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Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby MTIceman41 on Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:22 pm

rockfist wrote:What sample size are you using?

If you use our latest war - yup its below 50% and yup I'm not happy with it. If you use all the CC wars I've played in I'm ok with my record. If you use all the CL's I've been in I'm ok with that too.

But pick a small sample and pick it apart. ;)

Totally joking here…you are an amazing talent…little sneaky with pms but the past is the past…

Josko mentioned any clan leader winning under 50% is unacceptable :lol:
So just having some fun
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby MTIceman41 on Mon Aug 22, 2022 5:24 pm

IcePack wrote:
MTIceman41 wrote:
rockfist wrote:Its a well known fact that when we lose its my fault. When we win its luck.

Under 50% unacceptable as a clan leader

Man, I better write an extended apology to FALL for all the years of misery they suffered

Nope you were a good leader and encouraged your clan while doing the dirty work so to speak…you guys almost had 1 more cup title…Gallipoli :shock:
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby Swimmerdude99 on Mon Aug 22, 2022 9:08 pm

MTIceman41 wrote:
IcePack wrote:
MTIceman41 wrote:
rockfist wrote:Its a well known fact that when we lose its my fault. When we win its luck.

Under 50% unacceptable as a clan leader

Man, I better write an extended apology to FALL for all the years of misery they suffered

Nope you were a good leader and encouraged your clan while doing the dirty work so to speak…you guys almost had 1 more cup title…Gallipoli :shock:

Please don't remind him and send him back into the depths of depression :lol:
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby rockfist on Tue Aug 23, 2022 3:31 pm

MTIceman41 wrote:
rockfist wrote:What sample size are you using?

If you use our latest war - yup its below 50% and yup I'm not happy with it. If you use all the CC wars I've played in I'm ok with my record. If you use all the CL's I've been in I'm ok with that too.

But pick a small sample and pick it apart. ;)

Totally joking here…you are an amazing talent…little sneaky with pms but the past is the past…

Josko mentioned any clan leader winning under 50% is unacceptable :lol:
So just having some fun


I would find it unacceptable for me to be under 50% overall (but that would take a lot of misery to get there) and I'm not happy being under 50% for a war, but excepting one war I think Josko is the only clan leader in all of CC that has not been under 50% for wars. Its happened to some people that I consider some of the very best players on the game - no reason to think that I should be immune to it, but I shall work hard to make sure it happens very rarely.

Clan leaders can contribute in many ways - recruitment, game selection, team selection, morale boosting, teaching players, leading games, or taking games that most others don't want are some that come to mind.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Tue Aug 23, 2022 4:20 pm

rockfist wrote:
MTIceman41 wrote:
rockfist wrote:What sample size are you using?

If you use our latest war - yup its below 50% and yup I'm not happy with it. If you use all the CC wars I've played in I'm ok with my record. If you use all the CL's I've been in I'm ok with that too.

But pick a small sample and pick it apart. ;)

Totally joking here…you are an amazing talent…little sneaky with pms but the past is the past…

Josko mentioned any clan leader winning under 50% is unacceptable :lol:
So just having some fun


I would find it unacceptable for me to be under 50% overall (but that would take a lot of misery to get there) and I'm not happy being under 50% for a war, but excepting one war I think Josko is the only clan leader in all of CC that has not been under 50% for wars. Its happened to some people that I consider some of the very best players on the game - no reason to think that I should be immune to it, but I shall work hard to make sure it happens very rarely.

Clan leaders can contribute in many ways - recruitment, game selection, team selection, morale boosting, teaching players, leading games, or taking games that most others don't want are some that come to mind.

You know who josko is not over 50% against? Me. Bunch of bums. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby MTIceman41 on Tue Aug 23, 2022 6:54 pm

rockfist wrote:
MTIceman41 wrote:
rockfist wrote:What sample size are you using?

If you use our latest war - yup its below 50% and yup I'm not happy with it. If you use all the CC wars I've played in I'm ok with my record. If you use all the CL's I've been in I'm ok with that too.

But pick a small sample and pick it apart. ;)

Totally joking here…you are an amazing talent…little sneaky with pms but the past is the past…

Josko mentioned any clan leader winning under 50% is unacceptable :lol:
So just having some fun


I would find it unacceptable for me to be under 50% overall (but that would take a lot of misery to get there) and I'm not happy being under 50% for a war, but excepting one war I think Josko is the only clan leader in all of CC that has not been under 50% for wars. Its happened to some people that I consider some of the very best players on the game - no reason to think that I should be immune to it, but I shall work hard to make sure it happens very rarely.

