i-andrei wrote:Swimmerdude99 wrote:In case anyone is curious, andrei is pretty much a liar, he already bailed on his bet. And I even took it before EW even posted... kinda makes you wonder what's behind that façade...
That's a strong statement. Where did i agree to have that bet with you? Have we agreed on a timeframe for it? I'll send you some credits even if i didn't agree to anything so you feel good about it.
Lol I was just pulling your leg... I suppose I'll let that 1 month premium suffice to clear your name

i-andrei wrote:On a second note, i am curious to know why you dodged the other question regarding COF.
I'm not expecting an answer, or if you actually put one i don't think you'll give me a honest one.
Someone else's business is generally their business in my mind