A^ Contacts: itake & elddir
DBD Contact: Razorvich
War Link (this has totally been here the whole time)
Battle Rules:
- Only game types allowed are "Teams" (Polymorphic is not considered a team game)
- All games must have automatic initial troop deploy (no manual)
- All games must be sequential (no freestyle)
- All games must have 24 hour round length (no speed)
- All spoils are allowed except zombie spoils
- All forts are allowed except "no forts"
- MAX of a 30 Round limit is required for trench games
- Trench is permitted to a maximum of 100% of home games (just so we don't screw up)
- Each map can only be used twice per clan per clan war but can only be used once per game type (dubs/trips/quads)
- Beta maps are not allowed
- Each clan will pick the map and settings for exactly half of the games
- Games will be exchanged in 2 sets
First Set: Feb 7th - Games filled by Feb 14th
Second Set: Feb 21st - Games filled by Feb 28th