Clan leaders can contribute in many ways - recruitment, game selection, team selection, morale boosting, teaching players, leading games, or taking games that most others don't want are some that come to mind.

Cc7 against fall he was under 50%
But his win% against you guys in the last war I don’t think that level will be ever reached again
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby rockfist on Wed Aug 24, 2022 10:52 am

If you think that is good check out FoxGlove in CC4 finals :shock:
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby IcePack on Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:02 am

rockfist wrote:If you think that is good check out FoxGlove in CC4 finals :shock:

This is what immediately came to my mind as well

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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby fishydance on Wed Aug 24, 2022 11:36 am

IcePack wrote:
rockfist wrote:If you think that is good check out FoxGlove in CC4 finals :shock:

This is what immediately came to my mind as well

That was epic!
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:18 am

I have played CCups since CCup1 and have never been eliminated before semifinals.
In such many clan wars, I have only twice scored lower than 50% wins, 5/13 vs FALL once (but S&M clan won that war) and 6/13 vs LHDD once.
However, I have played 1 more war vs LHDD and 2 more wars vs FALL, in which I overcame that negative score from one war,having in total positive head to head score vs both FALL and LHDD.
Also, I have positive score vs all current and inactive clans that we ever played in clan wars, with far the best score vs TOFU, where my lowest performance out of 6 wars played was 7/11 (64%).
From inactive clans, special mention is to THOTA TSM ACE AOC EMP G1 and OSA, versus each of them I have positive score. Even the one war vs THOTA that we ever played (my score 12/20) in the finals of CCup1 was their first ever defeat after 11 consecutive wins and having reputation of "unbeatable" clan at that time.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 14, 2022 12:25 am

MTIceman41, you may compare my statistics from previous post with this statistics...

Since you joined S&M, counting only 7 semifinals and finals of CCup, you scored only twice bigger winning ratio than 50%. I dont count quarterfinals or R16 because we were always high seeded at that time so we got easier opponents and have never lost at that stage.

Furthermore, in all 7 semifinals and finals of CCup since CC7, your cumulative score is lower than 50%. And here we are speaking of game sample of 70+ games, so it is not just a random chance to be above or below 50% score.

Definitely, as I said before, if I ever score lower than 50% in several consecutive wars, or 5 of 7 recent meaningful wars, I would definitely step down from clan leadership position as my performance obviously does not benefit the clan.

But maybe you will do better with LIONs, good luck ;)
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby Donelladan on Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:44 am

Congrats josko, you're the best player ever. I'm truly amazed at your skill level. No need to brag anymore, I think you've proven once and for all your superiority.

Definitely, as I said before, if I ever score lower than 50% in several consecutive wars, or 5 of 7 recent meaningful wars, I would definitely step down from clan leadership position as my performance obviously does not benefit the clan.

That is really not the point of a clan leader. Clan leader isn't supposed to be the best player in the clan, thus his win % in clan war is meaningless

What are the main responsibilities of a clan leader ?
1) Organizing clan war ( even though any player can do it, it's usually a clan leader).
2) Recruiting player ( as it's the only "power" clan leader have, add and remove player from the clan).

Those two tasks can be time consuming, and a good clan leader will spend lot of time in carefully selecting home map for a specific clan war, that's where a clan leader can make the difference.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby fishydance on Wed Sep 14, 2022 8:30 am

Donelladan wrote:Clan leader isn't supposed to be the best player in the clan, thus his win % in clan war is meaningless

What are the main responsibilities of a clan leader ?
1) Organizing clan war ( even though any player can do it, it's usually a clan leader).
2) Recruiting player ( as it's the only "power" clan leader have, add and remove player from the clan).

Those two tasks can be time consuming, and a good clan leader will spend lot of time in carefully selecting home map for a specific clan war, that's where a clan leader can make the difference.

I agree, the clan leader doesn't necessarily have to be the best player in the clan. In addition to organizing wars and recruiting new players, they should keep the clan active and engaged. That includes facilitating casual games so that clan members hone their skills and strengthen teams that play well together. They also keep players in touch on a personal level so they feel invested in the clan.

