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Warned Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat [ka]

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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:47 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:Why dont you report my opponents from my last 4 speed games? Clearly you looked at my games so you must have seen them. Last 4 speed games - I won them all. My opponents deadbeated after the outcome was decided. I have zero issues with this and neither should ANYONE, mods included, who isnt directly involved in the game. I'm still unclear as to how this has anything to do with anyone other than the players involved or how or why you are involved at all.

i looked at you not any one else why pass the buck to others when its your self in the hot seat , our site isnt catering to your belief system it has a set of rules , omg what did you just write , u kill me u come into posts in this very section name call posters in situations just like this , get called out for it and its now your version of things if the issues dont include a member they should not be posting on it , dude you go in every forum ppl place in here zero concerning you name call ect and here were are looking into you and you say this lol just lol

i get pms often asking me to look into things even riskllama has asked me to post on at least 2 members i got a pm today telling me to look into you and i did . saw this and posted it . i spend an insane amount of time on line folding hands and take the time to post these threads in hopes to stop the abuse . did i go looking for this no no i did not will i post on issues like this yes yes i will 100 percent of the time .

your game history screams poor sport the deadbeat ratio is huge and simply put just because as you say all do it i dis agree . most have the respect to finish a game out not just the ones we can win , 1 v 1 or multi player site even added resign option to trench 1 v 1 so there is zero excuse to do this now more then ever,

quote :lol: :lol: I have zero issues with this and neither should ANYONE, mods included, who isnt directly involved in the game. :lol: :lol: but its ok to troll posters that post in c@a only to be called names by you , all games you have zero to do with nice logic . cc club relies on its members to post on abuse of the game so here we are ,

site c@a mods do care when players db this many this often as do i and is why its posted . page one of your games dude . and thats like the first half yikes!! all the while playing out your wins while these go db. just not fair m8

this isnt just a 1v1 issue here look for your selfs Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns
Last edited by zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:01 pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby DBandit70 on Sat Aug 08, 2020 8:48 pm

riskllama wrote:
riskllama wrote:#revengereport


pls don't do anything to get banned llama
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sat Aug 08, 2020 9:02 pm

DBandit70 wrote:
riskllama wrote:
riskllama wrote:#revengereport


pls don't do anything to get banned llama

not the place for this dbandit take that chit chat to the forums not here . llama brings on his own issues but again this isnt the place for that discussion
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby Kotaro on Sat Aug 08, 2020 10:40 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:Itll be a great day when you leave. Can't come soon enough. And what a hilariously pathetic attitude about yourself - "I made a lot of money playing cards this year, therefore you should like me and think I am awesome." Anyone impressed with that, ain't worth impressing. That includes yourself.

Thanks to you, NSS, for contributing to my forum signature. Was looking for a perfect quote, and you gave it to me.
Lakad Matataaag!
Normalin, normalin.


TheJonah wrote:I`m not really that arsed. Just supporting my mucker.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Aug 09, 2020 12:56 am

zeus111 wrote:
Nut Shot Scott wrote:Why dont you report my opponents from my last 4 speed games? Clearly you looked at my games so you must have seen them. Last 4 speed games - I won them all. My opponents deadbeated after the outcome was decided. I have zero issues with this and neither should ANYONE, mods included, who isnt directly involved in the game. I'm still unclear as to how this has anything to do with anyone other than the players involved or how or why you are involved at all.

i looked at you not any one else why pass the buck to others when its your self in the hot seat , our site isnt catering to your belief system it has a set of rules , omg what did you just write , u kill me u come into posts in this very section name call posters in situations just like this , get called out for it and its now your version of things if the issues dont include a member they should not be posting on it , dude you go in every forum ppl place in here zero concerning you name call ect and here were are looking into you and you say this lol just lol

i get pms often asking me to look into things even riskllama has asked me to post on at least 2 members i got a pm today telling me to look into you and i did . saw this and posted it . i spend an insane amount of time on line folding hands and take the time to post these threads in hopes to stop the abuse . did i go looking for this no no i did not will i post on issues like this yes yes i will 100 percent of the time .

