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No More Tournaments From Craig25

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No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Craig25 on Mon May 24, 2021 5:21 pm

Hi Troops


Here we go.....

No more New Tournaments or Clan's from Craig25.

- Super League will continue
- Champions League will continue

The support I have received from the Players has been absolutely phenomenal. And, for 99.9% of you it has been an absolute pleasure in setting up Tournaments for you.

And the truth is, I couldn't have set up half the Tournaments I did without Players help. In particular, the Players who have helped me on Excel and Graphics.

But the truth is, the condascention and snide remarks from *SOME, certainly not all of the Tournament Organising Coummunity, including Directors from CC has been palpable. It's been ongoing for quite a while.

I was actually trying to set up passing on the Super League to other Players and the existing Tournament Organiser community to run long term. It can definitely go to Players but, definitely will not go to CC Directors or Tournament Organisers to run when I hang up my dice.

I'm not even going to go into all the details guys. But judge for yourself. Apparently, according to *SOME Tournament Organisers & Directors:

- I have a massive ego
- I ask for money from people to join my tournaments
- I claim I am Superior
- I beg for people to join my tournaments

You Guys decide, Am I that person?

I thought, Myself and the players who helped me along the way set up some AMAZING Tournaments. But apparently, we have not. This is the latest, from a Tournament Director:

"You are claiming that your Super League is the most massive tournament ever made, while in terms of structure it no different than 18 separated double round robin tournament.

If you want to claim your superiority then try to make more search and even though it’s not the point, bringing comment to show yourself as the best TO in the world while you haven’t really brought a complex tournament structure as of today, is kind of funny."

The same player then provided a link to a group of 24 individual Tournaments that attracted 400 players in total (spread across 24 Tournaments), contained about a 1200 games and took 2 years to run. And apparently, he thinks we should all be in awe. You couldn't make this shit up :D

That was off the back of a really condescending reply to one of my Posts in the Tournament Organisers Forum from a player who said "Yes I remember when it was easy to get 2-300 signups for a big tournament" - This Tournament Organiser hasn't set up a Tournament with 300 Games never mind Players!, But when I respond to the condascending post with pretty much that comment, I just get absolute kaka back.

So Guys and Gals, excuse the French. I'm not putting up with this shit! :D

So, it is Goodbye from Me and Goodbye from Him..............

Our GLORIOUS Leader, President of the CCPGA, CCSL, CCFA & CCMOFO's Sepp Blatter........

Au Revoir Mon Amis, RISK PIONEERS and Fellow SCUDDERS! Keep Scudding!

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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Mon May 24, 2021 5:38 pm

You HardAttacks multi?
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby updalions on Mon May 24, 2021 5:50 pm

I've no idea the background here, but if you're trying to defend against accusations of you having a massive ego I don't think any of this is helping your case honestly.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Kevi on Mon May 24, 2021 5:51 pm

Your tournaments rock Craig.

Don't let 'em beat you down.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Craig25 on Mon May 24, 2021 5:56 pm

TY Kevi. Mediocre at best according to *some other Tournament Organisers :D

But I thought they were good too Bro!

Kevi wrote:Your tournaments rock Craig.

Don't let 'em beat you down.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby marand on Mon May 24, 2021 5:58 pm

So sad to read this. Typical corporate bullshit and obviously threatened by your success. Your tournaments have been amazing along with the commentary and updates. They should be paying you to do what you have done...not fight you. Obviously there are always two sides to any story and we will probably not know all of the details but organisers and directors need to look at the bigger picture here. Thanks for all your effort with the tournaments...hopefully things change and you continue your great work for this site.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby IcePack on Mon May 24, 2021 6:05 pm

Craig25 wrote:TY Kevi. Mediocre at best according to *some other Tournament Organisers :D

But I thought they were good too Bro!

Kevi wrote:Your tournaments rock Craig.

Don't let 'em beat you down.

If you thought they were good, and the participants thought they were good, then why do you give AF about what other TO and TD’s think of them?

I can’t speak to what you ask or don’t ask from people as far as begging to join or pries but what does it really matter if yours are or aren’t comparable to others? More games? More players? Who cares?

Everyone has their own reason to create or play tournaments. Find your own. Don’t tie your happiness on your tournaments whether they’re the biggest or best or whatever, it really doesn’t matter in the end.

Your only letting down the 99% of people you say enjoy it and the ones who look forward to your tournaments.

