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Postby Ark_Angel_NZ on Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:05 pm

My two cents on the dice we have on Conquer Club...

It's impossible for a computer to simulate truly random dice, the best we have is what we have got at the moment.
I would recommend a minute snippet at 3:45 of this video to explain why

What is true, is that every player on this website is working with the same dice. So all games are technically fair and everybody is on the same playing field.

I would encourage everybody who feels as though the dice are working against them to focus on the moves that they perform and isolate their performance from the random dice.
If you play a good game, make no mistakes, have a good strategy and lose because the dice didn't work for you in that game. Be happy that you played the perfect game, with what you were given. Playing a perfect game is really hard to do, so pat yourself on the back for your performance and know that results will come eventually.

A few tips that I would give to beginners to make sure they maximize the probabilities of the dice:
- Always try to attack with 4 armies (3 dice) or more, attacking with 2 or 1 dice usually ends up in failure or isn't worth the extra risk.
- Defend territories with 2 armies if possible, not just 1. Allowing your opposition to take a territory occupied by a single army is almost a free territory as battling a single army is way easier than two.
- If you need to take two territories, that are X,1 (where X is larger than 1) Always try take the larger number first and the smaller number last.
- Deploying individual armies on two territories at the start of the game (turning two 3 territories into two 4 territories) is a much more effective strategy than putting 2 armies on the same territory (turning one 3 territory into one 5 and one 3)
- Use the built in dice calculator to work out where to best put your deploys, sometimes you can find small marginal gains in single digit percentages that won't work every time but might swing a game or two in your favor.

Have a good day all, enjoy the game!
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Postby jusplay4fun on Sun Jun 12, 2022 8:17 pm

Good Advice and ideas, Ark_Angel

and murphalot, how do you propose this? You can make such a demand and everyone JUMPS to fulfill your wish/suggestion/demand?

by Murphalot on Sat Mar 05, 2022 6:16 am

This mess changes now.
I added BOLD and Color for emphasis, btw.

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Shitty Dice

Postby Murphalot on Wed Jul 20, 2022 9:30 pm


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Re: Shitty Dice

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Wed Jul 20, 2022 9:48 pm

People who think they're smart are the best.
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Re: Shitty Dice

Postby MTIceman41 on Wed Jul 20, 2022 10:26 pm

Just make it a drinking game…every 0-2 shot lol…you will forget about the bad dice in the morning :lol:
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Postby TeeGee on Thu Jul 21, 2022 12:14 am

Merged all Murphs dice threads
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Postby jusplay4fun on Thu Jul 21, 2022 3:00 am

Thanks, TeeGee. I assume there were at least 3 such threads, before you merged.

Murphalot is a good player who has a limited view of how Dice and Luck negatively impacts his games. He fails to accept the random nature of Dice (and Luck) and how that randomness impacts his losses. He will never be satisfied with any Dice, any algorithm, or any explanation. He has a closed and very narrow mind on this subject. He will blame Dice for losses, but never acknowledge the Good Luck when he wins and defies THOSE Odds. He only wins because he is so brilliant.

His Dice complaints are essentially those I have read by other such narrow minded players.

I will repeat my advice here:

1) If you do not like the role (and rolls) of Dice and Luck in this game, play chess.

2) Luck runs good and bad. Murphalot should come back here and complain when good Dice for Murph allows him a win that should not have happened. Complain how his GOOD Dice led to a bad loss for his opponent.

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Re: Shitty Dice

Postby Dukasaur on Fri Jul 22, 2022 7:49 am

MTIceman41 wrote:Just make it a drinking game…every 0-2 shot lol…you will forget about the bad dice in the morning :lol:

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Postby homer_jay on Thu Jul 28, 2022 12:06 am

The attacks in this game as a zero sum situation. Every time you have a bad roll, it means your opponent had a good one. To say that the dice are bad is impossible. The dice create a winner and a loser. And that's it.
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Postby jusplay4fun on Tue Sep 20, 2022 8:44 pm

jusplay4fun wrote:Thanks, TeeGee. I assume there were at least 3 such threads, before you merged.

Murphalot is a good player who has a limited view of how Dice and Luck negatively impacts his games. He fails to accept the random nature of Dice (and Luck) and how that randomness impacts his losses. He will never be satisfied with any Dice, any algorithm, or any explanation. He has a closed and very narrow mind on this subject. He will blame Dice for losses, but never acknowledge the Good Luck when he wins and defies THOSE Odds. He only wins because he is so brilliant.

His Dice complaints are essentially those I have read by other such narrow minded players.

I will repeat my advice here:

1) If you do not like the role (and rolls) of Dice and Luck in this game, play chess.

2) Luck runs good and bad. Murphalot should come back here and complain when good Dice for Murph allows him a win that should not have happened. Complain how his GOOD Dice led to a bad loss for his opponent.

I want to complain about my dice: I am UP +29% for my Last 5 battles, 3v2. This gave ME a HUGE advantage in my game against my opponent. WOE..! The Dice are SO UNFAIR to my opponent..!!!