your game history screams poor sport the deadbeat ratio is huge and simply put just because as you say all do it i dis agree . most have the respect to finish a game out not just the ones we can win , 1 v 1 or multi player site even added resign option to trench 1 v 1 so there is zero excuse to do this now more then ever,

quote :lol: :lol: I have zero issues with this and neither should ANYONE, mods included, who isnt directly involved in the game. :lol: :lol: but its ok to troll posters that post in c@a only to be called names by you , all games you have zero to do with nice logic . cc club relies on its members to post on abuse of the game so here we are ,

site c@a mods do care when players db this many this often as do i and is why its posted . page one of your games dude . and thats like the first half yikes!! all the while playing out your wins while these go db. just not fair m8

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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby DBandit70 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 7:38 am

he actually deadbeated a few games against me but I honestly don't care seeing I got the points, I wish he'd deadbeat all the game he plays against me :lol:
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby i-andrei on Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:30 am

Yeah, if this goes with a warning i will use the cc endpoint to get every person that deadbeated in the past year 1v1s speed games and report them all.
This is a crazy report. None cares if you deadbeat in 1v1 speed
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Aug 09, 2020 8:37 am

Seriously! If the game is over anyway, what's the problem? There was a time when this was the only way to get out of a losing speed game quickly. To accuse someone of breaking rules for that is a stretch.

There's a huge difference between this, and deadbeating to dump points.
00:33:53 ā€¹riskllamaā€ŗ will her and i ever hook up, LLT???
00:34:09 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ You and Shannon?
00:34:20 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ Bahahahahahaha
00:34:22 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I doubt it
00:34:30 ā€¹LiveLoveTeachā€ŗ I don't think she's into farm animals
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:34 am

I think mods are well aware zeuss only makes dubious reports like this against people he doesnā€™t like, itā€™s well documented.

Also, the entire argument of ā€œdeadbeating takes longerā€ is objectively false. Unless you think players are sitting, waiting for their turn to start so they can instantly drop and end? Anyone who believes that is a fool. If Iā€™m in 2-3 active speed games and 1 is a definite loss then obviously itā€™s last in the queue as itā€™s the least priority.

I really think a precedent needs to be set whereby deadbeating decided 1v1/poly speed games is not considered abuse. Either that or just adjust the forfeit rule for these games so it appears after round 6 or 7, not 10.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby Mad777 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 9:50 am

then it should be the resign button available from game start so a player can give up when he/she feels like itā€™s over.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Aug 09, 2020 10:47 am

No because then youā€™ll get cases where people instantly resign vs their friends. Yes ok theyā€™ll be punished for it but just avoid it. Making the resign button trigger at rd6/7 would be fine.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 1:45 pm

start a game finish a game . not too much to ask , this member surfs for the wins dead beats the losses its clear as day . however its still not cool to dead beat as often as this member is doing . daily in fact dice go soft he quits no sportsmanship here what so ever .

it is a major issue and sends wrong message to new recruits . they see this now days and think its ok . its not just 1 v 1 games either they are the ones posted from first half of page one . ill gladly post more games as needed . mods being aware i only post on ppl i dont like is false like the request to changes site rules to accommodate dead beats quitting a game they can resign from in later rounds .

for the record i dont care for this members style of play have foed for this reason but its not a personal attack . this issue in speed section is my concern . i feel strongly about the speed section of the site number 1 and to date to intentionally quit game after game is against the rules 1v1 or multi player , here are 20 games listed clearly its an issue in need of attention .

if site removes the deadbeat rule as caff suggests and we can now say I DB quit the game 1v1 we may as well include multi player games throw multi accounts back in the mix as well lets just be real and finish games we start win or lose .

this isnt just a 1v1 issue here look for your self's Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns Nut Shot Scott was kicked out for missing too many turns

there are 10 multi player games as well all dead beats kick out for missing turns . and yes this wastes boat loads of time . whats clear as day here if nns cant win he just quits . its out of hand frankly and needs to stop

i posted 30 games now both 1v1 and multi player games if admin would like ill post more but feel the points been made

Last edited by zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:07 pm

Mad777 wrote:then it should be the resign button available from game start so a player can give up when he/she feels like itā€™s over.

i cant say its needed the vast majority will play out a game if we open that door it paves the way for point dumping . one can use vpn open 20 accounts join games and resign . we can spot that mind you but it will happen 100 percent as long as members here go un identified .