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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Mojo2222 on Mon May 24, 2021 6:05 pm

That's super unfortunate. I have no idea why the people who run this site wouldn't want help like this. Hopefully this tourney continues, it's these type of games that keep me on the site when I was about to cancel out.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Craig25 on Mon May 24, 2021 6:13 pm

N1 Marand!

marand wrote:So sad to read this. Typical corporate bullshit and obviously threatened by your success. Your tournaments have been amazing along with the commentary and updates. They should be paying you to do what you have done...not fight you. Obviously there are always two sides to any story and we will probably not know all of the details but organisers and directors need to look at the bigger picture here. Thanks for all your effort with the tournaments...hopefully things change and you continue your great work for this site.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Wile E Coyote on Mon May 24, 2021 6:33 pm

ah man, sorry to read all this. I've loved the tournaments!

please keep going and don't let them drag you down!

peace fella!
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby general cod on Mon May 24, 2021 6:34 pm

One word 'support'. Instead of silly accusations made against Craig why not support the huge efforts he has made organising tourneys complete with regular updates, banter and thorough analysis. Fact is 'some' of the management cannot get past their own hypocrisys and resent Craigs efforts as 'competition' vs standard tourneys. Why not embrace his efforts and welcome the fresh tourneys he has delivered as part of the conquer club family with the support it deserves. There is too many tired and boring old tourneys running, what an opportunity to progress the site with fewer but more meaningful tourneys. No disrespect inferred to many other great tourneys here and the work behind them but scrap the crap:

Quest for the stars: a decent enough idea with the target being the eventual 'goal' tourney which occurs once a year. I was lucky enough to finish runner up a few years back but the structure was and is really crap. Dump these weak tourneys please they offend my vision.

Championships: again the idea is decent but so poorly run it's a joke - i believe an announcement is forthcoming for the 2019 winner! That says it all, takes years to complete and eventually has all the interest of grandads old socks. Weak structure and running commentary rivaling that of sunday league carpet bowls.

Many other basic tourneys are simply not good enough. What hapoened to the 'war' tourney?? Went on so long it disappeared down the toilet and i'm told that the guy who was winning lost out on the deserved prizes as the tourney parted with all the weight of wet fart.

The potential of this site and the many good tourneys and people here keep me playing, Craig's efforts have been instrumental in this and brought a much needed freshness but he's being played down by condescending self gratifying pricks it seems, such a shame.

Again, thanks to many other tourney organisers for keeping the site fun with some great tourneys. I don't really understand the pig headed thinking in this case but i do understand it's common place on our wonderful earth that egotistical and dishonorable scumbags would rather scurge than support inspirational behaviour. This is the act of cowardice and fear amongst the hierarchy and you will find this virtually all forms of life, fact.

Anyway ........ good luck to Craig and others like him.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Craig25 on Mon May 24, 2021 7:05 pm

Sepp concurs! :D

general cod wrote:One word 'support'. Instead of silly accusations made against Craig why not support the huge efforts he has made organising tourneys complete with regular updates, banter and thorough analysis. Fact is 'some' of the management cannot get past their own hypocrisys and resent Craigs efforts as 'competition' vs standard tourneys. Why not embrace his efforts and welcome the fresh tourneys he has delivered as part of the conquer club family with the support it deserves. There is too many tired and boring old tourneys running, what an opportunity to progress the site with fewer but more meaningful tourneys. No disrespect inferred to many other great tourneys here and the work behind them but scrap the crap:

Quest for the stars: a decent enough idea with the target being the eventual 'goal' tourney which occurs once a year. I was lucky enough to finish runner up a few years back but the structure was and is really crap. Dump these weak tourneys please they offend my vision.

Championships: again the idea is decent but so poorly run it's a joke - i believe an announcement is forthcoming for the 2019 winner! That says it all, takes years to complete and eventually has all the interest of grandads old socks. Weak structure and running commentary rivaling that of sunday league carpet bowls.

Many other basic tourneys are simply not good enough. What hapoened to the 'war' tourney?? Went on so long it disappeared down the toilet and i'm told that the guy who was winning lost out on the deserved prizes as the tourney parted with all the weight of wet fart.

The potential of this site and the many good tourneys and people here keep me playing, Craig's efforts have been instrumental in this and brought a much needed freshness but he's being played down by condescending self gratifying pricks it seems, such a shame.

Again, thanks to many other tourney organisers for keeping the site fun with some great tourneys. I don't really understand the pig headed thinking in this case but i do understand it's common place on our wonderful earth that egotistical and dishonorable scumbags would rather scurge than support inspirational behaviour. This is the act of cowardice and fear amongst the hierarchy and you will find this virtually all forms of life, fact.

