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Mind of Skoffin Mafia DAY 3

Housing completed games. Come take a walk through a history of suspicion!

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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia

Postby Skoffin on Sat Mar 21, 2020 6:28 am

vote count
8 alive, 5 needed to lynch

Pika ----------- strike (1)
Mets ---------- MM, skittles (2)
Strike -------- dg (1)
dgz ----------- , mets, pika, (2)
Ragoo --------
Skittles ------
Agge ---------
Masket ------[/quote]

aage your vote did not count because it was confusing.
Strike did not unvote

No lynch. Night time nerds.
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Night 1

Postby Ragian on Sat Mar 21, 2020 7:08 am

Surely, we can have an extension, right? People have just started to talk. Pwetty pwease...
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia

Postby dgz345 on Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:16 pm

Ragian wrote:Why are you getting your vote out on Strike? You're already on the chopping board for claiming, which is a disadvantage to town, so at least afford us a reason that you're voting for Strike.

my dice was on strike mets and skitts. and it fell on strike.

Skitts]LBR, dgz has been playing weirdly all game but I am honestly putting it down to his role. He may claim VT, but honestly I think he's putting a mark on his back and scum will take him out tonight. I don't think we'd get much info from his death tho :/[/quote] (really minor. but why would scum target me. that goes against what the others have said about me "claiming" VT)

Strike: just some small stuff (there is really not much to go on, probably on this list because hes stabbed me in the back in another game)

[quote="mets wrote:
I'm going to keep my vote on dgz, I called him being suspicious early on and I don't especially care if it's a pattern of his.
:roll: guess the skoffin RP is suspicious... :roll:

Masket: nothing to go on really.

Agee: to much text in each post...

Ragoo: being rago

pika: being grumpy town as always :lol:

Name Posts
dgz345 25
Ragian 17
Skoffin 14
Pikanchion 13
Skittles! 9
strike wolf 9
Minister Masket 6
aage 4
Metsfanmax 4
Dukasaur 1

why is there a duke post?? :o
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Night 1

Postby dgz345 on Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:17 pm

Rip formating...
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia

Postby dgz345 on Sat Mar 21, 2020 2:18 pm

Ragian wrote:Why are you getting your vote out on Strike? You're already on the chopping board for claiming, which is a disadvantage to town, so at least afford us a reason that you're voting for Strike.

my dice was on strike mets and skitts. and it fell on strike.

Skitts wrote:LBR, dgz has been playing weirdly all game but I am honestly putting it down to his role. He may claim VT, but honestly I think he's putting a mark on his back and scum will take him out tonight. I don't think we'd get much info from his death tho :/
(really minor. but why would scum target me. that goes against what the others have said about me "claiming" VT)

Strike: just some small stuff (there is really not much to go on, probably on this list because hes stabbed me in the back in another game)

mets wrote:I'm going to keep my vote on dgz, I called him being suspicious early on and I don't especially care if it's a pattern of his.
:roll: guess the skoffin RP is suspicious... :roll:

Masket: nothing to go on really.

Agee: to much text in each post...

Ragoo: being rago

pika: being grumpy town as always :lol:

Name Posts
dgz345 25
Ragian 17
Skoffin 14
Pikanchion 13
Skittles! 9
strike wolf 9
Minister Masket 6
aage 4
Metsfanmax 4
Dukasaur 1

why is there a duke post?? :o

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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Night 1

Postby Skittles! on Sun Mar 22, 2020 4:40 am

dude shut up it's night
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Night 1

Postby dgz345 on Mon Mar 23, 2020 1:28 pm

Whoops missed that. i replayed to a post on the page before :oops:
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Night 1

Postby strike wolf on Thu Mar 26, 2020 12:13 pm

The endless night is here.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Night 1

Postby dgz345 on Thu Mar 26, 2020 1:07 pm

strike wolf wrote:The endless night is here.

only been 120h that's not long in skoffin time.
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Night 1

Postby Skoffin on Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:00 am


All the Skoffin's gathered around - blatantly ignoring the 1.5 metre social distancing rules - and started echoing "when is the day scene?" "is it still night?"
One Skoffin asked "Which one of us is supposed to post the scene anyway?". All Skoffins turned to one another and shrugged, before turning on each other once again.

