- Make start of game fair
- For two combatants, sometimes the drop gives one of them an initial bonus, but not the other. If the combatant with a bonus also gets to start first, there is a grossly distinct advantage for them.
A simple solution would be to make the combatant with the highest new troop count (after the initial drop) be forced to start last.
A better solution would be to improve the drop
a) try redropping 4 or 5 times to see if a fair drop is achieved (all combatants start with the same power)
b) find who has an initial drop bonus and swap out one of their territories in bonus land with an opponent's territory
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- By starting on equal footing, the games will naturally be fairer. They will also be more enjoyable - there is nothing worse that fighting a whole game from a disadvantage, because the software did not provide a fair drop.