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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC!

Postby ScaryTeded on Sat Dec 05, 2020 12:45 am

In USA With JimmyV



Sent: Fri Dec 04, 2020 9:28 am
From: Jimmy V
To: ScaryTeded
Hey, we are just getting started with the Ryder Cup tournament of Americans vs. the Europeans. Since we are battling for American pride, we need to win this! I am the captain of the team so I want you to join up!

Let me know if you are in.


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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC!

Postby Mussar on Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:29 am

In - America, please. Thx for setting up such a fun-concept tourney.
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC!

Postby MJC7890 on Sat Dec 05, 2020 6:45 pm

in please
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC!

Postby altoque on Sat Dec 05, 2020 7:09 pm

Im in for Europe
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC!

Postby PepsArmy on Sun Dec 06, 2020 12:42 am

In, USA.
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby MJC7890 on Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:03 pm

USA... thanks
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby adban on Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:24 pm

"When Ryder took his family to Dorset for their annual summer holidays, he played golf at Came Down Golf Club. There he met the Whitcombe brothersā€”Ernest, Charles and Regā€”and was impressed by their superb skill. He asked Ernest if they ever played in important tournaments like The Open Championship. Ernest answered "no" as he could not afford it, and went on to say, "The Americans come over here smartly dressed and backed by wealthy supporters; the Britisher has a poor chance compared to that" Smartly dressed? Dapper is not in the SS dictionary, sorry US dictionary and as to wealth, that is as Imagination pointed out, just an illusion. Europe will prevail, handsomely dressed and paid handsomely. :D
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby Jimmy V on Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:59 pm

Now that we are underway, we all know that America wins this by a lot. Whether it is saving our European partners from themselves in war or finance, or giving them successful sports, America always wins... such is our lot in life. ;)

Just one thing left to say - letā€™s go Yanks!
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby Silvertop on Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:26 am

Wow, I think I know Donald Trump's nickname here : it's Jimmy V ! :D
Enjoy Donald and good luck in these series !

Jimmy V wrote:Now that we are underway, we all know that America wins this by a lot. Whether it is saving our European partners from themselves in war or finance, or giving them successful sports, America always wins... such is our lot in life. ;)

Just one thing left to say - letā€™s go Yanks!
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby fersum on Mon Dec 07, 2020 10:43 am

4 games with My opponent starting :( had No chance in eny Game...
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby kj11aw on Mon Dec 07, 2020 12:14 pm

Jimmy V wrote:Now that we are underway, we all know that America wins this by a lot. Whether it is saving our European partners from themselves in war or finance, or giving them successful sports, America always wins... such is our lot in life. ;)

Just one thing left to say - letā€™s go Yanks!

Hahaha, thanks Captain! Looking like I've got a home and home split in my first round match up, I'm taking Texan Wars and he's taking WWII western front
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby Jimmy V on Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:41 pm

fersum wrote:4 games with My opponent starting :( had No chance in eny Game...

Glad to hear it... I mean, I am very sorry about your luck. :lol:

#letsgoyanks #ryderbacktoamerica
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby Jimmy V on Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:42 pm

kj11aw wrote:
Jimmy V wrote:Now that we are underway, we all know that America wins this by a lot. Whether it is saving our European partners from themselves in war or finance, or giving them successful sports, America always wins... such is our lot in life. ;)

Just one thing left to say - letā€™s go Yanks!

Hahaha, thanks Captain! Looking like I've got a home and home split in my first round match up, I'm taking Texan Wars and he's taking WWII western front

Way to go! We are on our way!
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby Jimmy V on Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:43 pm

Silvertop wrote:Wow, I think I know Donald Trump's nickname here : it's Jimmy V ! :D
Enjoy Donald and good luck in these series !

Jimmy V wrote:Now that we are underway, we all know that America wins this by a lot. Whether it is saving our European partners from themselves in war or finance, or giving them successful sports, America always wins... such is our lot in life. ;)

Just one thing left to say - letā€™s go Yanks!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just trying to keep the team fired up
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby Jimmy V on Wed Dec 09, 2020 1:48 pm

Way to go ask me2, akabob2, TheRealJb, and jacktoo! America draws first blood....
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby artillery77 on Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:09 am

Silvertop wrote:Wow, I think I know Donald Trump's nickname here : it's Jimmy V ! :D
Enjoy Donald and good luck in these series !