One Skoffin jumped out in front of the crowd and beckoned to them "DON'T WORRY GUYS I'LL DO IT! I'VE GOT THIS!"
They unfurled the paper preparing to read to the crowd but instead... "Oh.. so looks like I'm dead? Ok then"

Pikanchion Briefly Enthusiastic Skoffin has died

As the other Skoffins stood in silence contemplating the situation, another appeared behind them.

"Hi guys. What'd I miss?"

"They ded" someone replied, pointing at the body.

"Oh really? Oh I think I must be too then. Carry on"

Masket Not even here Skoffin (Hider) has died

Daytime whatever
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby Pikanchion on Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:03 am

I blame Skoffin...
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby Skoffin on Fri Mar 27, 2020 3:04 am

Get rekt
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby Skittles! on Fri Mar 27, 2020 6:24 am

So mafia and a SK? f*ck skoffin
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby strike wolf on Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:21 am

Pretty sure Masket died because of the same group as Pika. Unless the kill was unblockable or he hid behind scum, a hider wouldnt die from being directly targeted. Unblockable second kill is statistically unlikely to balance in a game this size and the scene seems to suggest that Masket died because Pika died. @Skoffin. Im assuming that no role name means that Pika was a VT.

So assuming 2 scum, were now at MyLo.

I have a longer post to write but it may be a bit before I have time to write it out. Until then all your base are belong to me.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby aage on Fri Mar 27, 2020 12:12 pm

But how can I post without my base?

Skittles, I concur with Strike, it's way more likely Masket just hid behind Pika and died as collateral. The scene almost directly says as much.

I will try to post something a little more substantial today or tomorrow, on the condition that my base has been returned to me safe and sound.
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby Ragian on Fri Mar 27, 2020 1:10 pm

Even I got that Masket died because he hid behind Pikaskoff. C'mon, Skitt :D

I'm looking forward to the long post.
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby dgz345 on Fri Mar 27, 2020 2:09 pm

Why does 2 ppl have to die... my maths...
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia

Postby Metsfanmax on Fri Mar 27, 2020 10:41 pm

dgz345 wrote:
mets wrote:I'm going to keep my vote on dgz, I called him being suspicious early on and I don't especially care if it's a pattern of his.
:roll: guess the skoffin RP is suspicious... :roll:

Everyone's doing the Skoffin RP, and it does fit in with the game theme. But some of your posts look a lot like they're trying too hard to contribute and therefore appear town, like your post counts and the player review in this post that has useless comments like

Masket: nothing to go on really.

And you're not doing yourself any favors with your first comment after the scene being "why does 2 ppl have to die."

Of course, you're not the only one with fluff posts; Ragian's last post isn't much of a contribution either. But the claim does put you pretty high on the list.
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby Skittles! on Sat Mar 28, 2020 8:39 am

Ragian wrote:Even I got that Masket died because he hid behind Pikaskoff. C'mon, Skitt :D

I'm looking forward to the long post.

I guess y'all right. I never put much emphasis on the actual scenes, especially when it comes to Skoffin. My mind ain't working in mafia ideas anymore, i'm so out of practice.

Looking back on the post now, the f*ck that Masket was a hider.. fml i shouldve picked that up
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia

Postby Ragian on Sun Mar 29, 2020 3:20 am

Metsfanmax wrote:
dgz345 wrote:
mets wrote:I'm going to keep my vote on dgz, I called him being suspicious early on and I don't especially care if it's a pattern of his.
:roll: guess the skoffin RP is suspicious... :roll:

Everyone's doing the Skoffin RP, and it does fit in with the game theme. But some of your posts look a lot like they're trying too hard to contribute and therefore appear town, like your post counts and the player review in this post that has useless comments like

Masket: nothing to go on really.

And you're not doing yourself any favors with your first comment after the scene being "why does 2 ppl have to die."

Of course, you're not the only one with fluff posts; Ragian's last post isn't much of a contribution either. But the claim does put you pretty high on the list.

