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My view on ranching/farming accusation

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My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby josko.ri on Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:16 am

This is a spurious and vindictive report from xroads, and since the thread was locked and my actions were cleared, I am elaborating my side of the story here because xroads shamelessly tried to taint my name.
As for why I joined some games versus low rankers, it is simply because I am medal hunting for platinum doubles and triples medal and my check showed that I didnt yet have unique win vs these players.
If I can play versus only Majors and above, then doubles and triples platinum medal would be even theoretically impossible to achieve for me, because there are less than 1000 players on the site ranked Major or above and not all of them play doubles and triples games.

Below are some facts for my defense.

1. Almost all of these games I joined as team 2, therefore I play these low ranked players on THEIR chosen maps and settings. Ranching is usually related to play low ranked players on some very complicated maps where I know the strategy but they do not know the strategy at all. Furthermore, xroads included 11 games in the report while I played more than 200 games across last one month, which means that around 5% of them were versus low ranked players and that it is surely NOT a pattern in my games to jump on low ranked players.

2. At least 3 of 11 games mentioned in OP are versus opponents who also defeated me in other games, see for evidence:
Game 21905328 Here, funiboy and dogwillhunt defeated my team. In fact, from all 3 games vs them I lost 17 more points than I gained, so how is that ranching if I actually lose more points than gain from playing these low ranked players?
Game 21885987 Here, arcanearrow, adampatti18 and GeneralAtticus defeated my team, and in the rematch my team defeated them, which balances to 12 points more lost than gained versus them. Furthermore, first game vs them was lost so I was fully aware they have strategic capability to play well on the time when I joined second game vs them. Additionally, in Game 21885987 I joined with teammates who are very low ranked and one of them even deadbeated. How is it taking advantage of low rankers when I also join with them in my own team?
Game 21861609 Here, Natascha and mourlas defeated my team so they surely have strategical capabuility to play well enough to beat my team.

3. Game 21850302 This game is vs long-term experienced players on conquerclub 11Joan11 and ruleroftheworld1 even with clan experience (ruleroftheworld1 was part of TOP when TOP was number 1 ranked clan), who know how to play peloponesian war map very well, their record as a team on that map so far is incredibly good (9 wins and 5 losses). Therefore, by joining this game I risk losing a lot of point while gaining just a few versus players who very much know how to play this map properly and often play it as a team together.

4. Game 21905547 and Game 21903634, the same as point (3), bigstevie36 and timrs2001 often team up on classic map doubles with these settings and their record is quite good. In fact, timrs2001 played 2800 games total on conquerclub, of which 2300 were doubles game on Classic map teamed up with bigstevie36. Given that timrs2001 has rank of 1944 playing almost only these Classic doubles teamed with bigstevie36, it means they are not playing that map/settings so bad. Furthermore, the highest ever rank of timrs2001 is 1958 so he is right now in his highest rank ever, which means that just recently they achieved quite good results playing these Classic doubles and boosted his rank. By further checking I found that they were in 6-in-a-row winning series and that they won 14 of last 17 games on that map/settings just before I joined their game. Is winning 14 of 17 last games on these something something which should be considered as their inability to play well? On quite luck dependent settings such as Classic map with Flat Rate, I risk losing a lot of points while gaining just a few by joining these games versus players who know the strategy how to play that map and settings very well.

5. Game 21636027 It is hilarious and sad that xroads reported this game in terms of my ranching :lol: , when in fact I have three Cooks in my team, of which one deadbeated and the other two missed 8 turns combined. The other team has no Cooks and have a respectable conquerclub player Hooch as the leader, who plays this map with these settings very often and knows the strategy very well.

6. As about report that I invited low ranked players to team up with me, THIS IS A NOTORIUS LIE. In Game 21918548, I was the last person to join the game, my two teammates and all opponents were already there. Furthermore, Sticky_Hatchs is Major rank and this is my first game ever with him, so it is obvious that I dont solely target low ranked players as teammates. As about Game 21899102, The Big Potato and all opponents were already in the game before I joined and I only invited TeeGee to join as I also do in our other games. Possibly, some players in the above mentioned games were indeed invited to these games, but that invitation was not sent by me but probably by hopalong because these games were in Pantry, and hoplaong as the Pantry leader then intervene and starts inviting players so that games can be filled. I would also add here, joining in the same team with someone I dont know brings a huge risk that the player would be deadbeat or will not cooperate with strategy (such as in the ww2 europe game from point 5 on in the world 21 game from point 2, for instance), so joining with players who I do not know in the same team is not something which gives me strategical advantage in any way.