Ideally a clan will have a couple of leaders, each having different skills. One player may be an outstanding player, another may be a good recruiter, another may be a good team supporter and socializer. I've noted that is true of many of the long standing clans.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby josko.ri on Wed Sep 14, 2022 10:33 am

Donelladan wrote:Congrats josko, you're the best player ever. I'm truly amazed at your skill level. No need to brag anymore, I think you've proven once and for all your superiority.

Why dont you comment ironically like this when NSS brags that he has positive head to head score against me or when MTIceman41 brags about his head to head record vs rockfist? Do you have double standards on who has and who has no bragging rights?

I believe there is nobody except me on the site who has positive head-to-head record vs every clan that he ever faced in clan wars and in my case we speak about sample of 30+ clans. Then yes, this is definitely an achievement to brag about and maybe your ego is touched that you cannot claim the same or similar achievement for yourself?

As about being the respectable clan leader, some of us are playing and/or leading many games, some are recruiters, some are MoWs, some maintain good mood among clan members. However, MTIceman41 and me are both definitely in category of (playing and/or leading many games) which can be easily judged from the fact that we usually take the most games in clan wars among all clan members. Thus, our comparioson as clan leaders in terms of our record in this big share of games that we played in clan wars is a fair comparison. It would not be fair comparison with some clan leaders who play 4-5 games per clan war but do other clan leading tasks very actively, but comparison between players who both play 10+ games in almost every clan war is definitely fair in my opinion.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:25 am

actually agree with josko for once. iceman brought it up originally and josko answered him.

dondellion just jelly.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:35 am

josko.ri wrote:
Donelladan wrote:Congrats josko, you're the best player ever. I'm truly amazed at your skill level. No need to brag anymore, I think you've proven once and for all your superiority.

Why dont you comment ironically like this when NSS brags that he has positive head to head score against me or when MTIceman41 brags about his head to head record vs rockfist? Do you have double standards on who has and who has no bragging rights?

It's not my fault you can't beat me head to head... or is it?

But for real - I think because Don knows I'm being cheeky and you're being serious. I don't actually think I'm any good.

In all seriousness though. YES! GOSSIP! DISCUSSION! FIGHTS! This is what we're talking about. Let's get it on.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby i-andrei on Wed Sep 14, 2022 11:49 am

rock going Awol, just heard
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Sep 14, 2022 1:24 pm

i-andrei wrote:rock going Awol, just heard

is it still awol if he let us know?
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby rockfist on Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:08 pm

josko.ri wrote:I have played CCups since CCup1 and have never been eliminated before semifinals.
In such many clan wars, I have only twice scored lower than 50% wins, 5/13 vs FALL once (but S&M clan won that war) and 6/13 vs LHDD once.
However, I have played 1 more war vs LHDD and 2 more wars vs FALL, in which I overcame that negative score from one war,having in total positive head to head score vs both FALL and LHDD.
Also, I have positive score vs all current and inactive clans that we ever played in clan wars, with far the best score vs TOFU, where my lowest performance out of 6 wars played was 7/11 (64%).
From inactive clans, special mention is to THOTA TSM ACE AOC EMP G1 and OSA, versus each of them I have positive score. Even the one war vs THOTA that we ever played (my score 12/20) in the finals of CCup1 was their first ever defeat after 11 consecutive wins and having reputation of "unbeatable" clan at that time.

No one can match Josko's record in CCup. It would be folly to think otherwise.

But I would not be happy with 5/7 below 50%. Hell I'm not happy with my stats (because see above): I have four wars below 50%, Two against S&M (with three above 50%) and one each against Fallen and FOED, out of 22 total wars. Interestingly I have only a negative overall record against FOED (15-16). If you take my win percentage in the semi finals and finals its 59.8%, but it has been dropping...something I shall have to work on.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:29 pm

Extreme Ways wrote:
i-andrei wrote:rock going Awol, just heard

is it still awol if he let us know?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby i-andrei on Wed Sep 14, 2022 2:55 pm

No one can match Josko's record in CCup. It would be folly to think otherwise.

