Okie dokie all I have spent the time and have double checked all of the maps that have fully finished and fixed a number of mistakes that I have done in the scoring

I blame people having similar names

should all start with different letters of the alphabet/number!! hopefully there are no more but I will do a final double check at the end of the tournament

So some players have gained a couple of points some have lost a couple

I have also tracked all of the kills and will continue to do so I think this being a terminator tournament that they should play more of a roll than they have been. So going forward each game there is an extra point available 0.33 per kill and an extra 0.01 for all 3

if you win by objective or round limit or if someone is kicked for missing turns and you don't kill them or the map kills them no bonus for you :p
You can see how many kills each player has gotten and the points gained from those kills in the spreadsheet. Hopefully this all makes sense but shoot me any questions if you have any

Let me know what you guys think about this? A new batch of games will come at the weekend Hope you are all having fun