7. As about sitting for TeeGee, he had real life emergency that he got informed about 1-2 days in advance and this emergency caused him to be unable to login for one single day only. In this time period of 1-2 days since he got informed about real life emergency until my sitting for him, we did not join any new games. My sitting for TeeGee lasted for less than one day since my morning time until my going to bed time which is less than 24 hours, therefore this short period of sitting was surely not something planned out in advance to get any unfair strategic advantage.

Josko is intent on getting up to conqueror, but he is starting to cheat to do it.

He started joining doubles/triples games with very low ranked players or freemiums knowing they should be easy wins.

Game 21906375
Game 21905547
Game 21905328
Game 21905327
Game 21903756
Game 21902428
Game 21903634
Game 21850302
Game 21675632
Game 21636027

Notice that almost all the games are with Teegee, who conveniently has taken off his colors which allows Josko to log in and take his turns for him as well.

Now he has started teaming up with lower ranked players, and inviting other lower ranked players to join knowing it will be easy wins.

Game 21918548
Game 21899102

I asked one of his opponents if he joined on his own or was invited, this was his response.

"I was invited why? I'm pretty sure it was a mistake to join"

Josko is not playing these as team games, he is using other players as pawns as shown by messages on his teammates walls.

you are up to play turn decider in our team game ww2 western front. Please read my instructions carefully and follow them.

wrote you instructions in our team game ww2 western front, please read carefully before playing your turn and follow.

I wrote you strategy instructions in our team game ww2 western front, we target cyan. please read the instructions before playing your turn and follow them.

I wrote you instructions for your opening turn in our team game ww2 western front. Please read before playing yourturn and follow the instructions.

, me and TeeGee joined your team in World 21. Let me lead the strategy. I wrote you detailed instructions for your opening turn, please read the instructions before you play your turn and please follow them.

I wrote you detailed strategical instructions for your turn in our team game vancouver. please read them before playing your turn and please follow my suggestions.

I wrote you detailed strategy instructions in our team game ww2 iwo jima, please read my instructions before playing.

I wrote you strategic instructions in our team game mexico, please read them before playing and follow the instructions.

I wrote strategical notes for your turn in our team game ww2 europe. please read them before playing and follow them.

i left you detailed instructions for your turn ww2 europe please follow carefully

So yeah.

Technically, he may be following the rules, but it is definitely not in the best interest of the game and a classic example of gross abuse.i
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Ark_Angel_NZ on Sun Aug 28, 2022 6:46 am

Josko has joined 7 games against me in the last 3 weeks.

I love living on the farm, he feeds me fresh hay every day and the drinking water is always clean.

Hilarious jokes aside, he is joining competitive games at the same time as joining 'easier' ones.
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby josko.ri on Sun Aug 28, 2022 7:11 am

Ark_Angel_NZ wrote:Josko has joined 7 games against me in the last 3 weeks.

I love living on the farm, he feeds me fresh hay every day and the drinking water is always clean.

Hilarious jokes aside, he is joining competitive games at the same time as joining 'easier' ones.

Yeah, and you were a great opposition, we scored 4-4 playing every time on map and settings chosen by you.
But overall point loss from these games is on me due to having higher rank :twisted:
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:29 am

There should be a medal for reading posts by josko

Iā€™ll wait
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Aug 28, 2022 4:29 pm

Ark_Angel_NZ wrote:Josko has joined 7 games against me in the last 3 weeks.

I love living on the farm, he feeds me fresh hay every day and the drinking water is always clean.

Hilarious jokes aside, he is joining competitive games at the same time as joining 'easier' ones.

Can confirm, Josko joined 3 of my CR games. I think he would've joined another batch had I not requested to let a fresh batch go, as games against tougher opposition take more time for me and well, Josko is tough opposition.

He joined another one of mine a couple days ago, not sure if it was the only one waiting. Josko is a better player than I am, and better on the settings he joins than I am, but I dont feel like I'm being farmed at all (sample size too low to make an accurate statement, but so far we're 2-1 on these in his favour). I like the quality opposition.
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Aug 28, 2022 4:31 pm

PS having low-ranked yet reliable teammates has always been a cheesy way to legally climb the scoreboard. As long as you're able to communicate with them and either rely on their mid-turn decisionmaking or sit through the turn with them, you're really not playing with a player of their score as strength.
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Aug 28, 2022 4:51 pm

Xroads is just obsessed. Maybe it's time to get over the fact that his ego was bruised when playing in team games with Josko. He's still bearing a grudge several years later because Josko didn't always accept his opinion on turns in clan games. He pretty much said as much recently. Well duh, that happens when playing with someone better than you, they'll probably have a better plan. Josko's a better player than me. I've never felt insulted if he didn't agree. It's gotten really, REALLY old by now. Xroads left the clan FOUR years ago. Time to let it go ffs.