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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:09 pm

i-andrei wrote:Yeah, if this goes with a warning i will use the cc endpoint to get every person that deadbeated in the past year 1v1s speed games and report them all.
This is a crazy report. None cares if you deadbeat in 1v1 speed

but its not just 1v1 games its all games he plays period , and yes 1v1 games when the resign feature is in play is kinda shit move imo all the while playing out his wins simultaneously
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:20 pm

[quote="iAmCaffeine"]I think mods are well aware zeuss only makes dubious reports like this against people he doesnā€™t like, itā€™s well documented.

not the place but will speak to this allegation here

ill direct you to a report on a long time friend barney rubble . i was in a game leix reported him for throwing a game to hottitgers . i went in to the report and told the truth about it and gave honest insite against barney a long time friend so my posts are impartial to all offending not just the players i dont care for . to be upfront i get asked very often to post on speed game issues that side is dam near dead and feel this is why . players log on to play a game our site has 4 out of 6 players deadbeating in almost every game and has run off so many daily users looking for a good competitve time filler .with the db rate this high the main way to win is just stack and out wait the players where is the tactical fun there , i post on the issue only on its habitual offenders . like nss in hopes to stop it .

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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:24 pm

Again, you misrepresent the facts in a situation that has fucking nothing to do with you. EVERY SINGLE ONE of those games i am either A) the last player left in a losing game or B) the second to last player left in a losing game except maybe one, in which I was the third player in a lost game where everyone else deadbeated as well. Look at the games you chump, multiple players are deadbeating when those games are over. What an absolute moron you must be to think anyone looks at those and says "oh, yeah, NSS is deadbeating out of competitive games and ruining them". What those games do is simply prove my point - that in speed games, deadbeating when the game is over is a common occurence that doesn't appear to bother anyone who is actually a part of the games. You? I don't give two shits if you think it's wasting time - it's not. Context matters. But yeah, keep posting games jackass. I'll keep knocking down your bullshit.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:27 pm

Where's the complaint on Hug It Out? risklover? ltiyank? Ltrain? pittman? wdraper? danduz007? cheesburgler? those are just off the top of my head. I'm not a habitual offender because I'm not offending anyone or anything - I simply play more speed games under these conditions than a lot of other players, thus my list is going to be longer but good work twisting facts. As the wonderful Shannon pointed out - this isn't point dumping, this isn't quitting competitive games, this isn't wasting anyone's time - this is doing something that hurts nobody and is a common act in games like this. These are trench, speed games that get done quicker by me deadbeating. The waste of time is you.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:34 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:Where's the complaint on Hug It Out? risklover? ltiyank? Ltrain? pittman? wdraper? danduz007? cheesburgler? those are just off the top of my head. I'm not a habitual offender because I'm not offending anyone or anything - I simply play more speed games under these conditions than a lot of other players, thus my list is going to be longer but good work twisting facts. As the wonderful Shannon pointed out - this isn't point dumping, this isn't quitting competitive games, this isn't wasting anyone's time - this is doing something that hurts nobody and is a common act in games like this. These are trench, speed games that get done quicker by me deadbeating. The waste of time is you.

hugitout i was sent a pm on in the middle of last month he went freebie so report was not filed . but did look into that player and yes i agree he needs to be sent same warning as yourself

as you can clearly see by this post this is a big problem and needs attention so thanks for the insite to the dbs plauging our site

Last edited by zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:42 pm

zeus111 wrote:
to be upfront i get asked very often to post on speed game issues that side is dam near dead and feel this is why . players log on to play a game our site has 4 out of 6 players deadbeating in almost every game and has run off so many daily users looking for a good competitve time filler .with the db rate this high the main way to win is just stack and out wait the players where is the tactical fun there


i'll respond to this as well. i do not deadeat out in the middle of a speed baltics game that is competitive, i want to win, wtf would i quit a game i want to win. maybe, if i'm toast and being held hostage for cards OR dont want to give an advantage to anyone by giving them my cards i will deadbeat - which again, is common and considered courteous i think. i, like many others, have had instances where i missed a game start and deadbeated the beginning through no desire or fault of my own other than maybe forgetting i joined or simply missing the non existent alert (it happens, there was even a bug fix for it). not much i can do about those but even those are extremely rare. i can assure you that me losing speed games is not costing the site any speed players. i would argue that i am one of the most RELIABLE speed players in that community - i dont miss turns, i start my games, i play my games and i play them consistently. i deadbeat the end of some, yes, for a reason, but again, if my opponents have no issues with this then i'm good.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby Nut Shot Scott on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:45 pm

