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CC is declining again!

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby YukFoo on Thu Feb 06, 2020 1:14 pm

NomadPatriot wrote:log in & see a global chat packed with derogatory language

I thought that was what Global Chat was meant for? That is certainly how they have trained their users to use the chat...
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby NomadPatriot on Thu Feb 06, 2020 2:32 pm

YukFoo wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:log in & see a global chat packed with derogatory language

I thought that was what Global Chat was meant for? That is certainly how they have trained their users to use the chat...

until you type out the W-Word.. those Aussie's & Brits will issue you a ban for that.. they think it's derogatory..
but derogatory words describing people in other countries like hick or hillbilly.. those words are ok..
because Aussie & Brits have sensitive Fee-Fee's.. ...... :roll: :roll:

but you cannot even type out some words in global chat. .there is a filter.. but updating the filter with new un-typeable words would require.... *cough* effort..

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby rockfist on Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:30 pm

Some players will play 4-10 games consistently and have for years. When I get super busy I drop below 20 in a month.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby IcePack on Thu Feb 06, 2020 3:40 pm

rockfist wrote:Some players will play 4-10 games consistently and have for years. When I get super busy I drop below 20 in a month.

Those players get picked up in the overall numbers, which are also declining.

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby riskllama on Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:11 pm

NomadPatriot wrote:
YukFoo wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:log in & see a global chat packed with derogatory language

I thought that was what Global Chat was meant for? That is certainly how they have trained their users to use the chat...

until you type out the W-Word.. those Aussie's & Brits will issue you a ban for that.. they think it's derogatory..
but derogatory words describing people in other countries like hick or hillbilly.. those words are ok..
because Aussie & Brits have sensitive Fee-Fee's.. ...... :roll: :roll:

but you cannot even type out some words in global chat. .there is a filter.. but updating the filter with new un-typeable words would require.... *cough* effort..

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quit whining, NP - it is tiresome.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby NomadPatriot on Thu Feb 06, 2020 10:48 pm

IcePack wrote:
rockfist wrote:Some players will play 4-10 games consistently and have for years. When I get super busy I drop below 20 in a month.

Those players get picked up in the overall numbers, which are also declining.

seems CC is more concerned with being a forum, chat, emoji, wall, social interaction site then a gaming site... and honestly who pays for Social Media...….. :?:
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby IcePack on Sun Feb 09, 2020 10:53 pm

TeeGee wrote:5431 (jan 31)

5343 (feb 9)

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby alex951 on Tue Feb 11, 2020 4:57 pm

IcePack wrote:
rockfist wrote:Some players will play 4-10 games consistently and have for years. When I get super busy I drop below 20 in a month.

Those players get picked up in the overall numbers, which are also declining.

I used to have over 100 active games. Just don’t have the time anymore to be as active.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Feb 12, 2020 6:37 am

I drop below 100 active if I need to chill out
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby a17gtr on Wed Feb 12, 2020 7:54 am

yeah, noticed an uptick in number of undisciplined global chatters tho

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby zeus111 on Thu Feb 13, 2020 3:03 pm

cc club is declining that is a fact . the site is loosing paying members rapidly , in the past the dice drove players away today its the lack of integrity , in its current state cc club cant provide a straight up fair playing field to its current members . take the bwana case we had a member with 4 accounts in the same games reported by a member in those games to have been conducting secret diplomacy at the very least . upon further deeper look the accounts all dumped points to one account manipulating our scoring system . in a nut shell cheating the site and its members . several hundred points medals and ranks were achieved by this and the players are all remaining on site and were allowed to complete the tainted games questioned by its members .

cc club cant expect players to continue to pay to play on a site that can not guarantee its paying customers a fair straight up playing field. im sure tee gee will say big wham does not care about revenue but its becoming very clear this site cant protect itself from vpns just last week many new accounts like this memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=845493
set up log on go into gc and spew hate speech in this case it was said they molest children. the account was reported yet remains active.

whats crystal clear here is there is no way this site can say it can guarantee when a member joins a multi player its in fact playing 5 678910 different players it cant even keep them off site with an i p block . how much strategy is involved when 4 players in a 6 player game are one person playing the 4 accounts.