Maybe C&A should give him an infraction for making spurious reports. It's getting ridiculous. Imagine reporting someone for being too good at the game. :lol:
Last edited by Shannon Apple on Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
00:33:53 ā€¹riskllamaā€ŗ will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I doubt it
00:34:30 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:05 pm

has he actually made that many reports
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:12 pm

Come to think of it Caff, I don't think the last one I remember was started by xroads. I think it was a thread asking to ban josko's account from joining auto tournaments while he was absent. At least I think that's what the thread was started for. Xroads went to town on that thread and his posts were removed.

If one has such a personal problem with someone, they should just foe them. Then that's the end of it.
Last edited by Shannon Apple on Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
00:33:53 ā€¹riskllamaā€ŗ will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I doubt it
00:34:30 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:13 pm

Shannon Apple wrote:I think it was a thread asking to ban josko's account from joining auto tournaments while he was absent.

i think that was actually me, which was for josko's benefit and everyone else's

except the people getting free wins obviously
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:14 pm

Yeah, that was it then. I am vaguely remembering the thread, and vividly remember the posts within the thread. :lol:
00:33:53 ā€¹riskllamaā€ŗ will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I doubt it
00:34:30 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:16 pm

my memory is terrible i just remember making the thread

i still wonder why is josko's account always allowed to tank every time he temporarily leaves the site

instead of have a decent player cover his remaining games so that he can't tank to cook and become "most improved" for the 18th time
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Aug 28, 2022 5:50 pm

iAmCaffeine wrote:
Shannon Apple wrote:I think it was a thread asking to ban josko's account from joining auto tournaments while he was absent.

i think that was actually me, which was for josko's benefit and everyone else's

except the people getting free wins obviously

Agreed, but xroads... display of character was not very nice.
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Donelladan on Sun Aug 28, 2022 6:06 pm

Extreme Ways wrote:Agreed, but xroads... display of character was not very nice.

Why ? he thought he was cheating he accused him. The accusation he made didn't seem mean or personal to me. He stated facts and made a concluson.
I think josko care a lot more about winning than about ethics, it wasn't far fetched to think he'd do smthg shady.
I believe xroads was wrong in his conclusion but that's just one C&A mistake. Nothing else.

He's still bearing a grudge several years later because Josko didn't always accept his opinion on turns in clan games. He pretty much said as much recently. Well duh, that happens when playing with someone better than you, they'll probably have a better plan

There is no need to say that josko is a better player than xroads to say they had disagreement in game you know.
The way you word it make you looks a bit condescending.

I've had tons of disagreement in game chat, and sometimes I was right sometimes I was wrong, doesn't matter who is the better player. Imo what matter is that you discuss with your teammates until you find out what's the best move. I've never had any fight or hard feeling because of a disagreement in a game, and I've had very long discussions about a single move with players. Key is to respect your partners and express yourself nicely I think.
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby GaryDenton on Sun Aug 28, 2022 6:11 pm

I wondered about why he was often very low-ranked at times.
I think he had a strong defense here on farming.

i still wonder why is josko's account always allowed to tank every time he temporarily leaves the site

instead of have a decent player cover his remaining games so that he can't tank to cook and become "most improved" for the 18th time
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Extreme Ways on Sun Aug 28, 2022 7:18 pm

Donelladan wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:Agreed, but xroads... display of character was not very nice.

Why ? he thought he was cheating he accused him. The accusation he made didn't seem mean or personal to me. He stated facts and made a concluson.
I think josko care a lot more about winning than about ethics, it wasn't far fetched to think he'd do smthg shady.
I believe xroads was wrong in his conclusion but that's just one C&A mistake. Nothing else.

This was not about this C&A report, but about C&A shutting down Josko's autotournaments. xroads basically made fun of mentally ill people in really poor taste. I dont want to dig that up again, but this is the short version.
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Aug 28, 2022 7:32 pm

Unsolicited opinion alert.

The idea that someone could be accused of farming because they are joining open public games that someone else created? Come on.

MORE high ranking players should be joining games, not less. We rip the current conqueror for playing only his games and maps on his terms - I am damn near certain that if he were out there doing what josko is doing, he would not be conqueror for long at all. I said it in another thread - when I was a lieutant or sergeant or whatever and someone like josko or Don or one of the many excellent players here joined my game, I was so happy to have a chance to test myself against someone I deemed an excellent player as well as learn something. Hell, I am still pumped when one of you joins a game.

