Minister X wrote:I was able to make the main map 8% larger, allowing more space for army numbers. There are still a few spots where they are problematic: Two B'Way A, N. Broad Street, and Three King St. A and E.
the small map is nearly there regarding troop counts. in places such as three king street, u'll need to swap some of the region names with their troop counts, so that the latter don't run into their neighbours if extreme stacking occurs.
to help u to plan the layout, a 1-digit troop count is centred between the p and the first 3, while a 2-digit count is positioned on the p and first 3; for counts of 3 or more digits, the position of the first two digits matches the p and first 3, with subsequent digits being added to the right.
is it my imagination or are the building walls less sharp than initially? do thinner walls work or do they not combine well with the gateposts?
was broad way two words, compared with the modern broadway? is there a reason u called the sections broad way (n), for example, which looks more cumbersome than broad way n? i'm not a fan of broad street being divided into n. broad street and s. broad street, which is inconsistent with the treatment of broad way; not only is the punctuation different, but it implies two different streets and not two sections of the same street.
Minister X wrote:But adjacent reinforcement is still a problem. Remember that many terts belonging to the same bonus block are separated by two streets. You'd never be able to reinforce from Two B'Way "A" to Two B'Way "B", for instance. That doesn't make the game impossible to play but it certainly imposes a grave limit on what can be done. To make that reinforcement you'd have to first cross Broad Way (s) to One B'Way "D" then next turn cross S. Broad Street to Three B'Way "A" then on a third turn you could cross Broad Way (c) to your destination.
during one turn, i believe u can attack broad way (s) followed by broad way (c), which are both killer neutrals and therefore don't count, then fort to the anchor. u do lose 5 or 6 troops along the way, so u have to be convinced that it's worth it! however, i admit that i haven't personally tried adjacent forting across consecutive killer neutrals. the only map i can recall that has consecutive killer neutrals is salem's switch, where the roads are k1 killer neutrals, but u can attack within the same block without using the roads.