Conquer Club

Closed Hostage Taking Godswill711 [ka]

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Hostage Taking Godswill711 [ka]

Postby Jrossd on Sat Mar 12, 2022 9:16 pm



Other: Hostage Taking

Game number(s):


I can't figure out why my photo won't upload but if you go to this game you will see multiple stacks ranging from 56 to 10. While i have only 1s. Not sure how many turns he's kept this up but it's a lot.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711

Postby Major Lee Fkd on Sat Mar 12, 2022 9:43 pm

What do you get when you put two Douches in a bag?....A douche Bag.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Jrossd on Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:33 am

His stacks are now 68, 50, 42, 41 and he's holding me to one army in one territory. Surely this is grounds for some sort of penalty. He could have ended the game 20 turns ago
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby 2dimes on Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:28 am

You should have used game tags to make a link but... where is team conquerclub? Seems like a clear case.

Putting the number between these, [Game][/Game] makes this.

Game 21564739

EDIT : Well, he finally finished you off.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Major Lee Fkd on Sun Mar 13, 2022 8:31 am

Forum post
Sent: Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:16 pm
by Jrossd

Are you part of a committee that makes rulings for my posted issue? I'm not sure what your issue is but the guy clearly has a problem with this behavior as well as others. Don't know why youhad to jump in the forum and give your opinion on anything regarding this issue I'm having

Re: Forum post
Sent: Sun Mar 13, 2022 8:27 am
From: Major Lee Fkd
To: Jrossd

I'm not part of a committee.Anyone can can comment.While you certainly have a clearcut case of hostage taking, given his ratings ,his megalomaniacal name and his past history of abuse. I just wanted to shine the light on the fact that two people were involved here.By the book you won the case, but I want you to go back and read your postings in the game chat and objectively ask yourself if there was only one douche bag involved.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Major Lee Fkd on Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:54 am

Re: Forum post
Sent: Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:48 am
by Jrossd

I understand your meaning. However you don't know the situation. You can't see what was said at what point of the game. And you don't know the history. Short though it may be, this player has been abusive verbally and makes the game much less enjoyable for a few different reasons.

Calling me a douchebag while may be accurate, is merely your opinion based on incomplete information. I appreciate that you felt like you should ensure my "self awareness" in this matter. I know no matter what the circumstances it would have been better to have not said the things I did say. However, I don't know you. I don't give a damn about your opinion on anything having to do with me.

In my opinion, a person who's first interaction with another is to call the other a well...douchebaggery. I'd be happy to communicate more with you or play a few games with you so that I might respect your opinion of myself more. Until that time please save the bullshit because, as mentioned earlier, you don't know my situation.

Thank you for being polite in your mail to me. I apologize for being a little aggressive with my original message to you.

Re: Forum post
Sent: Sun Mar 13, 2022 9:49 am
by Major Lee Fkd

I am simply looking at the evidence that you presented.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Jrossd on Sun Mar 13, 2022 10:04 am

Thank 2Dimes I will be sure to make the game a link in the future. My apologies.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:19 pm

I believe this is the 5th time he's been reported for this since October. Let's be real - what is this jackfuck doing here anymore...
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:40 pm

Given the game chat from this game:

2022-03-07 09:58:26 - Jrossd: I'm really sick of you always joining my games and having perfect dice.
2022-03-07 10:00:21 - Jrossd: You're foed. Sick of losing to you as well. No more playing you.

2022-03-10 04:33:36 - Jrossd: You're a douche bro hahaha. Don't bother me much but you are a douche
2022-03-13 02:02:41 - GodsWill711: LOL DIK
2022-03-13 08:30:25 - GodsWill711: LOL
2022-03-13 09:51:51 - Jrossd: Dude you had plenty of opportunity to end this game. Just end the game
2022-03-13 09:52:34 - Jrossd: Thank you. Now I'll foe you

You started a sort of conflict with GodsWill by being a sore loser. We all lose games to bad dice. No need to be a douche about it. That said, I don't agree with GodsWill holding you hostage, but you did provoke him with those first couple of lines.

Both of you are idiots, whatever the outcome here.
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Jrossd on Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:17 pm

Guess you'd have to have been there. The first message is meant somewhat jokingly. Definitely light. The second, I have a reason for it. The third was after he started holding the game hostage.

Thank you for your input. Just like the other guy who felt the need to make his opinion known, I don't give a damn. I didn't have to say the things I did. I get it. Give me my penalty or let it go. Damn people. No need to beat a dead horse. I've been on this site for just a few months and I've been verbally assaulted on two different occasions and had a guy get mad at me in one tournament game and tell me that he would ensure I lose the other tournament game he and I had together. I've witnessed verbal abuse between others. But you want to tell me I'm a douche for being done with this asshole who was clearly violating policy? Some of your members would have said much much worse things to this dude.

