewteen Traf and Kong. Both slots have kind of existed but I dont remember them at all.

kongming3 wrote:It feels unlikely to me that we'll get anything more out of putting more on dds here so I will vote trafalgar, I am once again very pro-lynch so we will see where we end up (or are pushed to) by the time day 1 is coming to a close.

Extreme Ways wrote:
Loose Canon wrote:Since we have votes on DDS Traf and Max can I ask DDS and Traf assuming you don't get lynched;

In your opinion which player if they were scum do you think would be most likely to kill you N1 ?

(Max can answer too if he would be kind enough to grace us with his presence)

I will answer this too if it helps you figure out my alignment.

As scum I'd try to kill people who are the other scum faction and strong players. Basically, my scumreads whom I would fear would find me as scum. I dont know who that would be currently considering I'm not scumreading the more active strong players much atm, so maybe I would just kill Sonic? Or Traf/Kong
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:52 am

Sonic next attacks strike, stating he is scared strike plans to kill him. If mafia are going to kill you as town, who cares? But in a factional game where you are power wolfing, the other faction are scary and that seems to be sonics driving force for EW and now strike.

SoN!c wrote:I agree any pairing D1 is just searching in the end.. But if we don't search we are never gonna find anything...And real searching means you gotta get in to it. Thats why im thinking Strike is scum (not as a pair but by himself) and he is gonna kill me tonight.

If he just kills me tonight Strike knows D2 everybody is gonna trail it back to him.. But if he scummyfies me now, just a few days before deadline, he can always say some mumbojumbo that, in the end, reads like "somebody picked up my trail and must have used that trail for own benefits - but i myself am town" and that is exactly why he puts in the late vote and why i think he must be scum.

I think I stop here, because it seems like we have more than enough evidence on sonic, including his latest muted interactions.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby SoN!c on Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:22 am

You left out the best part:

I posted back then 3 players hinted they were mason. Loose, EW and Kong.

I posted one of them was surely lying and that would be scum. On kong i made the comment: did he knew it and blew it or blew it and knew it.

EW flipped scum...

LOOSE flips Mason...

KONG flips....??

Kong blew it.
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby Loose Canon on Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:59 am

Even a broken clock is right twice a day - just saying
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby Loose Canon on Sun Sep 08, 2024 3:37 am

I'm going to find this really difficult to adhere to.

It's time for me to just read and pause posting until there are 3 votes on a player (excluding mine)

So I'll self exclude mine.

unvote sonic
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Sep 08, 2024 5:00 am

I have been shocked... about LC being Mason

First I think saying it is a good move because I was almost sure to vote LC.

So now I have to choose 2 scums between 4 and I have no idea because my guess in this game have being wrong but I share my ideas:

DDS - I was wrong the D1 thinking that he and Strike as scum pair ... so if I am not wrong DDS has to be town
Sony - is one of the 2 people who animate the game... I think if that if he were scum he would write less.
PMC - I was voting Kong and I decided to give him a chance when Charle decided to replace him...
When this happened I was thinking this means he is Mason or scum.
Max - He write very little, I have nothing for or against him... if you don't write you are not wrong

Tha's my point of view... sorry I can't help too much.
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby Charle on Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:20 am

Vote Count:

Sonic (1) - DDS
pmc (1) - Sonic

No Vote (4) - Pepe, LC, pmc, Max

6 Alive - 4 needed for a lynch
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Sun Sep 08, 2024 6:35 am

PepeAtila wrote:I have been shocked... about LC being Mason

First I think saying it is a good move because I was almost sure to vote LC.

So now I have to choose 2 scums between 4 and I have no idea because my guess in this game have being wrong but I share my ideas:

DDS - I was wrong the D1 thinking that he and Strike as scum pair ... so if I am not wrong DDS has to be town
Sony - is one of the 2 people who animate the game... I think if that if he were scum he would write less.
PMC - I was voting Kong and I decided to give him a chance when Charle decided to replace him...
When this happened I was thinking this means he is Mason or scum.
Max - He write very little, I have nothing for or against him... if you don't write you are not wrong

Tha's my point of view... sorry I can't help too much.

What about sonic lying about seeing strike online? He literally lied, because strike has his online status hidden. Why would a townie lie?

