Kofola League 2021/2022 - Champion: Devante - 21W 9L - viewtopic.php?f=891&t=237003
Welcome everybody to the second version of the Kofola League! It is not sponsored by the best drink ever (the Czech/Slovak version of CocaCola) but I sure would like it to be!

Again, this tournament will feature 16 players who will play among themselves twice (home and away).
When signing up, please state your home map and your home rules!
Tournament rules
- Rules you cannot choose: 2 players; Standard; Initial Troops (automatic); Sequential; Round limit (20); Round lenght (24h).
- Rules you can choose: Spoils; Reinforcements; Special Gameplay.
Every round will consist of two games: one home, one away, therefore the results can only be 2-0, 1-1, or 0-2.
All rounds are randomly seeded with printyourbrackets.com.
This tournament is open to non-premium players, but I ask you to leave at least one slot open for the competition.
- If there are two players tied in 1st place at the end of 15 rounds, a 1v1 2-game final playoff will be played in their home maps and rules. If they are still tied after that, a last game will be played in a random map (rules: chained, escalating, no special gameplay). Winner of that game wins the competition;
- If there are more than two players tied in 1st place, there will be one game played in a random map with the rules chained, escalating, no special gameplay. Winner of that game wins the competition.
Good luck to everyone!
1. Ertai - Feudal War - No Spoils, Chained, Fog of War
2. josko.ri - Japan - Escalating, Adjacent, no Fog
3. 5986 - WWII Western Front - No spoils, Chained, no Fog
4. traffic133 - Jamaica - Flat Rate, Parachute, Fog of War
5. YouOnKazoo - California - Flat Rate, Parachute, no Fog
6. SuperSian - Eurasia Mini - Flat Rate, Chained, Fog of War
7. TheTrueNorth - Eastern Hemisphere - No Spoils, Chained, Fog of War
8. Devante - Kings Court 2 - No spoils, Chained, Fog of War, Trench
9. actorday - Woodboro - No spoils, Chained, Fog of War
10. paulycash - Baseball - No spoils, Unlimited, Fog of War
11. chidone - Castle Lands - No spoils, Chained, no Fog
12. 2007spaceodyssey - Poker - No spoils, Chained, Fog of War, Trench
13. aaronvollrath - Classic Cities: Sydney - Zombie, Parachute, Fog of War, Trench
14. loenatiek - Conquer 500 - Flat Rate, Adjacent, Fog of War
15. General Bax - Egypt-Nubia - Flat Rate, Unlimited, no Fog
16. SNARF17WD - All Your Base - Escalating, Parachute, Fog of War