zeus111 wrote:
Nut Shot Scott wrote:Where's the complaint on Hug It Out? risklover? ltiyank? Ltrain? pittman? wdraper? danduz007? cheesburgler? those are just off the top of my head. I'm not a habitual offender because I'm not offending anyone or anything - I simply play more speed games under these conditions than a lot of other players, thus my list is going to be longer but good work twisting facts. As the wonderful Shannon pointed out - this isn't point dumping, this isn't quitting competitive games, this isn't wasting anyone's time - this is doing something that hurts nobody and is a common act in games like this. These are trench, speed games that get done quicker by me deadbeating. The waste of time is you.

hugitout i was sent a pm on in the middle of last month he went freebie so report was not filed . but did look into that player and yes i agree he needs to be sent same warning as yourself

as you can clearly see by this post this is a big problem and needs attention so thanks for the insite to the dbs plauging our site


not a single one of those players is plaguing anything. they are good shit who enjoy playing games. you aren't even a speed player, f*ck off and leave us alone. notice how nobody is piping in here from that community saying "yeah! get em zeus!" shit, one of my opponents - a good one, btw, dbandit, even says "who cares?" get a god damn life. what a loser.
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 2:48 pm

Nut Shot Scott wrote:
zeus111 wrote:
to be upfront i get asked very often to post on speed game issues that side is dam near dead and feel this is why . players log on to play a game our site has 4 out of 6 players deadbeating in almost every game and has run off so many daily users looking for a good competitve time filler .with the db rate this high the main way to win is just stack and out wait the players where is the tactical fun there


i'll respond to this as well. i do not deadeat out in the middle of a speed baltics game that is competitive, i want to win, wtf would i quit a game i want to win. maybe, if i'm toast and being held hostage for cards OR dont want to give an advantage to anyone by giving them my cards i will deadbeat - which again, is common and considered courteous i think. i, like many others, have had instances where i missed a game start and deadbeated the beginning through no desire or fault of my own other than maybe forgetting i joined or simply missing the non existent alert (it happens, there was even a bug fix for it). not much i can do about those but even those are extremely rare. i can assure you that me losing speed games is not costing the site any speed players. i would argue that i am one of the most RELIABLE speed players in that community - i dont miss turns, i start my games, i play my games and i play them consistently. i deadbeat the end of some, yes, for a reason, but again, if my opponents have no issues with this then i'm good.

the site does not cater to your beliefs you cant grasp this . it has a very few simple rules . your daily deadbeating is the issue here win or lose we are asked simply join a game see it through and went as far to allow us to resign the 1v1 dice issue games . the everyone else is doing it excuse is weak at best. facts are given here ill leave the issue to mod in charge but ask that this issue be treated in a way that sends clear message to all TO DATE TO INTENTIONALLY DB ON A DAILY BASIS IN NOT OK

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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby riskllama on Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:08 pm

zeus111 wrote:

the site does not cater to your beliefs

and yet, here you are - expecting it to cater to yours... :roll: . do you know what enforcing the "spirit" of the law vs the "letter" of the law means? maybe look into it... ;)
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:21 pm

riskllama wrote:
zeus111 wrote:

the site does not cater to your beliefs

and yet, here you are - expecting it to cater to yours... :roll: . do you know what enforcing the "spirit" of the law vs the "letter" of the law means? maybe look into it... ;)

lol i did not make the rules here but will post on the issue as its killed our speed game side . i feel strongly here this issue needs attention its simply out of hand . we need to either adapt to it change to accommodate it or we enforce the rules as they were written llama. what you all see as a personal attack on him is not even close to reality. i am and have been desperately trying to save our speed section that is utterly plagued with deadbeats. as we can see by nss own posts so many are doing this and the issue is out of control.

i again did not make the cc rules so dont see where your coming from with this post . and as always zero into nss deadbeating just more personal attacks on a c@a poster
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby riskllama on Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:26 pm

lol, hopeless... :?
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Re: Nut Shot Scott intentional dead beat

Postby zeus111 on Sun Aug 09, 2020 3:29 pm

if this can be locked to avoid any more reading to the mod in charge im fine with that unless nss wants to chime in on why he feels its ok to db daily when others have been noted warned then banned allow him to do so . but i have said all that needs to be said and as we are now into page 2 its getting a bit much for mod looking in

be safe and well all

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