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Attack vs Bombard

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Attack vs Bombard

Postby longboreder on Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:36 am

As an attacker on a map where my options are to attack and bombard it would be helpful to know if I'm actually attacking or bombarding before the attack, as both use the "Attack" banner. For example, in Stalingrad I "attacked" the hospital from VVS3 thinking I could move in and get the bonus, but all I did was bombard it. So it's kind of hard to know if I'm attacking or bombarding until after the fact, which makes it really hard to plan strategy when you're surprised every turn attacking places you can't move in to.
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Re: Attack vs Bombard

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:14 am

The map does tell you what bombards where. So you could just read the map. Or turn on your map inspect when you play that turn and that will also tell you what bombards where.
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Re: Attack vs Bombard

Postby longboreder on Fri Sep 30, 2022 6:44 pm

The map is not very clear like you have borders that can't attack each other, but enabling Panel Interface and Map Inspect is the way to figure out the attack vs bombard dilemma on any map. Appreciate you pointing that out.
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