I have a group at work that used to play the physical board game here at work and we modeled the style of play similar to this website people took their turns when they could and games would last weeks. Well we have a new VP who brought an Ax down on that.
We are trying to create a group to play here but the problem is that we dont want to play on the weekends? Does any one know if we create a Freestyle game and all of us deadbeat on the weekends if it will kick us all after a while or if we play 5 days straight and miss 2 days if it will keep resetting?
Or Admins, is it possible to create a style of game that only runs weekdays and skips the weekends? Being able to create games like this would be really helpful for those of us with children and full of activity weekends where our only free time is at work.
Thanks for any help in advance.