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Postby Craig25 on Mon Aug 28, 2023 11:58 am

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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby Caymanmew on Mon Aug 28, 2023 8:54 pm

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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby anonymus on Wed Aug 30, 2023 12:23 am

Id say keep the same rules.. even with auto-snap.. one can get an unlucky streak on only 3 games so its good to get a 2nd chanse on 3 more later on..
getting or not getting the snap never was a huge advantage anyways compared to who goes 1st..
/ :?:
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby hjelp on Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:25 am

12h fog rule, thank you.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby Silvertop on Wed Aug 30, 2023 1:58 am

anonymus wrote:Id say keep the same rules.. even with auto-snap.. one can get an unlucky streak on only 3 games so its good to get a 2nd chanse on 3 more later on..
getting or not getting the snap never was a huge advantage anyways compared to who goes 1st..
/ :?:

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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby heatz on Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:37 am

anonymus wrote:Id say keep the same rules.. even with auto-snap.. one can get an unlucky streak on only 3 games so its good to get a 2nd chanse on 3 more later on..
getting or not getting the snap never was a huge advantage anyways compared to who goes 1st..
/ :?:

I totally agree with anonymus, personally as well I’d say the current setup is extremely enjoyable too
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby shoop76 on Wed Aug 30, 2023 2:48 am

heatz wrote:
anonymus wrote:Id say keep the same rules.. even with auto-snap.. one can get an unlucky streak on only 3 games so its good to get a 2nd chanse on 3 more later on..
getting or not getting the snap never was a huge advantage anyways compared to who goes 1st..
/ :?:

I totally agree with anonymus, personally as well I’d say the current setup is extremely enjoyable too

Not sure what the alternatives will be, and I am all for a larger Premier League, but the current set up is something I do like.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby Wile E Coyote on Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:35 am

Hi folks, i'm unsure as to the reasons for the change... there is something about playing someone twice that makes this work. Auto snap would be a nice addition though. The main issue is people going first get a better shot at winning, although not sure there is much that could be done about that!
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby RomLOL on Wed Aug 30, 2023 4:36 am

I think fewer but larger leagues would be good.

Currently, in a league of 10 we play 9 players in 4 games 2 times. 9 x 4 x 2 = 72

If had leagus of 24 players and played 1 home game, 1 away game and 1 random against 23 opponents only once then we would each play 69 [wahey!] games.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby guzmanuk on Wed Aug 30, 2023 5:47 am

I agree with anonimous comment. Let's keep the same rules - The snap does not change things much, the main difference is the advantage of playing your favourite map when playing "home".
If you want to speed up the tournament, I suggest to limit the number of rounds per game to 20 or 30, as well as allowing players to resign after 10 rounds.

Re: RISK Super League - Season 16
Postby anonymus on Wed Aug 30, 2023 5:23 am

Id say keep the same rules.. even with auto-snap.. one can get an unlucky streak on only 3 games so its good to get a 2nd chanse on 3 more later on..
getting or not getting the snap never was a huge advantage anyways compared to who goes 1st..
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby Avi8or on Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:16 am

anonymus wrote:Id say keep the same rules.. even with auto-snap.. one can get an unlucky streak on only 3 games so its good to get a 2nd chanse on 3 more later on..
getting or not getting the snap never was a huge advantage anyways compared to who goes 1st..
/ :?:

Completely agree with keeping the games as is and PL table relatively the same 10-12.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby Clanlord Carl on Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:25 am

Having an autosnap doesnt change much as it is all about the home maps. Just means you could release to both players at the same time.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby Tviorr on Wed Aug 30, 2023 7:44 am

Dang. Would really prefer that it stayed the way it was. - Its a bit wonky, but I like it. - Auto snap is generally a good thing,

but is it completely impossible that it could be disabled for a tourney by the tourney organizer, or even just for the Super League and Cup??

Other than that, I also like the current format even if we cant have the auto snap disabled for the Super League/cup. 2 home games and 2 random games make for a home game feeling that would be lost, if it was all comprimated into some sort of single face off containing both home and away maps - whatever the exact setup might end up on. - I think that enough home game advantage remains to justify keeping it home and away.