If you can play lower ranked players on their map and settings and win enough games to come out ahead when you're at the point level josko is - you deserve every point. Just my .02
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby josko.ri on Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:40 pm

Donelladan wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:Agreed, but xroads... display of character was not very nice.

Why ? he thought he was cheating he accused him. The accusation he made didn't seem mean or personal to me. He stated facts and made a concluson.
I think josko care a lot more about winning than about ethics, it wasn't far fetched to think he'd do smthg shady.
I believe xroads was wrong in his conclusion but that's just one C&A mistake. Nothing else.

I care very much about ethics and would never knowingly make a shady thing just to get a win.

As about xroads hate and obsession about me, just look at the past when he came out in public forum and spoke about my personal real life matters in a very bad taste.
I did not ever give him permission to reveal my personal matters publicly neither did I share these personal information with him.
He got to know these information because he remained active in our skype clan chat years ago after he left our clan until we banned him.
Person with a little bit of dignity would leave all clan chats after leaving a clan, yet xroads didnt only left our skype clan chat but was also spying the chat for many years later and even revealed my personal information confidentially shared in that chat with my clan mates publicly in CC forum in a very bad manner.

As about xroads obsessively trying to prevent me from becoming a conqueror, which I publicly stated that I am aiming for in CC forum, after that claim he started game throwing by suiciding versus ne in multiplayer games and by throwing games to narutoserigala.

Just look at the two blatant and shameless examples of game throwing:

1. Suiciding vs me in Colloseum Game 21715133
In round 1, I took 4 troops of Ukey in Elephant, but my logic was that since I know the game will last at least until round 3 then taking a plus 1 bonus and receiving it twice or more will be paid off. In case of some good dice like 4v1 or 4v2 dice, I could even more profit than lose from from attack by bonuses in later rounds. Rhinoceros, Elephant and Lion were 4/4/5 so I logically chose the weakest one to attack. I did it on the way that my attack is at the end of the turn so that I can start new turn immediately and get the bonus.
Then, round 2 I quickly play, get plus 1 bonus and card, and I survive with 7 troops on Elephant while Lion and Rhinoceros were 4/5. Then, xroads deployed on his 5 or less stack (he carded in round 1 so if he didnt lose a roll in round 1 he would have 5 troops), carded versus a single which means he could maximally have 7 troops after carding (that is, if he rolled 1-0 in both rounds 1 and 2) and then suicided versus my stack of 7 on Elephant getting really good dice and 4 survivors.
Important to tell, I had 3 troops at Audience which he could not reach, therefore he was not even in theoretical position to attempt to kill me, plus there were many other players on the map with also 2 cards as me but weaker than me and easier to kill.
Two things to highlight:
A) Lion and Rhinoceros were 4/5, why would anyone attack Elephant with 7 unless if they want to throw the game? If someone really wants that plus 1 bonus, he would take it vs the weakest animal, not vs the strongest one.
B) If xroads really wanted to take that Elephant instead of suiciding vs me, then he would attack Elephant directly to have more survivors, not after he carded vs a single elsewhere. But, xroads wanted to suicide himself on me so that some other player can kill him easily and get his 2 cards instead of 1 card, just with intention to throw the game out from me. He surely didnt expect that his 7v7 (or lower) attack will produce such great dice so that 7v7 was literally well-planned suicide with carding just before that so that someone can get one more card from him. I have already ended my turn in round 2, so that someone who kills him could surely not be me.
After this experience I stopped to join Colosseum games after playing them for many years with 79 games played on the map because I knew that xroads will follow me across each Colosseum game that I join and again suicide on me. I am going to become Conqueror within this year and the site could have a Conqueror joining Battle Royale games for the first time ever, which would surely attract more players to join them. However, thanks to xroads' obsession to screw me in every possible legal or illegal way, this will unfortunately not happen.

