Here we go.....
No more New Tournaments or Clan's from Craig25.
- Super League will continue
- Champions League will continue
The support I have received from the Players has been absolutely phenomenal. And, for 99.9% of you it has been an absolute pleasure in setting up Tournaments for you.
And the truth is, I couldn't have set up half the Tournaments I did without Players help. In particular, the Players who have helped me on Excel and Graphics.
But the truth is, the condascention and snide remarks from *SOME, certainly not all of the Tournament Organising Coummunity, including Directors from CC has been palpable. It's been ongoing for quite a while.
I was actually trying to set up passing on the Super League to other Players and the existing Tournament Organiser community to run long term. It can definitely go to Players but, definitely will not go to CC Directors or Tournament Organisers to run when I hang up my dice.
I'm not even going to go into all the details guys. But judge for yourself. Apparently, according to *SOME Tournament Organisers & Directors:
- I have a massive ego
- I ask for money from people to join my tournaments
- I claim I am Superior
- I beg for people to join my tournaments
You Guys decide, Am I that person?
I thought, Myself and the players who helped me along the way set up some AMAZING Tournaments. But apparently, we have not. This is the latest, from a Tournament Director:
"You are claiming that your Super League is the most massive tournament ever made, while in terms of structure it no different than 18 separated double round robin tournament.
If you want to claim your superiority then try to make more search and even though it’s not the point, bringing comment to show yourself as the best TO in the world while you haven’t really brought a complex tournament structure as of today, is kind of funny."
The same player then provided a link to a group of 24 individual Tournaments that attracted 400 players in total (spread across 24 Tournaments), contained about a 1200 games and took 2 years to run. And apparently, he thinks we should all be in awe. You couldn't make this shit up

That was off the back of a really condescending reply to one of my Posts in the Tournament Organisers Forum from a player who said "Yes I remember when it was easy to get 2-300 signups for a big tournament" - This Tournament Organiser hasn't set up a Tournament with 300 Games never mind Players!, But when I respond to the condascending post with pretty much that comment, I just get absolute kaka back.
So Guys and Gals, excuse the French. I'm not putting up with this shit!

So, it is Goodbye from Me and Goodbye from Him..............
Our GLORIOUS Leader, President of the CCPGA, CCSL, CCFA & CCMOFO's Sepp Blatter........
Au Revoir Mon Amis, RISK PIONEERS and Fellow SCUDDERS! Keep Scudding!