I don't have much else to say other than vote sonic
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby SoN!c on Sun Sep 08, 2024 8:11 am

Thank god we have Kong to read your role PMC. You f*ck town seven times over and still get away with it.

I said 3 hinted mason D1: Kong, EW and Loose. And said at least one is lying. And that is were we will find scum.

I got 2 right sofar.. very sure it will go 3 out of 3 and your no mason..

Also Kong got subbed too fast. He was not more quiet then Traf or EW. So if he would be town that sub would have taken longer. Pepe has the seem feel i had back then: Kong is an important role like mason or scum but sure no ordinary vanilla townie.
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Sun Sep 08, 2024 8:37 am

SoN!c wrote:Thank god we have Kong to read your role PMC. You f*ck town seven times over and still get away with it.

I said 3 hinted mason D1: Kong, EW and Loose. And said at least one is lying. And that is were we will find scum.

I got 2 right sofar.. very sure it will go 3 out of 3 and your no mason..

Also Kong got subbed too fast. He was not more quiet then Traf or EW. So if he would be town that sub would have taken longer. Pepe has the seem feel i had back then: Kong is an important role like mason or scum but sure no ordinary vanilla townie.

Trabslation: Sonic is mad I subbed in and am making a case against him.

He doesn't have anything against me so is talking about kong and trying to rely on his past predictions being correct. Well yesterday I said EW and traf were both scum but not aligned and then I went after rag, so we can all be right and wrong, how about you actually articulate something, give an actual reason why you think anything other than it serves your interest?

Why haven't you answered my question, who could be paired with EW?
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby SoN!c on Sun Sep 08, 2024 9:08 am

pmchugh wrote:
Why haven't you answered my question, who could be paired with EW?

You. Pepe feels the same im feeling. Very strong town read on Pepe. DdS and Loose are the Masons.. Everybody here said Max (or Pepe) with Traf...

Only one left. Sherlock Holmes answer on you old boy. And i was sure you were mason the entire time =D> =D>
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:28 pm

pmchugh wrote:
PepeAtila wrote:I have been shocked... about LC being Mason

First I think saying it is a good move because I was almost sure to vote LC.

So now I have to choose 2 scums between 4 and I have no idea because my guess in this game have being wrong but I share my ideas:

DDS - I was wrong the D1 thinking that he and Strike as scum pair ... so if I am not wrong DDS has to be town
Sony - is one of the 2 people who animate the game... I think if that if he were scum he would write less.
PMC - I was voting Kong and I decided to give him a chance when Charle decided to replace him...
When this happened I was thinking this means he is Mason or scum.
Max - He write very little, I have nothing for or against him... if you don't write you are not wrong

Tha's my point of view... sorry I can't help too much.

What about sonic lying about seeing strike online? He literally lied, because strike has his online status hidden. Why would a townie lie?

I don't have much else to say other than vote sonic

I did not realize about that. I should read again and try to find it... however it is for me difficult to get some details of so many posts.
I feel no sure, however if LC is sure that Max is not a scum I can vote, but I don't want to give Max the hammer about anyone else ...
mainly because I would feel very bad if he give to him a game where he is the person who participate the least.
So I will wait what LC decides... so I still don't know who to vote, but I want to point out about Max.
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby PepeAtila on Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:36 pm


"because I would feel very bad if we give to Max a game where he is the person who participate the least."
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby SoN!c on Sun Sep 08, 2024 12:59 pm

Pmc is pretty desperate when he has that as his "big case proof". Strike posted stuff so he must have been online..If i was scum i would not post so much when drunk. Got DDS mixed up with Strike probably. Too stupid to make anything out of this unless your rat cornered and you need anything to make your case. Like the 17 OMGUS posts i got back when i voted PMC. . If you have to post that much to make your point its pretty desperate.

Kong hinted he was Mason just like EW did. And why would you do that if your town? Exactly. You would not. End of story.

PMC is gonna flip scum. Taking bets here to spice it up. Im that sure.
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby SoN!c on Sun Sep 08, 2024 1:28 pm

Let me point it out:

I get lynched. Pmc and Max do lunch on the masons. Max going for DDS, pmc -expecting that- will go for loose.