Jimmy V wrote:Now that we are underway, we all know that America wins this by a lot. Whether it is saving our European partners from themselves in war or finance, or giving them successful sports, America always wins... such is our lot in life. ;)

Just one thing left to say - letā€™s go Yanks!

Could you imagine how stressful it must be to live in a country where you had to find and elect and good and noble leader or the country would fail? Wow, that would suck.

Hey, should we elect Jesse "The Body" Ventura next? No, you're right....nobody likes reruns. Man, who can top Trump.....Steven Tyler? A Lindsay Lohan Presidency could be entertaining.

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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby Jimmy V on Sat Dec 12, 2020 9:36 am

U-S-A, U-S-A, U-S-A

HUGE Friday for the Yanks!
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby GeneralFault on Wed Dec 16, 2020 12:12 pm

i'm in for Europe, there is no other country :D :D :D =D> =D> =D> :D :D :D
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby General Roy on Thu Dec 17, 2020 2:06 am

In please for Europe
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby artillery77 on Thu Dec 17, 2020 9:51 pm

For the bottom half tourney, I have a record listed of being 7 wins and 9 losses. In actuality, I have 2 wins and 2 losses in this tournament. Did we subcontract the score-keeping to China?
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby Craig25 on Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:17 am

See Rules, Your Players Championship Score is your 4 Ball Score. Not the scoring M8, You're reading comprahension skills are lacking (-:

artillery77 wrote:For the bottom half tourney, I have a record listed of being 7 wins and 9 losses. In actuality, I have 2 wins and 2 losses in this tournament. Did we subcontract the score-keeping to China?
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby Craig25 on Sun Dec 20, 2020 7:23 am

And low and behold, in R1, you had 2 wins and 2 losses (-:

artillery77 wrote:For the bottom half tourney, I have a record listed of being 7 wins and 9 losses. In actuality, I have 2 wins and 2 losses in this tournament. Did we subcontract the score-keeping to China?
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby artillery77 on Sun Dec 20, 2020 2:04 pm

Craig25 wrote:See Rules, Your Players Championship Score is your 4 Ball Score. Not the scoring M8, You're reading comprahension skills are lacking (-:

artillery77 wrote:For the bottom half tourney, I have a record listed of being 7 wins and 9 losses. In actuality, I have 2 wins and 2 losses in this tournament. Did we subcontract the score-keeping to China?

lol...For many years i worked in an internal audit group. We had about 800 companies at the time, scattered around the world. We had two main audit offices. One in the US in Chicago and one in the UK in Windsor. Europe still had the remains of pre-EU companies in some parts. It was rather perfect for the UK auditors. They could show up, with precision in sharp suits and audit an entire operation from the board room or where-ever they were placed. Petty cash was never so clean and proper. The Americans would show up (we'd mix teams, especially on any with sizable operations) and the Americans would show up in khakis and cheap polos bought in Asia. We were going to get dirty. Hardly any time was spent in that little room except to quantify results or discuss next steps. What was the company doing? Was it effective? Did it operationally follow policy and was imperfectly presented (no problem (a bit of coaching for Americans, death sentence for UK), or was the approach botched even if perfectly presented. (UK had a much tougher go with these) Spell it out in crayola so long as it's right.

The combo worked great. All the almost distribution relics from pre-EU integration could be visited by the UK, but the big manufacturing centers would be attended by the US, disgraceful regard for form and all. The function was what they were seeking. The UK office couldn't wrap any sustained level of "comprahension" around it, those particular sounds coming from the the tips of the tongue and lips seemingly silly versus the throaty commitment to what was being said when speaking proper American.

And no, I didn't steal the language. I believe it was Tony Blair that said we could have it as part of the special relationship or something like that. He offered so much and it was so tiresome to keep listening. Anyway, proper title to the language was stuffed away in the first born's back-pack (yes, call it that). Rest assured there are plans to return it to Europe though. I'm not sure how much longer the language can survive tweet-storms here before devolving completely into emojis. Y'all are better at that stuff anyway.

Thanks for the update. Now at 6-2 USA. :)
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby imstillurdaddy on Sun Dec 20, 2020 3:43 pm

Sir, you are banking on a lot of 5-3 situations to payoff --- this could turn as fast as an Arizona rattlesnake! :-$
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Re: The Ryder Cup - EPIC! ***TOURNAMENT FULL***

Postby TheRealJb on Mon Dec 28, 2020 7:20 pm

I'm confused why my R3 games have all been accepted but my opponent slot shows as empty? Thanks
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