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Postby Dukasaur on Wed Sep 21, 2022 6:00 am

Cool. Refreshing to see someone notice when they are having good luck, not just bad.
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Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Sep 21, 2022 7:18 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Cool. Refreshing to see someone notice when they are having good luck, not just bad.

I try to remember that when Lady Luck shines down on me that it is NOT all ME, that Luck is a huge part of this game. :D

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Postby hlbart on Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:40 pm

I'm disappointed. No one replied when I posted my numbers from the dice stat sheet showing over 1,000,000 rolls and was down 4% from the statistical average for 3 vs 2 rolls. Then, this complaint comes in and everyone replies.

Those with over 1,000,000 rolls, I'd love to know what your 3 vs. 2 attack stats are.
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Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:47 am

hlbart wrote:I'm disappointed. No one replied when I posted my numbers from the dice stat sheet showing over 1,000,000 rolls and was down 4% from the statistical average for 3 vs 2 rolls. Then, this complaint comes in and everyone replies.

Those with over 1,000,000 rolls, I'd love to know what your 3 vs. 2 attack stats are.

That comment may have been lost or buried during the merger, hlbart. Sometimes, too, TIMING is the key to getting response(s).

For me, complaints about dice are NORMAL. but for over 1,000,000 rolls that is statistically significant.

NOTE that there are TWO Dice Tabs

For my Dice stats, under the DICE tab, I see zero for all 3 categories for Overall dice rolls

For my Dice Battles tab: Overall battle outcomes

I see I am -2% for 3v2 and -4% on 3v1 for overall stats, with total # of rolls, BELOW:

Assault -2% 752556 705954 -4% 293696 183429

So, for me, over 1,500,000 rolls in 3v2 and being -2%, though not as bad as your -4%, is still very bad and significant for me.

Although this information (on dice stats) confirms my view when I get BAD dice, I am not sure I know all the nuances of what all the stats mean. I have been confused when I compare some stats at the same time; I cannot always make sense of all the values.

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Postby Dukasaur on Mon Sep 26, 2022 7:41 pm

hlbart wrote:I'm disappointed. No one replied when I posted my numbers from the dice stat sheet showing over 1,000,000 rolls and was down 4% from the statistical average for 3 vs 2 rolls. Then, this complaint comes in and everyone replies.

Those with over 1,000,000 rolls, I'd love to know what your 3 vs. 2 attack stats are.

Assault -1% 1853575 1673729
Defend +2% 1597538 1761468
Total 0% 3451113 3435197
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Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:26 pm

hlbart wrote:I'm disappointed. No one replied when I posted my numbers from the dice stat sheet showing over 1,000,000 rolls and was down 4% from the statistical average for 3 vs 2 rolls. Then, this complaint comes in and everyone replies.

Those with over 1,000,000 rolls, I'd love to know what your 3 vs. 2 attack stats are.

I do not even SEE this earlier comment/post that you made, at least NOT in THIS thread.

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Postby jusplay4fun on Mon Sep 26, 2022 11:59 pm

Dukasaur wrote:Cool. Refreshing to see someone notice when they are having good luck, not just bad.

More complaints: I am +24% on attack on my last 5 Dice Battles. And I am about to win a game because my opponent had such crappy dice. Sad for HIM.

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Postby Razorvich on Wed Sep 28, 2022 3:52 am

I am actually wondering why people like josko for example never complain about the dice...

I have seen his score as low as anyone but can climb the ladder without bitching about being screwed by bad dice

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Postby 2dimes on Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:10 am

Too busy farming.
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Postby Shannon Apple on Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:12 am

Razorvich wrote:I am actually wondering why people like josko for example never complain about the dice...

I have seen his score as low as anyone but can climb the ladder without bitching about being screwed by bad dice


If you ask him about dice streaks, he'll say we imagine it. :lol: Actually, he has said that. HAHA!

At the end of the day, someone has to win. If you have two players who are of equal skill playing a map and settings that they are both comfortable with, that game is probably going to get decided by dice. Just the way the cookie crumbles.

I'm actually more annoyed when I get a spectacularly bad drop than bad dice. Like for example, the other team starts off with a bonus, goes first, and there's absolutely nothing you can do to even it up. BUT that has gone both ways where I'm apologising to an opponent for the drop I got. :lol:

2dimes wrote:Too busy farming.

There's one thing I'll say for Josko, he does not need to farm. He's really tough competition.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
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Re: Shitty Dice

Postby owenshooter on Wed Sep 28, 2022 11:10 am

Murphalot wrote:Admin,


Buy. The. Dice. Fix. It is what the rest of us do. The black jesus has spoken...-Jesus noir
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Re: Shitty Dice

Postby jusplay4fun on Wed Sep 28, 2022 10:42 pm

owenshooter wrote:
Murphalot wrote:Admin,


Buy. The. Dice. Fix. It is what the rest of us do. The black jesus has spoken...-Jesus noir

a good one, Owen-S

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