Anyway ........ good luck to Craig and others like him.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby joshzam on Mon May 24, 2021 7:27 pm

Thanks for all you do Craig. I really enjoy the tournaments and appreciate all the time and effort they require! Sorry you've been disheartened by petty insignificant comments.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Craig25 on Mon May 24, 2021 8:08 pm

Ty Josh, it was a pleasure dealing with players. The CC Tournament Organiser Clique (of which not all TO's are members), not so much.

General Cod's response is a work of art :D

It was possibly this that put the nail in my coffin:

Don't critisize CC Tournaments or heaven forbid, try to improve things!

The Championships 2019 1v1: 4611 Games in 2 Years

Super League Games started in last 2 Months: 6261

Anybody fancy a name change to "The Super League Championships" and we will make Season 1 last until 2025. I never thought so. I can also split each League up into a seperate Tournament so that I up my Paltry total of 11 Tournaments :D

I would say 2 Years is a tad long for a Tournament. If the Super League can finish a 6 Thousand Game Season in 2 months, why can't a CC Tournament?

Truth be told, I actually think CC Tournaments are the WORST Tournaments on here. I used to play them, you would forget you were in aTournament until Random Games Drop into your inbox. Win / Lose, who cares. They are just awful.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby 8LimbWorrior on Mon May 24, 2021 8:56 pm

thank you for the tournament and the hard work you've put in, this site sucks more and more and i feel your pain. If they don't want your contribution here it's time to look for other avenues, good luck man!
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby aad0906 on Mon May 24, 2021 8:58 pm

I can only say that the tournaments you ran must have taken a massive investment in time and many people truly enjoyed them. So thanks for everything!
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Craig25 on Mon May 24, 2021 9:04 pm

Aad, 8Limb

TY for your comments.

Truth is, I really enjoyed running them.

I actually wanted to improve CC Tournaments.But now, I'm just letting Rip.

- 16 Player Bracket Tournaments - Totally pish!
- Points as Prizes on Every Shitty CC Auto Tournament - Totally Unfair
- Mad777 telling us his 2 Year Tournaments are absolutley amazing - Totally Hilarious
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby IcePack on Mon May 24, 2021 9:29 pm

Craig25 wrote:Aad, 8Limb

TY for your comments.

Truth is, I really enjoyed running them.

I actually wanted to improve CC Tournaments.But now, I'm just letting Rip.

- 16 Player Bracket Tournaments - Totally pish!
- Points as Prizes on Every Shitty CC Auto Tournament - Totally Unfair
- Mad777 telling us his 2 Year Tournaments are absolutley amazing - Totally Hilarious


Look, I dont know your tournaments nor do I really know you. But just because they aren't your cup of tea doesn't mean you should go around insulting other peoples work.
Thats just passing on & adding to exactly what you feel is happening to you.

The beauty of tournaments is there are different TO's who all offer something unique and different to the scene. You might offer giant leagues that appeal to some, and others create smaller easy stuff which appeals to others, while others offer high complexity and low game count and that can appeal to other groups as well.

If all tournaments were the same, then it truly would be stale and awful around here.

Find your group, find your niche, whatever and enjoy them. People shouldn't insult your work, you shouldn't go around doing the same. But right now you're doing the exact thing you're rallying against.

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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Shoe555 on Mon May 24, 2021 10:01 pm

joshzam wrote:Thanks for all you do Craig. I really enjoy the tournaments and appreciate all the time and effort they require! Sorry you've been disheartened by petty insignificant comments.

I agree. Thanks for the work that you put in Craig. I enjoy playing in your tournaments.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby cdbridges on Mon May 24, 2021 10:45 pm

Shoe555 wrote:
joshzam wrote:Thanks for all you do Craig. I really enjoy the tournaments and appreciate all the time and effort they require! Sorry you've been disheartened by petty insignificant comments.

I agree. Thanks for the work that you put in Craig. I enjoy playing in your tournaments.

I also enjoy your tournaments, Craig. And I didn't pay to participate. There will always be naysayers, so stick to the high road and do what makes you happy.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Awoodness on Tue May 25, 2021 8:17 am

Haven't noticed any of that stuff that craig stated. I didn't pay any money, and I might have gotten an advertisement to join, but I get those a lot. Fun tourneys, leagues, I really really appreciate the commentary. Don't let the haters get you down Craig. You are doing good brother. Yeah, like General Cod said, what happened to "The Great War"???
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Mad777 on Tue May 25, 2021 9:11 am


At first, Private Forum has some rules, those you are breaking, but that’s not the point i want to make.

