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Re: I'd like to date some clans to join

Postby what,me worry? on Wed Feb 26, 2020 9:54 pm

Do you prefer this form?
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Re: I'd like to date some clans to join

Postby what,me worry? on Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:42 pm

How about this form?
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Wojo the Great on Tue May 05, 2020 7:22 am

My love affair with Risk started a long time ago. My dad and I played 1v1 growing up all the time. Fast forward many years, and I built an 8ft by 4ft board that i hand painted myself. Every year, i join a few guys for a Risk World cup that goes on over a 48 hour period. Here is the video from 2018: (Max is 6ppl, but we only had 3 people who were able to show that year due to bad weather).
So you know I'm a dedicated risk player.

I've been on CC for a few years now. My rank has gone up and down, but this is the fact: I'm a team player, i think critically about my moves, and I am extremely active on CC. Adding me to your Clan would be a good idea.

My favorite maps are: Eruasia, Nordic Countries, Napoleonic Europe, and Siege.
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby G_M on Fri May 08, 2020 1:51 am

I was part of ++The Legion++ (now The Olympus Legion) many years ago. Need a new clan so I can get a banner without 'photobucket' watermarks please.
Click image to enlarge.
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby williewill on Sat May 09, 2020 8:34 am

I'll take a clan. Long time lover of Risk and CC. been a member here for over 10 years just now upgraded to premium during this pandemic. HMU I play everyday won't be missing turns. would be down for speed games and tourneys too
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby kendoh99 on Sat Jun 13, 2020 12:41 pm

whos recruiting?
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby MGSteve on Tue Jun 16, 2020 12:13 am

I would think it's about any clan that likes your resume. How's your resume?
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby *Pixar* on Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:21 pm

Sometimes I win and I get excited... 8-[
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby i-andrei on Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:57 am

*Pixar* wrote:Sometimes I win and I get excited... 8-[

Are you posting your resume? :roll:
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Chariot of Fire on Wed Jul 08, 2020 12:05 pm

*Pixar* wrote:Sometimes I win and I get excited... 8-[

That's just your browser cookies triggering some flash ads
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby ProStrategos on Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:18 am

Getting back into this great game, and hoping to join a top, active, competitive clan. Looking to learn more about team gameplay and start raising my rating seriously.

A bit about my game preferences:
- Maps I've enjoyed: Eurasia, First Nations, Nordic Countries, Archipelago (more traditional geographic layout + nice look)
- Spoils: Flat rate (pref), no spoils, escalating
- Not a huge fan of trench, but happy to try it out
- Experience: mostly singles, some Eurasia / First Nations team games (definitely looking for more team games)

Also, I'm still a bit new here, but is there a formal ranking for clans? I can only seem to find the statistics on the clan main page.

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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Donelladan on Wed Jul 22, 2020 1:29 am

Welcome back.
this is the formal clan ranking
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby ProStrategos on Wed Jul 22, 2020 7:37 am

Great, thanks! I can't seem to get the rankings images to expand fully on multiple browsers? The first few rows get cut off?

Edit: nevermind got the URLs by quoting, as a workaround.
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Riskmaster101 on Thu Aug 06, 2020 6:17 pm

Hello all!

Seeking a top tier clan. Spent time creating Kill on Arrival and The Fallen w/ friends (many moons ago). 10+ years of analysis and experience w/ a bit of a hiatus to go to college and get married.

Active and creative. Please PM me if interested.

Russ (Riskmaster101)

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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Darkest Knight on Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:28 pm

I am interested in joining a active clan if anyone will take me. My dad has been playing for a few years and I got interested about three months ago. I am young and I've been playing a lot of freestyle and manual games But I'm interested in playing team games.
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby MGSteve on Sun Aug 16, 2020 8:06 pm

Clan life is mostly about team play so I think any competitive clan would want you to have some experience and skill at team play. The more competitive ones would want to see higher rank and more experience as well. BUT, I know of a couple clans, at least one of which is no more, that had user groups dedicated to training and trying out for the clan. I was in the first one trying out for Mythology while getting more team training and I started and ran the one in Memento Mori. You might find a clan that has such a group if any still do. And you could start joining team games to get some experience.