2. Throwing game to narutoserigala in Game 21881617
I dont know if this was first time that xroads threw a game to narutoserigala, given that he is losing head-to-head score vs narutoserigala with 1-17 score, where the 1 win is from clan wars in 2017 on home map of xroads team where xroads joined Jamaica map where strategy is usually led by Mageplunka69. Besides that one win under guidance of Mageplunka69, all other 17 xroads games vs narutoserigala every played were losses. These losses were mostly played on das schloss map but xroads also knows that map well, having played it 711 times by himself. xroads even played das schloss map much more times than narutoserigala himself, who played it 468 times.
However, the most recent Antarctica game is a very obvious example of intentional game throwing to narutoserigala, just to make a harder task for me to become Conqueror, like suiciding in the Colosseum game was not enough.
In round 6 of the Antarctica game, xroads team was deploying 22 per turn while narutoserigala team was deploying 20 per turn, plus xroads team plays first so they always have 1 card more than opponents due to the first turn advantage.
Situation in round 6 was that green (narutoserigala) was at AL7 SL3, SL1 was yellow (xroads) and SL2 WT5 were neutrals. on the other border, xroads had 6 WL regions including WL7 WL6 while green had WL8 likely with 1 troop there because I dont see from the log that neither green nor red deployed something there.
Then, in round 6 xroads took WT5 meeting green, and good player with such reputation as xroads would either advance all if he is stronger or advance 1 for defense if he is weaker, but xroads takes another neutral SL2 (?????) just to give silver plate to green to break both SL2 and WT5 the turn later which green indeed did. To be it worse and more obvious game throwing, xroads had 6 WL regions including WL7 WL6 but he didnt even try to take WL8 with 25 drop (?????) and WL8 seems to be 1 neutral or very weak, just so that WL8 can take the silver plate and break him back at WL6 WL7 the very next turn. For clarity, green took WL8 in round 3, which means that base J had 7 troops at round 6. It is not a big deal to release 7 troops to go out, compared with gifting WL7 WL6 to green (xroads losing bonus there plus green gained new bonus), and losing much more other chained bonuses in subsequent turns. It is also not that xroads didnt have enough troops to attack WL8, he had just cashed and deployed 25 troops in total that turn so he could very easily take WL8 if he wanted to win, but instead he wanted to throw the game to narutoserigala just to screw my publicly stated intention to run for Conqueror.

I opened a C&A report on this case against xroads, see here:
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby xroads on Sun Aug 28, 2022 8:47 pm

Wow fruit loops, you are really reaching here aren't you.

I am not too worried, you are winding that rubber band tighter and tighter, and you are going to snap real soon.

I will bet anyone 100 conquer credits that he goes on his little "vacation" again within 60 days.

I had totally forgotten about fruit loops until he started stalking my games leaving game chat even though he wasn't involved in them at all. And he says I am compulsive obsessive about him, yet there he is stalking me still.
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:07 pm

josko.ri wrote:
Donelladan wrote:
Extreme Ways wrote:Agreed, but xroads... display of character was not very nice.

Why ? he thought he was cheating he accused him. The accusation he made didn't seem mean or personal to me. He stated facts and made a concluson.
I think josko care a lot more about winning than about ethics, it wasn't far fetched to think he'd do smthg shady.
I believe xroads was wrong in his conclusion but that's just one C&A mistake. Nothing else.

I care very much about ethics and would never knowingly make a shady thing just to get a win.

didnt read the rest because this sentence is a straight up lie and i'd be surprised if anyone in your clan even believes it

everyone knows you bend and break the rules as much as you can. ever since the days of moonchild, or before it

personally i dont care what you do but at least own your shit lol
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:12 pm

But like. A real question here. And full disclosure, I'm a prick and occasionally insult someonesl elses intelligence when they're acting stupid.

But why is it OK to repeatedly assault another's mental health? How is that different than attacking their gender or race or whatever? I dunno. Not a great look whether you like josko or not.
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:14 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:But why is it OK to repeatedly assault another's mental health?

it's not. or any form of disability for that matter.
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby xroads on Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:16 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:But like. A real question here. And full disclosure, I'm a prick and occasionally insult someonesl elses intelligence when they're acting stupid.

But why is it OK to repeatedly assault another's mental health? How is that different than attacking their gender or race or whatever? I dunno. Not a great look whether you like josko or not.

You know

If he would stop fucking with me, I would let him drift off into the wind.

But for some reason, he thinks he needs to keep commenting in game chat in my games he has absolutely nothing to do with. It is no secret he is compulsive obsessive to the point of bending the rules to obtain his goals. f*ck read his posts and you can see that.

I thought this was a gaming site, not a Joe Biden unicorn politically correct site that has safe spaces. when you say a safe word.
Major xroads
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Re: My view on ranching/farming accusation

Postby josko.ri on Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:44 pm

xroads wrote:If he would stop fucking with me, I would let him drift off into the wind.

... says a person who just spent obsessively spent several days to go through all my recent games and make a meaningless spurious report, starting from collecting information in the other thread in this forum 5 days ago. :lol: =D> :D

Do you have nothing smarter to do in your life than checking every my game and how big are ranks of my opponents?

Even asking my opponents did I invite them to the game or not and then FALSELY conclude that I invited them (possibly, they were invited by hopalong but they were not invited by me).

Dude, THAT is compulsive obsessive behavior and I advise you to search for professional help before it is too late.

I hope for you good health, seriously.
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Colonel josko.ri
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