From the dozens of PM you are sending and asking for help, we went and tried to but unfortunately replied the actual structure of the site and the auto-tournament were not suited for your project.
From there you started a crusade, with criticism stating that you have made the best ever event in CC time and soon will gather unseen game amount and other sort of records...You then went after the current prizes showing in various tournament and think that poll itself would suffice to demonstrate how the site is bad in this regards.

We offered you to share your idea and give you a place where you could get support (TO Forum), from there, all you have done is lowering what others were telling you, insulting their work stating that what they have done is nothing compared to what you have done.

Now you are gathering troops into this thread to claim how bad you have been treated recently from other TO (including myself) to have your ego going a bit to high and you should show some kind of respect to those who were trying to help at the begin with, there to help you since that is what you wanted first, being helped to contribute with more event...How in earth other members would now put effort helping after you started to call them out, not properly reading/understanding their post and suddenly lower them stating is total BS...

We are all here to work together, thus your approach to be part of the solution is far from being courteous and so, undoubtedly, you get some kickback from us telling you there was things done in the past that were successful, that lots of members enjoyed, instead of sharing this you directly go against and diminished whatever was shared with you.

Now you are here telling only one part of the story, PM’ing members for them to come here with comments that put you on the bright light, but what you are not copy/paste is the kind of post you have against other TO that were insulting, rather you come here and cry asking for pad in the back from others and tell everyone how bad you have been treated.

No one, at any time, stated your tournament were garbage and total BS, we only made comparisons showing some diversity in terms of setup, but still, you keep coming back putting numbers out there such as...I created xxxx amount of game in xxxx amount of time and continue with statements that from your point of view are laughable because no one has made xxxx many games in the exemple we shared with you...

Duke replied in the Forum kind of explain the same and about diversity, we are all here to enjoy, the competition should be and stay within a tournament/event, not between TOs. If your vision is to get out there to show everyone how many other TO have done such a laughable tournament due to the size of game count vs your, then you will definitely not getting support from those same members.

Respect goes both way, you started to spit on other TO, now you cry wolf about TOs are being mean with you...sorry but as far I’m concern, I never intended to diminish your implications with your tournament, until you started to call me out and trying to give me lesson from a TO stand point. Im humble enough to not care if my past event/tournament were the biggest or not, EACH time i went out there and entertained the site was purely for them. I’m not doing that for glory nor medals, but for fun! Perhaps your approach is a bit bully and not to say that you are insulting TOs which all together have close to a thousand of tournament while you just reached 10.

To end this, if you want to have justice, perhaps start to explain the whole story and not just selected pieces.

Cheers mate....take it easy and work on your tone and respect to others helpers, then you will see that you will receive more positive return.
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby general cod on Tue May 25, 2021 10:32 am

The point the TO's are missing is that Craig is Scottish, this comes with a proud demeanor and also loud and brash behaviour, natural for a scotsman. Be nice if you all worked together for the greater good.

New name for Super league Craig:


The f*ck he is ! That slimy turd siphoned a lot of money for himself from worthy causes and turned a blind eye to others thieving who were not so cunning in covering their tracks. I know you must be taking the piss :-)
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Craig25 on Tue May 25, 2021 10:38 am

Quality as Usual. And very appropriate. Give me 30 minutes!

And thank you all.

My inbox is rammed full of great messages of support. I cannot elaborate as Mad777 will be saying I have a massive ego again :D Or was that only for Tourament Organisers Mad777?

But thank you. To all players.

general cod wrote:The point the TO's are missing is that Craig is Scottish, this comes with a proud demeanor and also loud and brash behaviour, natural for a scotsman. Be nice if you all worked together for the greater good.

New name for Super league Craig:


The f*ck he is ! That slimy turd siphoned a lot of money for himself from worthy causes and turned a blind eye to others thieving who were not so cunning in covering their tracks. I know you must be taking the piss :-)
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Re: No More Tournaments From Craig25

Postby Craig25 on Tue May 25, 2021 11:26 am

Update is out for the Super League Troops.

I'm getting coffee and then, a Full reply to Mad777. Sorry Mad, updates to the SBSL come before you:


I'm sure you understand. In the mean time feel free to remove me from that Secret Tournamnt Organisers Forum, it isn't for me Bro. Too Cliquey and it seems to be all about the Organisers and less about the Players. And, as "Making CC Great Again, 1 Tournament At a Time" has been pumped, Now........It's all:


Do the Troops like "For The Players" ???

Some massive company will surely copy this some time soon! :D
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