Leave it alone. I'm a douche. He's a douche. Shannon, you seem kinda official, but you're a douche too. That other guy what's his name is a douche. Don't give a damn. We're all douches. Case closed
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Major Lee Fkd on Sun Mar 13, 2022 2:24 pm

Imagine a nine year old boy on the playground. He comes home crying to his mother with a fat bloody lip saying that a bully had punched him in the mouth. Should the bully be punished? Of course he should be there is no room for violence on our playground. A report is filed the bully is dragged into the principals office disciplined, suspended from school, and relegated to a life as a probable janitor. Then witnesses come forward and a video is seen from a surveillance camera on the playground which shows the bloody lipped boy in the moments proceeding the altercation. He has called the would-be bully all sorts of names. Unfriended him on Facebook, and even called him a douche. Should the bully be punished? Of course he should be. Again there is no room for violence on our playgrounds. Did the crying sniveling little mama’s boy deserve to be punched in the mouth?…….. Probably.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:02 pm

Shannon Apple wrote:Given the game chat from this game:

2022-03-07 09:58:26 - Jrossd: I'm really sick of you always joining my games and having perfect dice.
2022-03-07 10:00:21 - Jrossd: You're foed. Sick of losing to you as well. No more playing you.

2022-03-10 04:33:36 - Jrossd: You're a douche bro hahaha. Don't bother me much but you are a douche
2022-03-13 02:02:41 - GodsWill711: LOL DIK
2022-03-13 08:30:25 - GodsWill711: LOL
2022-03-13 09:51:51 - Jrossd: Dude you had plenty of opportunity to end this game. Just end the game
2022-03-13 09:52:34 - Jrossd: Thank you. Now I'll foe you

You started a sort of conflict with GodsWill by being a sore loser. We all lose games to bad dice. No need to be a douche about it. That said, I don't agree with GodsWill holding you hostage, but you did provoke him with those first couple of lines.

Both of you are idiots, whatever the outcome here.

Fair assessment for probably any other player than ol godswill.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Jrossd on Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:32 pm

Wait so which one am I in your bitch ass metaphor dude? There was no violence. I am no bully. I have been verbally assualted by this player. He's foed now so I don't have to deal with him anymore. I don't even care if he is penalized. So again dude let it go. I get it. I'm a douche. So sorry for being violent and calling a douche a douche.

I read in another thread something about the site having fewer members every year. This is exactly why. You choose to poke a prod. I've acknowledged from the fucking begining that I shouldn't have said what I did. I have suggesting giving me some sort of penalty. To all concerned I'm sincerely sorry for using violent language in the game. That violent language being douche. Why are you still coming at me. There's no reason for any of you to continue trying to make me understand why I deserved to have my game taken hostage. I fucking get it people. I called this guy who has verbally assaulted me a douche. Therefore any enjoyment I might have on this site is forfeit. Understood.

And look who it is. The other asshole who verbally assaulted me. Nut shot scoot. You're still blocked dude so say what you want I won't see it. What the hell is going on. I see my mistake. Do you people hear me? I acknowledge and accept my mistake. Why are you using fuckin metaphors to drive the point home. I'm not a child. I have acknowledged and taken responsibility for my actions. Please give it a fucking rest. Damn people.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Mar 13, 2022 3:52 pm

Lol. I believe i simply called you a garbage player, which you are. You proceeded to spam my wall, my pm and lose your tiny little mind for hours. Truth hurts i suppose. And in this case, i was actually taking your side. However, your inability to accept that you're an asshole and bring these things upon yourself is amusing.

I know I'm a prick but at least I'm self aware enough not to file c &a reports when someone treats me as i treat them.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Major Lee Fkd on Sun Mar 13, 2022 4:23 pm

perfect....And so he runs down the one person who was taking his side lol. These two belong together. No wonder one d**** takes the other d**** hostage. It doesn't get any better than this folks.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby Jrossd on Sun Mar 13, 2022 5:43 pm

I appreciate the fact that he had my side but he still verbally assaulted me when I first got here. I can't see his messages. You my friend should include yourself in the douche category. What are you trying to prove? I've acknowledged my part in this shit. So holding games hostage is ok if the person deserves it then? I deserved it ok. So clear godswill711. I don't mind.

You sir are really a nuisance. Will you give it a rest? You are purposely antagonizing now. There is no room for violence on this playground dude. Don't be a hypocrite.
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Re: Hostage Taking Godswill711(SN)

Postby king achilles on Sun Mar 13, 2022 6:07 pm

He has now earned a longer but still temporary ban. Feel free to rate him accordingly as well. I am also locking this so we can move on and chill.
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