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Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

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Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby Ltrain on Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:26 pm

Thinking of a way to make conqueror more competitive. And I will never be in that competition but just giving suggestions. I think whatever is easiest to implement with code and without someone having to monitor it is the way to go. I have a very limited understanding of coding so these are my suggestions.
1. Make everyone over X (3500?) not be allowed to foe others above X OR….
2. Make everyone in top X (30?) not be allowed to foe others in that group
3. If the coding above would be a nightmare, you could just have conqueror not be allowed to foe anyone and do the below
4. Limit joining conqueror games to 1 or 3 or whatever per month. Since this already is happening with battle royale seems like an easy thing to implement here coding wise?
5. Surely someone else has better ideas :)

I read that whole other conqueror thread while bored at work and I will throw a little shade. I was 2-2 vs nuro in 1v1 and won a team game and they are all old games pre 2017. But in 2017 when he started his ascent I played him on das and I had the same experience everyone was complaining about. Dice complaining the whole time, he won, and he foed me probably because I played ok. I have been foed since then for the last 5 years.

Our entire chat was:
nuro: dice complain dice complain
Ltrain: I really don't need a recap of the game I am playing from you. Were it the other way, you would not be hearing the same from me.
2017-08-13 20:44:37 - Ltrain: I think "damn dice" would suffice
nuro: dice complain dice complain
2017-08-17 10:36:40 - Ltrain: You are an idiot
nuro: dice complain
Me: no response.

That was it. I was foed after that game, which he won, making us an even 3-3
So I guess if he says he only foes unpleasant people, I did say one unpleasant thing, but all of his chat was unpleasant so...

And how come our Conqueror cannot beat Halibot? Look it up, Halibot on a 11 game 1v1 win streak vs our "best player"
Last edited by Ltrain on Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:49 pm

I think you're coming from a good place to try to make the rankings scene more competitive. The issue I see is that there needs to a sense of realism here. The gap between 1 and 25 is 2300 score. The gap between 25 and 50 is 300 score. The gap between 50 and 100 is 300 score. The distribution of active scores follows an exponential curve. I would contend that you may have a valid criticism of the current conqueror having a poor attitude but you can't take away that he wins on the maps he plays a lot. He's made an art of winning with certain settings.

For those who don't care as much about score, there could be a scenario where someone hovers around 3499 with your proposed plan, and is just as good as other players but then has the option to foe whoever he wants. It's allowing others to not have a privilege because they are better than others and have a higher score. It wouldn't be conducive to a competitive environment. A competitive environment thrives on every player having the same and equal footing to get to the same place. It's the same thought with limiting games.

Instead of pointing the conversation at the conqueror and asking how we can bring him down to everyone else's level, maybe we should flip the question around and ask how can we create an environment that empowers players to reach the top in an equal stance? Real competitors sometimes hate when an advantage is given to them. They want to know that their hard work gets them to where they are was not gifted to them.
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby Ltrain on Thu Oct 20, 2022 10:08 pm

Agreed with all that JD. Too tired to respond in depth but I like the question you asked at the end
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby Caymanmew on Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:46 am

Score reset Naruto, problem solved. Yes, he will be pissed, but it would solve the problem as he is unlikely to be willing to play the number of games needed to get back to his current score, especially as he would need to avoid the higher-ranked players as they can all beat him fairly consistently in 1v1 das.
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby Evil Semp on Sat Oct 22, 2022 10:53 am

Caymanmew wrote:Score reset Naruto, problem solved. Yes, he will be pissed, but it would solve the problem as he is unlikely to be willing to play the number of games needed to get back to his current score, especially as he would need to avoid the higher-ranked players as they can all beat him fairly consistently in 1v1 das.

Point reset for anyone who makes it to Conqueror? It wouldn't be right to make that a Naruto rule.
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby Ltrain on Mon Oct 24, 2022 12:22 pm

Evil Semp wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:Score reset Naruto, problem solved. Yes, he will be pissed, but it would solve the problem as he is unlikely to be willing to play the number of games needed to get back to his current score, especially as he would need to avoid the higher-ranked players as they can all beat him fairly consistently in 1v1 das.

Point reset for anyone who makes it to Conqueror? It wouldn't be right to make that a Naruto rule.

Like reset to 3,000 or 3,500? You'd have to say point reset after someone holds conquer for a year or something cause otherwise everyone's points would reset and everyone over the reset value would end up conqueror
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Oct 24, 2022 6:19 pm

Ltrain wrote:
Evil Semp wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:Score reset Naruto, problem solved. Yes, he will be pissed, but it would solve the problem as he is unlikely to be willing to play the number of games needed to get back to his current score, especially as he would need to avoid the higher-ranked players as they can all beat him fairly consistently in 1v1 das.

Point reset for anyone who makes it to Conqueror? It wouldn't be right to make that a Naruto rule.

Like reset to 3,000 or 3,500? You'd have to say point reset after someone holds conquer for a year or something cause otherwise everyone's points would reset and everyone over the reset value would end up conqueror

I thought it was a stupid idea when I first saw it, but after a couple days reflection I'm starting to think it's not such a bad idea after all.

Before Conquer Club, I played a game called War of Conquest (it's been dead for more than 10 years so I'm not breaking the anti-ad rule here.) It had a concept called rebirth, where once you passed a certain level, a countdown would start towards rebirth, at which point you would lose everything and be reborn with 1 point. The higher you went the faster the clock would go, so a nation in the top 10 or so wouldn't last more than 2 weeks. It had some major flaws, but it was one workable way to churn the pot on a regular basis.
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby iAmCaffeine on Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:31 pm

yes everyone in the top 50 can all be conqueror woohoo
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby Ark_Angel_NZ on Mon Oct 24, 2022 10:11 pm

The current conqueror has shown a decent amount of skill and dedication to perfect his game play on a couple of settings, which has given him an unassailable lead in the scoreboard.

Manipulating his, or anyone's score, reduces the integrity of the scoreboard which many people on the site like to challenge themselves towards.

In my opinion, the current conqueror uses the 'foe' feature to exclude players who can reasonably challenge him, which only leaves inexperienced players to join his games.
Limit the number of players that anybody can have on their foe list, so players cannot use it as a tool to selectively remove competitive opponents.

Then if he can continue to master his selected settings and retain his high score, against all reasonable opponents, I don't have a problem with him being on top of the pile - as it would be in a fair manner.
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby DoomYoshi on Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:39 pm

9 out of 10 bots agree.
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby 2dimes on Thu Nov 03, 2022 10:44 pm

Drift boss. Subtile.
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Re: Solution to Conqueror problem suggestions

Postby Ltrain on Mon Nov 07, 2022 1:21 pm

Looks like narutoserigala emptied his foe list. Problem solved, in my opinion.
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