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Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

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Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby nightrain007 on Tue Nov 06, 2018 2:38 pm

Today i decided i wanted to look into how the CC maps are made and went through the tutorial and as i was doing it i was brainstorming some ideas for maps that i might like to play. The first one was using world of warcraft since i grew up on it. i was thinking of just having a classic game style but on the eastern kingdoms map. I thought that might be bland and then i had an idea for a siege on stormwind and messed with a picture of the map and i kind of liked the idea but i'm not sure it's possible. (i did not make it through the whole tutorial as i got into this idea, so sorry if some of these questions are answered in the turtorial)

Here is a rough draft of a map but don't pay attention to the territories as much as the concept.

First i'll explain the map. If you aren't aware, in World of Warcraft(WoW) there is the Horde (red) and the Alliance (blue) and stormwind is the capital of the alliance. My idea is to make this a siege style map and if possible make it a set amount of turns. The red circles would be the Horde starting spot and would always have an auto deploy of some sort. Red arrows, if you can see them, would be one way attacks for the horde basically their breaching point. The blue arrows are essentially archer towers for the alliance and they can attack some spaces one way and then there are 2 way ones that let the horde kill them once they have breached the castle walls. The exception to this is stormwind keep which is the objective. There are 2 archer towers there that let the alliance pick off the mounting horde army that is going to attack the king. I think for these, if possible, i need to cap how big they can be otherwise the alliance can just stockpile troops there and never let the horde through. The circles around the territories would be "continents". My goal for these would be to make them reinforcement locations for the horde. basically if they don't own any of these areas they can only place reins on their starting area and then have to move them up at the end of their turns. Once they own a continent they can deploy troops in that area along with getting a bonus/autodeploy.

I would like to make this like a 2 v 6 map if possible, 2 horde and 6 alliance. the 2 horde would start one each side ( i think those 4 on the dock i'd just change to 1) and each of the 6 continents would be owned by an individual alliance player and essentially their goal is to hold their territory to stop the advancing horde. The blue circles outside of any of the continents would just be territories with no bonus's and split among the 6 players. The two white circles would be neutral territories that only the horde could attack and would be a way to get auto deployed troops for mounting an army for the final push into the castle. the final goal would be to take stormwind keep in X amount of turns. An alternate idea for the ending would be for that stormwind keep would be a neutral site but still the objective and everyturn it would get 1 troop auto deployed at the end you'd just be trying to kill the neutral player while the 2 archer towers can still dwindle your army.

My goal would be to have the teams working together for the goal or defending but i could see how this could be extremely boring for the alliance especially if you get stormwind keep and are essentially doing nothing until the final rounds. Hopefully there would be enough team work talking about where to send reinforcements to keep everyone engaged but i admit this could be a tall order. The other one would be to figure out how the auto deploy and reinforcements work to keep teams fair. Once the battle pushes on and the horde would get more territories the troops would be pushing on but at the same time if it takes 75% of your turns to get that far it could be exciting to be up against the clock near the end. Also bottle necks, i think i'll need to rethink where territories are because as it stands on the horde side only 1 person will be fighting the king while the other is feed him troops. In a way it's probably even as the alliance will be doing this in the beginning but maybe i can look at keep people more involved.

Are these things possible
Can i make it so those top white spaces can only be attacked by horde?
can i cap certain territories to only be able to have say 5 or 10 troops? like the archer towers.
can you make it so each alliance starts with all the territories in one continent?
or is there a way to let players pick their starting spots? what if instead of 2 v 6 it was 2 v 3 and the alliance could decide where to put their troops. everyone could have a forward position that will get early game action and each have a fall back location for late game action?

Thanks for listening/reading and i hope it makes sense to you.
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Re: Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby HitRed on Tue Nov 06, 2018 2:55 pm

Welcome to The Foundry. I have posted on Unbalanced Maps before (6 on 2 in your version) and it wasn't taken up at the time. I always thought a team game with massive force on on side and huge bombardment on the other would be nice.

Can you make it so each alliance starts with all the territories in one continent? Eastern Hemisphere has set starting terr. groups but no starting continents. Yes, but it would be unbalanced from the start.


Last edited by HitRed on Tue Nov 06, 2018 4:04 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby nightrain007 on Tue Nov 06, 2018 3:40 pm

That's a shame. i think it would be fun but i do think you'd need to have a certain group of people to make it seem fun. In my idea after typing it out i like the idea of 2v3 with the 3 getting 2 locations to more or less protect. I like teamwork though so i think it's a niche for sure. i might mess with something in my free time and see if it's doable even if my "unique" ideas of the neutral zones that only the attacker can capture aren't doable i think it is possible to try this as an unbalanced map like you suggest.

Thanks for the reply
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Re: Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby rockfist on Wed Nov 07, 2018 2:22 pm

Its going to be very hard to balance it correctly. I'm not saying it can't be done, I'm just saying it would take a lot to balance it.
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Re: Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Wed Nov 07, 2018 7:10 pm

I could see this being a potential Scenario, maybe.
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Re: Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby Shannon Apple on Sun Nov 11, 2018 4:40 pm

You'll run into copyright issues if you make an actual WoW map without clearing it first. In order to use a concept like World of Warcraft, you have to get permission from the creators (Blizzard?) to use it.

The person who made the Disc World map actually got permission from the author/publisher at the time. I remember this coming up before when someone wanted to make another map based on a book.

If you wanted to make a high fantasy map that gave a nod to WoW while making up your own names and things, I think you could get away with that.
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Re: Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby nightrain007 on Mon Nov 12, 2018 12:02 pm

Thanks for the reply's. I emailed blizzard about copyright and to get permission for the map. Hitred has been helping me with the beginning process and being an extra set of eyes on the map which has been great. I've been reading through the XML handbook in preparation for how to do some of the things i want to do with this map. I've been warned it's a slow process but i'm going to at least try and see it through. not sure how much i'm interested in doing it Non-Wow related but part of that might be because i already have a map made for me:) i'll cross that bridge when i get there i guess.

Thanks for the feedback.
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Re: Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby Billy64 on Tue Aug 20, 2019 7:16 pm

About copyrights. Is it legal to have Staples make poster board of any maps from this site for personal use?
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Re: Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby Kotaro on Mon Jan 20, 2020 12:46 am

Neat idea; a lot of zones in Azeroth and beyond have some cool landscape, and if you got permission to borrow the concepts (maybe while changing key names of areas/features), then there'd be a lot of good map ideas.
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Re: Wondering if this type of gameplay is possible

Postby DBandit70 on Thu Jan 23, 2020 2:37 pm

very neat map.... hope this get to be play on CC eventually
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