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The accused are suspected of:
Conducting Secret Diplomacy
Other: collusion among friends
Game number(s):
Game 20853131
not sure if any others; this is the only one I am in
If I had known these three were friends, I never would have joined. I saw wkurtz there from Global Chat along with 3 others, so I assumed there wasn't going to be collusion among friends
2021-05-03 12:17:23 - MSpitts24: Red/Green/Blue, do any of you know the others personally?
2021-05-03 20:44:48 - wkurtz: Spitts, were gonna get slaughtered. It's going to be great
2021-05-03 21:18:50 - MSpitts24: these three are friends, we didn't stand a chance
2021-05-04 11:20:09 - AlCasey: we do know each other but go back over the logs. Blue has been killing me the whole game!
2021-05-04 11:56:54 - MSpitts24: AICasey: thank you for admitting that you all know each other. Over the first 6 rounds the three of you attacked each other only ten times while you all attacked yellow/pink 25 time. 2.5x That comes across as collusion.
2021-05-04 11:59:33 - MSpitts24: and across those first six turns he attacked you 2, Green 2, buy Yellow 7 and pink 6; early attacks on you were a fraction of his attacks on us
I did my best to try to trace moves for the first 6 rounds:
1 -6 0 0 7 -1 0
2 -1 -1 -3 -1 8 -2
3 10 -1 -3 -2 -2 -2 -4 -4
4 -1 11 -1 -1 -7 -1 -2 -8
5 -2 -2 17 -7 -6 0 -4 -13
-10 -25
Friends Others
Total 20 27 30 16 12 -5
0 20 20 20 20 20
1 1 1 -1
2 1 -1
3 2 -1 -1
4 2 -1 -1
5 -1 -1 2
2 1 -1 1
2 -1 1
3 2 -1 -1
4 1 -1
5 3 -1 -2
3 1 -1 1
2 1 -1
3 1 -1
4 1 -1
5 3 -1 -2
4 1 -1 1
2 -1 1
3 1 -1
4 1 -1
5 -1 2 -1
5 1 -1 1
2 -1 -2 3
3 2 -1 -1
4 3 -3
5 -1 4 -1 -2
6 1 -2 2
2 -1 1
3 2 -1 -1
4 -1 3 -1 -1
5 3 -3