No constructive posts so far this day, but you only call out two players for it. What gives?
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby dgz345 on Sun Mar 29, 2020 4:53 am

strike wolf wrote:So assuming 2 scum, were now at MyLo.

so do we lynch or not lynch?
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby Ragian on Mon Mar 30, 2020 4:15 pm

What would you suggest? Would you give it a shot, or would you like to go to night and put all your eggs in the basket of any power roles out there?

I think we should start off by actually talking. I was promised a long post, but that was another let-down.

Here's what I have so far based on the bare minimum that's been this game so far:
- Mets weirds me out by calling out only two people for shite posts when all posts so far today have been so.
- Strike has looked good to me so far, looking his laid back observing self, but it's bad to promise something if you don't deliver.
- Dgz has looked his self-destructive self by tripping over every landmine there is if you're town. Pika wanted him dead, and now Pika's dead. Could be getting rid of the competition or could be a setup.
- Ragian is a fucking beauty.
- Skittles weirds me out by not understanding what I thought was a very easily understood night scene. Must be skimming. Usually a scum trait. It's not a lot to go on, though.
- Aage weirds me out for not leading like I'm used to him doing. I think, however, that I've stated this before, so maybe he's just adjusting to the new CC mafia club of not posting anything.

Based on the above, I'm scrutinizing everybody but myself. I do not feel comfortable voting. We need everyone to talk.

Where do you stand on everyone so far, dgz?
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby dgz345 on Tue Mar 31, 2020 1:46 am

Ragian wrote:What would you suggest? Would you give it a shot, or would you like to go to night and put all your eggs in the basket of any power roles out there?

I think we should start off by actually talking. I was promised a long post, but that was another let-down.

Here's what I have so far based on the bare minimum that's been this game so far:
- Mets weirds me out by calling out only two people for shite posts when all posts so far today have been so.
- Strike has looked good to me so far, looking his laid back observing self, but it's bad to promise something if you don't deliver.
- Dgz has looked his self-destructive self by tripping over every landmine there is if you're town. Pika wanted him dead, and now Pika's dead. Could be getting rid of the competition or could be a setup.
- Ragian is a fucking beauty ugly.
- Skittles weirds me out by not understanding what I thought was a very easily understood night scene. Must be skimming. Usually a scum trait. It's not a lot to go on, though.
- Aage weirds me out for not leading like I'm used to him doing. I think, however, that I've stated this before, so maybe he's just adjusting to the new CC mafia club of not posting anything.

Based on the above, I'm scrutinizing everybody but myself. I do not feel comfortable voting. We need everyone to talk.

Where do you stand on everyone so far, dgz?

i still stand by my accidential post during the night.

those that rub me wrong are Strike and skittles.
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia Day 2

Postby Ragian on Tue Mar 31, 2020 4:07 pm

Right. Wake me up when the others arrive.
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Re: Mind of Skoffin Mafia

Postby Metsfanmax on Tue Mar 31, 2020 10:30 pm

Ragian wrote:
Metsfanmax wrote:
dgz345 wrote:
mets wrote:I'm going to keep my vote on dgz, I called him being suspicious early on and I don't especially care if it's a pattern of his.
:roll: guess the skoffin RP is suspicious... :roll:

Everyone's doing the Skoffin RP, and it does fit in with the game theme. But some of your posts look a lot like they're trying too hard to contribute and therefore appear town, like your post counts and the player review in this post that has useless comments like

Masket: nothing to go on really.

And you're not doing yourself any favors with your first comment after the scene being "why does 2 ppl have to die."

Of course, you're not the only one with fluff posts; Ragian's last post isn't much of a contribution either. But the claim does put you pretty high on the list.

No constructive posts so far this day, but you only call out two players for it. What gives?

Sure, most of the other posts weren't especially illuminating. I wouldn't say there were no constructive posts; strike's post describing the scene was clearly relevant because not everyone understood what the scene implied. Still, I was just giving an example of another post that was not helpful, and you happened to have been the one that posted just before dgz. I find it interesting that you are getting a little defensive about being specifically called out however; I wouldn't normally expect you as a player to say "please excuse my poor play on behalf of everyone else's play being poor."
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