we have seen first hand when bwana did this a rather primitive way mind you nothing of any consequence happened . i had to go to extreme s to get some points removed and expose this but in a nut shell this clearly showed this site has zero integrity for its game play nor its ist rule no multi accounts. i am using bwana case to prove this site allowed it to continue and in its current design can not protect games on site nor its chat rooms. this will drive the players who want nothing more then a level playing field away .

the dice drove most away but this issue of not being able to say to its customers sorry all we can no longer guarantee you that you are playing a game that with in it one player can very easily be 4 or5 of its players showing all country flags from different countries .

i can say for me i wont be resubscribing to site as many share this belief the games with in just cant be trusted, add the fact the site allowed a member to manipulate the scoring medal s scoreboards is one thing but when it was shown rather clearly the 4 accounts were cheating in multi player games it allowed the tainted games to continue . paving the way for more and more of this type of thing to go on and it is . if the site cant provide at least a guarantee when we join a game we are playing in fact 5 different player s in a 6 player game how can it expect us to continue to pay to play here .

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby riskllama on Thu Feb 13, 2020 5:41 pm

lol - i'll believe it when i don't see any more of your retarded posts, zeke. how many times have you threatened to quit "after premium expires" now? 3? 4? how about you just tell us when & we can mark it down on our calendars.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby zeus111 on Thu Feb 13, 2020 7:11 pm

riskllama wrote:lol - i'll believe it when i don't see any more of your retarded posts, zeke. how many times have you threatened to quit "after premium expires" now? 3? 4? how about you just tell us when & we can mark it down on our calendars.

you seem to think what you say matters in any way the site quite frankly could use less of players just like your self and sooner then later. your constantly harassing its members received more chat bans then most and spread a poison through out . your not funny nor even amusing your just a cancer that needs to be cut out .

i have not paid for cc club nor sponsored anyone in a while premium runs out in November and yes its safe to say i will not be renewing . will be just shy of ten years but unless shit drastically changes ill just like most all pack it in .

funny lil kyle you seem to come in all my retarded posts!!

see kyle see kyle your just a no good cancer driving even more players away .
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby riskllama on Thu Feb 13, 2020 8:34 pm

lol, no - just one... :) . gfy, zeke.
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby zeus111 on Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:28 pm

riskllama wrote:lol, no - just one... :) . gfy, zeke.

lmfao gotcha lets take a look at lil kyles last week alone


Re: Full Running Leaderboard results - active members

Postby riskllama on Thu Jan 30, 2020 7:04 pm
if you don’t like our little community, NP....feel free to f*ck right off anytime.

Re: Full Running Leaderboard results - active members

Postby riskllama on Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:22 pm
f*ck right off, NP...


Re: CC Rumor Mill

Postby riskllama on Sat Feb 08, 2020 4:58 pm
rumour has it...NP sucks BBC for wooden nickels. :sick: :sick: :sick: :sick:


Re: Unable to enter silver or gold games in Feb Challenge

Postby riskllama on Thu Feb 06, 2020 6:23 pm
maybe try asking a mod if you've been permanently barred from entering these because of your past greasy tactics?


Re: MapRank bug: crossmap counts games with Bots

Postby riskllama on Fri Jan 31, 2020 7:50 pm
or, just don’t play bit games.

Re: CC has been declining

Postby riskllama on Thu Feb 06, 2020 8:11 pm
quit whining, NP - it is tiresome.

here is four members you for whatever reason feel the need to belittle just this week alone , to suggest its just one is just more of your bullcrap.

see kyle see kyle lmfao

clearly llama=in need of help
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby riskllama on Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:43 pm

who the f*ck is kyle, zeke? ahh, nvm - just don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out... ;) .
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby berlin1945 on Fri Feb 14, 2020 12:38 am

zeus111 wrote:cc club is declining that is a fact . the site is loosing paying members rapidly , in the past the dice drove players away today its the lack of integrity , in its current state cc club cant provide a straight up fair playing field to its current members . take the bwana case we had a member with 4 accounts in the same games reported by a member in those games to have been conducting secret diplomacy at the very least . upon further deeper look the accounts all dumped points to one account manipulating our scoring system . in a nut shell cheating the site and its members . several hundred points medals and ranks were achieved by this and the players are all remaining on site and were allowed to complete the tainted games questioned by its members .

