Ever thought to yourself, man I sure could use a nice competitive round robin Triples tournament to meet my fancy?
Well... friends, boy do I have a proposition for you. Let's bring back the glory days of CC. Back when the grass was blue, and the people had Risk Fever.
Here's the plan ya'll:
Phase 1
Type: Round Robin
Players: 8 or 16 teams of 3 (if 16 will have two groups of 8 round robin, then 4 best from each get seeded into a 8 team bracket tournament that follows the same rules)
Setup: Each week 2 games will be sent out and all teams will play on the same settings for that round.
- Game 1: Random map, Foggy, No Trench, randomized forts (except none), randomized spoils (except zombie), no round limit
- Game 2: Random map, Foggy, Trench, randomized forts (except none), randomized spoils (except zombie), 20 round limit
Phase 2
Type: Bracket of 4 best teams (or 4 from each RR. Clarification: Selected based on overall wins and seeded as such)
Players: 8 or 16 teams of 3 (if 16 will have two groups of 8 round robin, then 4 best from each get seeded into a 8 team bracket tournament that follows the same rules)
Setup: Each team will play 5 games
- Game 1/2: Random map, Foggy, No Trench, randomized forts (except none), randomized spoils (except zombie), no round limit
- Game 3/4: Random map, Foggy, Trench, randomized forts (except none), randomized spoils (except zombie), 20 round limit
- Game 5: Random map, Random fog, Random Trench, randomized forts (except none), randomized spoils (except zombie), 20 round limit
As always, the swimmerdude establishment requires all players follow the FOG RULE, allowing opponents to get a snap before playing, if they don't manage one, make sure to post everything they would have known, in the chat. I'm making this mandatory, so just remember, if they don't post in the chat, you should probably just copy it out.
You have 48hrs from your team's first turn to report an offense.
By signing up, you acknowledge you have read and agreed to the Fog Rule
Post you and your teammates along with a team name. If you convince someone else to join the tournament I'll give you a big smooch (or not, depending on your preference).
Planning to take entries until Feb. 14th, or until we have 8 teams and 2 reserves.