You could also join the SoC, Society of Cooks, and sign up for basic training here: Unfortunately they only teach team training to graduates of basic training and weren't giving any team training classes last I heard.

Another way to get some experience is to find someone who likes to help people out by joining some games with you and trying to teach you what they know. Fortunately for you, you have. So pm or wall me with what maps you'd like to start out with and what settings you'd like to try and I'll see what I can do to help out. Also, let me know what settings and any maps that you wouldn't like to try. I might even be able talk a couple other players into some trips and quads games if you're wanting to learn. Just gimme a yell.
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby riskllama on Sun Aug 16, 2020 10:45 pm

MG = helping
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Toonarmy09 on Wed Aug 19, 2020 8:22 pm

Looking for a clan....well whats new you resume thingy, well I sit around all day watching crappy programmes on the television, I like to eat carrots and the odd cucumber and look at the moon and think is there alien life up there.....and would they take me or shall I just join a fun and active clan. My feet tend to sweat a lot in the summer so I dip them in a pool of water in the back yard watching the chipmunks run round and round in circles, I want to feed them but my wife says noooooooo........10 years experience on strategy game 'Lords and Knights', several years on Travian strategy game, gamer most of my life {PS4 elder scrolls player) and I am not bad at mouse user.....any takers or shall I just watch the moon again
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby MGSteve on Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:37 am

Firstly, your wife is right. Just recently saw an article about the first case of plague in Tahoe, California in 5 years. Ground squirrels, chipmunks and such carry it. Not to mention that it would also draw rats.

But as far as clans, they're interested in your abilities in risk team play, not the other games. I see that you're new to the site, have very few games and low rank. None of which bodes well for clans to be accepting you. BUT... you could sign up for basic training with the SoC (Society of Cooks) here: They also give team training to grads of basic but weren't giving it last time I heard. If you're willing and eager to learn, I would be willing to get into some team games with you. And if you impress the hell outta me, I'd be willing to plead your case to my peeps and see about getting you into GoN, (Gladiators of Noxious) one of the very best clans on CC and a great bunch of people. So gimme a yell if you want a game or 3.
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Shannon Apple on Thu Aug 20, 2020 7:19 am

Toonarmy09 wrote:Looking for a clan....

Oh yes, you should definitely join the Society of Cooks training. Regardless of your skill or potential as a strategist, the SoC teaches singleplayer escalating strategy, but you also pick up the odd tip here and there, and get a shiny medal at the end. AND, you get to play with a lot of new people. I joined it myself years ago.

As for clans, some of them are very competitive, and others not so much. It all depends on what you are looking for. What they all have in common is that they are looking for team play experience. That doesn't mean that you need to be here for years. You just need to have some team wins on that resume of yours. You need to be able to demonstrate that you can communicate with your teammates, give and/or take advice... and win games.

In the best clans, no one takes their turn without first saying what they think they should do in the team chat, then waiting for one or more of the others to chime in and give their thoughts. Sometimes, they'll see something you didn't and vice versa. I've spoken to people who are like "I don't like to discuss turns, I just take them" and that's why their clans never get anywhere in the leagues. If your teammates are silent, find new teammates. =) I saw that some people already offered to play some games with you on your wall. Take them up on their offer. ;)

Do that and ask again in a few months. I bet you'll get accepted to a clan then. Best of luck!
00:33:53 ‹riskllama› will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ‹LiveLoveTeach› You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ‹LiveLoveTeach› Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I doubt it
00:34:30 ‹LiveLoveTeach› I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby sm8900 on Thu Aug 20, 2020 9:44 am

sorry for a basic question; how do i see a list of all the groups that are available to join?> I noticed that some folks here are members of groups such as "Academy Teachers." is there somewhere that I can view a list of all such groups that can be joined? I appreciate your help.

please feel free to post a note on my wall, once you reply here, if that's ok. I appreciate your help. thanks! :)
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Silvertop on Fri Aug 21, 2020 4:02 am

Because clan VDLL stopped some months ago I'm looking for a clan. Check my stats or if you have questions PM me
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby MGSteve on Sat Aug 22, 2020 3:15 pm

Shannon Apple wrote:
Toonarmy09 wrote:Looking for a clan....