Well, NSS has a positive record against josko so there's that
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby MTIceman41 on Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:35 pm

I’m proud of my cup record honestly nothing to hide here.
LHDD, Fall, Tofu had years where they were beasts.
I always was willing to play maps not my favorite, with players with no chemistry or knew…games lost on missed turns or new players.
All I care was winning, what was best for the clan, and having fun it’s a game.
Not everyone can spend 20 hours on this site.
Own a gym, have a great wife and son and fur son.
Lions rock :D

19/32 2 cup wins Josko
15/30 2 cup wins MT

*liability of missing key wars, being a dick so cannot recruit talent, dude move on…I know “I’m a pretty boy I’m a stunner” (cafe ole kisses) but I’m in your head.
I gave everything to S&M and they know this, you begged me to come back so stop. You are an amazing strategist but as a leader nope…elevate, encourage, inspire =D>

5/5 Ret
7/8 pack
4/9 tofu
7/12 fall We win cup Josko 5/13
4/7 RA
5/8 pack
7/14 tofu josko*mia we lose tofu was dialed in….lots of talent
4/7 venom
5/11 osa
5/11 LHDD (josko 6/13) Don 12/19 …Don and company had talent
7/10 Ret
6/11 A^
8/13 LHDD
8/18 Tofu We win cup (Josko 14/19)
9/9 venom
9/11 osa
8/18 fall we lose; Josko 4/7 with sitters but *mia. Mc/goranz/fritz and company solid
Last edited by MTIceman41 on Wed Sep 14, 2022 7:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:40 pm

MTIceman41 wrote:I’m proud if my cup record honestly nothing to hide here.
LHDD, Fall, Tofu had years where they were beasts.
I always was willing to play maps not my favorite, with players with no chemistry or knew…games lost on missed turns or new players.
All I care was winning, what was best for the clan, and having fun it’s a game.
Not everyone can spend 20 hours on this site.
Own a gym, have a great wife and son and fur son.

Without wanting to participate in the dick measuring contest, the bolded text is huge. Rock too is an example of a player who will take whichever game and perform at the very least decent on it. He sets up other players to succeed because they can play their favourite maps, while not being a liability on any of the maps he fills in on. Rock may (I think) never have been an 'MVP' in terms of score, but he sure is a MVP in terms of teamwork and facilitating. One of my favourite clanmates for this reason.
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby MTIceman41 on Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:43 pm

Extreme Ways wrote:
MTIceman41 wrote:I’m proud if my cup record honestly nothing to hide here.
LHDD, Fall, Tofu had years where they were beasts.
I always was willing to play maps not my favorite, with players with no chemistry or knew…games lost on missed turns or new players.
All I care was winning, what was best for the clan, and having fun it’s a game.
Not everyone can spend 20 hours on this site.
Own a gym, have a great wife and son and fur son.

Without wanting to participate in the dick measuring contest, the bolded text is huge. Rock too is an example of a player who will take whichever game and perform at the very least decent on it. He sets up other players to succeed because they can play their favourite maps, while not being a liability on any of the maps he fills in on. Rock may (I think) never have been an 'MVP' in terms of score, but he sure is a MVP in terms of teamwork and facilitating. One of my favourite clanmates for this reason.

He and you for that matter was so dialed in btw…COF was a killer too.
Rock is amazing; I know…4/9 7/14 I’m taking against tofu when focused
We have had our differences EW but I would not look at how you performed against S&M this last war and say you are 1/9type of player…stats can be manipulated and sometimes back luck and busy life gets in the way…you have kicked my butt and I always respect your play
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Re: Clan World discussion/gossip - Transfermarket.CC

Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Sep 14, 2022 4:55 pm

MTIceman41 wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:
MTIceman41 wrote:I’m proud if my cup record honestly nothing to hide here.
LHDD, Fall, Tofu had years where they were beasts.
I always was willing to play maps not my favorite, with players with no chemistry or knew…games lost on missed turns or new players.
All I care was winning, what was best for the clan, and having fun it’s a game.
Not everyone can spend 20 hours on this site.
Own a gym, have a great wife and son and fur son.

Without wanting to participate in the dick measuring contest, the bolded text is huge. Rock too is an example of a player who will take whichever game and perform at the very least decent on it. He sets up other players to succeed because they can play their favourite maps, while not being a liability on any of the maps he fills in on. Rock may (I think) never have been an 'MVP' in terms of score, but he sure is a MVP in terms of teamwork and facilitating. One of my favourite clanmates for this reason.

He and you for that matter was so dialed in btw…COF was a killer too.
Rock is amazing; I know…4/9 7/14 I’m taking against tofu when focused
We have had our differences EW but I would not look at how you performed against S&M this last war and say you are 1/9type of player…stats can be manipulated and sometimes back luck and busy life gets in the way…you have kicked my butt and I always respect your play

Thank you. I agree, I'm not a 1/9 player but whenever it happens the best you can do it laugh at it and move on :lol: . I'll help defend our CL title, that's all I can do now.
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