cc club cant expect players to continue to pay to play on a site that can not guarantee its paying customers a fair straight up playing field. im sure tee gee will say big wham does not care about revenue but its becoming very clear this site cant protect itself from vpns just last week many new accounts like this memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=845493
set up log on go into gc and spew hate speech in this case it was said they molest children. the account was reported yet remains active.

whats crystal clear here is there is no way this site can say it can guarantee when a member joins a multi player its in fact playing 5 678910 different players it cant even keep them off site with an i p block . how much strategy is involved when 4 players in a 6 player game are one person playing the 4 accounts.

we have seen first hand when bwana did this a rather primitive way mind you nothing of any consequence happened . i had to go to extreme s to get some points removed and expose this but in a nut shell this clearly showed this site has zero integrity for its game play nor its ist rule no multi accounts. i am using bwana case to prove this site allowed it to continue and in its current design can not protect games on site nor its chat rooms. this will drive the players who want nothing more then a level playing field away .

the dice drove most away but this issue of not being able to say to its customers sorry all we can no longer guarantee you that you are playing a game that with in it one player can very easily be 4 or5 of its players showing all country flags from different countries .

i can say for me i wont be resubscribing to site as many share this belief the games with in just cant be trusted, add the fact the site allowed a member to manipulate the scoring medal s scoreboards is one thing but when it was shown rather clearly the 4 accounts were cheating in multi player games it allowed the tainted games to continue . paving the way for more and more of this type of thing to go on and it is . if the site cant provide at least a guarantee when we join a game we are playing in fact 5 different player s in a 6 player game how can it expect us to continue to pay to play here .


I agree with everything! The game is monstrous and outrageous with all of these alts. I know of at least one game I lost because an alt attacked me with the main conspicuously nearby. Yet nobody does anything about it. I don't see how this place survives much longer. Well, if it dies, I guess the alt problem will be solved. ;)
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby TeeGee on Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:34 pm

we are down less than 60 on same time last year.. 60.. a whole "almost" 60, time for panic stations
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby NomadPatriot on Sat Feb 15, 2020 10:50 pm

"CC will never be what it was in 2009 because, well facebook, smartphones, technology in general. But there will always be a core base.
Grandfather's will show their grandkids..."

- early 21st century savior of the Conquer Club societal mythos , TeeGee

now in the year 2235.. on the Colonial Mission to Alpha Centari.. a great grandfather opens his historical data files & tells the youths of the early times.. when Conquer Club formed the Federations By-Laws setting forth the new millennial change...
( as he reads about the struggle.. the youths murmur a synchronized low " the core base"... as they tap their toes on the hard metal flooring panels)

.... :?

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby IcePack on Mon Feb 17, 2020 12:43 am

IcePack wrote:
TeeGee wrote:5431 (jan 31)

5343 (feb 9)

5296 (feb 17)

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby Metsfanmax on Mon Feb 17, 2020 1:00 am

I hadn't updated my graph in about two years, so here you all go.

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Feb 17, 2020 7:25 am

Thanks Mets!
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby NomadPatriot on Mon Feb 17, 2020 2:48 pm

Metsfanmax wrote:I hadn't updated my graph in about two years, so here you all go.


if you hold that up to the horizon.. you can figure out where the perfect dice roll is...

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Re: CC has been declining

Postby TeeGee on Tue Feb 18, 2020 6:56 am

We are now =32 on same time last year, That is minus 32
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Re: CC has been declining

Postby ConfederateSS on Tue Feb 18, 2020 8:18 am

NomadPatriot wrote:"CC will never be what it was in 2009 because, well facebook, smartphones, technology in general. But there will always be a core base.
Grandfather's will show their grandkids..."

- early 21st century savior of the Conquer Club societal mythos , TeeGee

now in the year 2235.. on the Colonial Mission to Alpha Centari.. a great grandfather breaks out a sweet platinum R.I.S.K. board& tells the youths ...let's play ... then you can join Conquer Club the Federations Favorite...


--------------------Yes,but as crappy fads have come and gone...,8-Track tapes,casets, DVDs...Atari,Sega,..X-Box...etc..etc..Telegraph machine...The printing press....
Guess what is always around???...
-----------[size=200]Chess,R.I.S.K. and other great classic Strategy Games.... =D> =D> =D> ....They will still be played and going strong in 2235...No one in 2050 will be saying the word... X-box?[I/size]... O:) ConfederateSS.out!(The Blue and Silver Rebellion)... O:)
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