On a slightly different note, if CC could put in a feature for tourneys where first and second turns could be decided in the tourney settings then it would be interesting to remove the luck factor here. - Interesting possibilities would open. - The most obvious would be to do 1 home and 1 random with first turn and 1 home and 1 random with second turn, but with the current set up of home and away matches, the home advantage could be driven home by doing a 3-1 first turn advantage (preferably 2 first turns on the randoms then, or even 4-0 first turn advantage for the home games. - I would think 4-0 (or rather 2 first turns on home maps) would have unintende consequenses as maps can be chosen where first turn is an almost overwhelming advantage (Mogul is certainly one such), so doing 2 set first turns on both home maps would lead to competitive players choosing the same 5-10 home maps. - I digress though. This isnt possible presently and I havent heard any cc plans to explore this. Just for future reference, though, Im thinking a 3-1 first turn home game advantage with 1 first turn on the home map and 2 first turns on random maps would be very interesting. - It could also be possible to do 5 games in a match and have 3 random games with 2-1 first turn advantage.

Again most of it not relevant, but I happen to live in a dimension slightly different to the normal one, so :P
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby fishbonex on Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:23 am

anonymus wrote:Id say keep the same rules.. even with auto-snap.. one can get an unlucky streak on only 3 games so its good to get a 2nd chanse on 3 more later on..
getting or not getting the snap never was a huge advantage anyways compared to who goes 1st..
/ :?:

I agree, I think the rules are good as is and the whole auto-snap issue is overrated.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby fishbonex on Wed Aug 30, 2023 8:26 am

guzmanuk wrote:If you want to speed up the tournament, I suggest to limit the number of rounds per game to 20 or 30, as well as allowing players to resign after 10 rounds.

This is a great idea, some of the games can run insanely long.
Oh Frylock... The Highlander was a documentary, and it was filmed in real time...
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby denominator on Wed Aug 30, 2023 11:04 am

I agree with most of the above comments, leave it as is even with the auto-snap. The format works well and the only change will be expediting the invite system, but having two matches against each player in the group is appreciated.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby SuperSian on Wed Aug 30, 2023 3:47 pm

Agree a 20/30 round max with option to resign after set amount

fishbonex wrote:
guzmanuk wrote:If you want to speed up the tournament, I suggest to limit the number of rounds per game to 20 or 30, as well as allowing players to resign after 10 rounds.

This is a great idea, some of the games can run insanely long.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby rousseau72 on Thu Aug 31, 2023 11:57 am

sounds like a great idea - sign me up - at the bottom though!
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby SoN!c on Thu Aug 31, 2023 12:59 pm

SuperSian wrote:Agree a 20/30 round max with option to resign after set amount

fishbonex wrote:
guzmanuk wrote:If you want to speed up the tournament, I suggest to limit the number of rounds per game to 20 or 30, as well as allowing players to resign after 10 rounds.

This is a great idea, some of the games can run insanely long.

If we go to a limit of the number of rounds per game to 20 or 30 then we could include all maps if we make it 20.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby SoN!c on Thu Aug 31, 2023 1:01 pm

Clanlord Carl wrote:Having an autosnap doesnt change much as it is all about the home maps. Just means you could release to both players at the same time.

What the man says. Doesn't have to change a thing unless you want it to change a thing.

"Just means you could release to both players at the same time." = that's all it means really
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby Devante on Thu Aug 31, 2023 3:07 pm

Based on what I've read so far, I think keep it the same number of players in each league and agree auto snap doesn't really impact things as much. I also like the idea of bringing in 20 round limits with a resign option and in turn opening up all maps.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby Bad-Ape on Fri Sep 01, 2023 7:34 am

I would agree with others - why not just keep it as it is? I find the BoBSL thoroughly enjoyable and I don't think the auto snap stuff will make that much of a difference
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby serram on Fri Sep 01, 2023 3:03 pm

I am with most that have written here: keep it as it is, since the autosnap doesn´t really change much. But I think that the question of who has the first turn need to be addressed, maybe by CC as a whole, because in many maps the outcome is really decided in the first turn!
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby Kaiser_Tottenham on Wed Sep 06, 2023 12:54 am


Since there are maps which are excluded (for lengthy reasons) , i think Random maps/games should be excluded for the same reasons.. because these excluded maps still can appear in random..

A home game should be (4 home maps)

Or either make most maps available with round limit.
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Re: RISK Super League - Season 16

Postby BobbyLama on Tue Sep 12, 2023 9:17 am

I would like to join the league. I'd like British Islands has my home map. Thank you
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