Tomorrow pmc steers pepe on max. The End.
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Sun Sep 08, 2024 2:47 pm

SoN!c wrote:Pmc is pretty desperate when he has that as his "big case proof". Strike posted stuff so he must have been online..If i was scum i would not post so much when drunk. Got DDS mixed up with Strike probably. Too stupid to make anything out of this unless your rat cornered and you need anything to make your case. Like the 17 OMGUS posts i got back when i voted PMC. . If you have to post that much to make your point its pretty desperate.

Kong hinted he was Mason just like EW did. And why would you do that if your town? Exactly. You would not. End of story.

PMC is gonna flip scum. Taking bets here to spice it up. Im that sure.

Omgus? Desperation? Lol, I was clearly casing you well before you voted me. The only reason you are going for me is because you have no one else left at this point. Bro is arguing I came in as EWs partner and encouraged the other scum team to kill him???

No way this is genuine, sonic isn't that dumb.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby SoN!c on Mon Sep 09, 2024 1:27 am

pmchugh wrote:
SoN!c wrote:Unvote

Circling back to when LC and DDS were the masons lmao. Boy those 2 cards shuffled insanely. What a game. But back then i had Kong as scum.

So vote PMc, the one i was sure on being town. Who writes this stuff?

Why me and not Pepe + Max? Who in this world is EWs partner? Me? I just subbed in, begged the other mafia to kill my partner and hoped to ride the wave of that to victory?

Go back to this post and notice. "Why me and not Pepe + Max?" Also notice the 17 OMGUS string posts you made right after. You felt exposed and that is why you needed to post such a large string.

"Sonic is lock town" was brilliant move to avoid me searching you. Now you say you rereaded and "sonic is lock scum" :lol:
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby PepeAtila on Mon Sep 09, 2024 2:53 am

Maxleod wrote:Loose claimed and there's no counter-claim. I changed my mind, maybe claiming was a good move.
I also think the other mason should claim as well.

Think about it Town; if two players claim mason, they can't be a scum pair because, well, there's no scum pair anymore. And if there's still no counterclaim, we can safely assume that Loose and whoever is the secon mason are indeed Town, and at least we'll know who NOT to lynch.

Very scum ... why do you need to know who is the other Mason?

vote Max
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Mon Sep 09, 2024 3:00 am

Pepe finally taking initiative!

Agreed though, the other mason has little reason to claim. That only paints a nice target on his back, and we also dont know if the back up is still in play. This is a horrible idea.
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby SoN!c on Mon Sep 09, 2024 3:35 am

Voting Max is a horrible scenario for PMC lol. I believe PMC thinks Max is the last other scum (next to him). Remember scum 1 needs scum 2 alive for the double night kills on the masons. If a scum dies today then tomorrow its 1 scum vs 3 town..

Im willing to switch to Max PMC, are you? Can't wait to hear the excuse already :D
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Re: Charle's Friends & Enemies & Enemies & That Other Guy

Postby pmchugh on Mon Sep 09, 2024 6:11 am

SoN!c wrote:
pmchugh wrote:
SoN!c wrote:Unvote

Circling back to when LC and DDS were the masons lmao. Boy those 2 cards shuffled insanely. What a game. But back then i had Kong as scum.

So vote PMc, the one i was sure on being town. Who writes this stuff?

Why me and not Pepe + Max? Who in this world is EWs partner? Me? I just subbed in, begged the other mafia to kill my partner and hoped to ride the wave of that to victory?

Go back to this post and notice. "Why me and not Pepe + Max?" Also notice the 17 OMGUS string posts you made right after. You felt exposed and that is why you needed to post such a large string.

"Sonic is lock town" was brilliant move to avoid me searching you. Now you say you rereaded and "sonic is lock scum" :lol:

The question was not a want, it was me testing you.

I made a case based on facts afterwards, it's hilarious you are complaining about the quantity of my posts when you made easily the most number of posts.

Also, it's just incredibly obvious I was sussing you first.

As for your latest post, you know fine well I think its Pepe+You as the most likely scenario, so no, I am not willing to change my vote to survive another day like a wolf would be.
2009-08-12 03:35:31 - Squirrels Hat: MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!
2009-08-12 03:44:25 - Mr. Squirrel: Do you think my hat will attack me?
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