Oh yes, you should definitely join the Society of Cooks training. Regardless of your skill or potential as a strategist, the SoC teaches singleplayer escalating strategy, but you also pick up the odd tip here and there, and get a shiny medal at the end. AND, you get to play with a lot of new people. I joined it myself years ago.

As for clans, some of them are very competitive, and others not so much. It all depends on what you are looking for. What they all have in common is that they are looking for team play experience. That doesn't mean that you need to be here for years. You just need to have some team wins on that resume of yours. You need to be able to demonstrate that you can communicate with your teammates, give and/or take advice... and win games.

In the best clans, no one takes their turn without first saying what they think they should do in the team chat, then waiting for one or more of the others to chime in and give their thoughts. Sometimes, they'll see something you didn't and vice versa. I've spoken to people who are like "I don't like to discuss turns, I just take them" and that's why their clans never get anywhere in the leagues. If your teammates are silent, find new teammates. =) I saw that some people already offered to play some games with you on your wall. Take them up on their offer. ;)

Do that and ask again in a few months. I bet you'll get accepted to a clan then. Best of luck!

Very well said. Much better than I could have.
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Deanos75 on Thu Sep 10, 2020 1:26 am

Hi Peoples.

Interest in joining a clan.

I really only have proficiency at world 2.1 but i think I am going okay at it....

-- Current points 1854 but rising steadily (only been on the site a few months).
-- Overall CC win record 65%
-- Doubles record even better - 46 wins / 4 losses (although my ranking has not attracted games against the big guns yet - I am not as good as that suggests)
-- As i work from home (on computer) i am quick to move (during Australian awake hours). I do not miss turns.
-- For me the secret to winning is partly knowing your odds, knowing your map, but in teams its also all about a cohesive strategy with your partner. Working together. Players Like Hooch and Halrob64 and mcaviator can vouch for how much i chat strategy across the chat room.

Let me know if you think i am suitable for your clan.

PS I would join Mockerslags new clan except I was steering clear of the theme/name which appears to mock Christianity/religion. Each to their own just not for me.
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Re: Looking to join a Clan - Post your CC CV/Resume here

Postby Extreme Ways on Fri Sep 11, 2020 6:29 am

Deanos75 wrote:Hi Peoples.

Interest in joining a clan.

I really only have proficiency at world 2.1 but i think I am going okay at it....

-- Current points 1854 but rising steadily (only been on the site a few months).
-- Overall CC win record 65%
-- Doubles record even better - 46 wins / 4 losses (although my ranking has not attracted games against the big guns yet - I am not as good as that suggests)
-- As i work from home (on computer) i am quick to move (during Australian awake hours). I do not miss turns.
-- For me the secret to winning is partly knowing your odds, knowing your map, but in teams its also all about a cohesive strategy with your partner. Working together. Players Like Hooch and Halrob64 and mcaviator can vouch for how much i chat strategy across the chat room.

Let me know if you think i am suitable for your clan.

PS I would join Mockerslags new clan except I was steering clear of the theme/name which appears to mock Christianity/religion. Each to their own just not for me.

I'm playing a game with him atm, doubles on W2.1. He's a nice dude, not bad strategically and chatty. Good pickup for any clan that values communication, I'm sure he can follow/learn other maps quickly enough.
TOFU, ex-REP, ex-VDLL, ex-KoRT.
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