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conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Mad777 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 7:28 am

mookiemcgee wrote:Wow usually these complaints amount to people not understanding the scoring but Dakky got hosed big time here. In fact it looks like lots of others may have been affected too.

There are also lots of others who won 2 games in the first 3 rounds and were eliminated, while others with only 1 win moved on. RICHARDJOHN played rounds 4-6 yet only had 1 win in the first 3. Whereas General Ly, alfombra , and rmjw10 had 2 or more wins and were eliminated. Did they all just get booted because they ghosted?

Not surprised Nomad wants to complain. if you actually learn how to win more games, that might work better than ranting about how you think the system is rigged. He probably blames the casino for cheating when he loses there too.

Yeah this is the grey area of this added "rule", let's say you only login CC to play Conquer Cup (3 games) and nothing else, if your games finish way before the next round start and you are not coming back to check before that 7 days period then you are considered MIA when the computer start the new round, in this case and this tournament it show that may not be the best fit, however and with the other tons of auto tournaments it became very beneficial and decreased the amount of round having deadbeating players in your group.
The gaming is based on keeping you coming back, which is fair to me ;)
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Donelladan on Sat Aug 17, 2019 7:35 am

@Mad, but then it should be written somewhere on the tournament rule.
I can't see if for the Conquer Cup X.

Also I think in this case a reminder for player that are in the tournament but haven't logged in for couple of days should be sent.
Like maybe before kicking them out, send them an email and let them know they have 24h to log in to CC or they'll be kicked out of the tournament.
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Mad777 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 7:45 am

Donelladan wrote:@Mad, but then it should be written somewhere on the tournament rule.
I can't see if for the Conquer Cup X.

Also I think in this case a reminder for player that are in the tournament but haven't logged in for couple of days should be sent.
Like maybe before kicking them out, send them an email and let them know they have 24h to log in to CC or they'll be kicked out of the tournament.

It is notified in the tournament help page, section Auto Tournament. ... urnaments5

As far the email notification I doubt this option will take place, unless webmaster want to add this in the Notifications & Newsletters section ( ... tification) ;)
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby CivProBlows on Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:42 am

Mad777 wrote:Yeah this is the grey area of this added "rule", let's say you only login CC to play Conquer Cup (3 games) and nothing else, if your games finish way before the next round start and you are not coming back to check before that 7 days period then you are considered MIA when the computer start the new round, in this case and this tournament it show that may not be the best fit, however and with the other tons of auto tournaments it became very beneficial and decreased the amount of round having deadbeating players in your group.
The gaming is based on keeping you coming back, which is fair to me ;)

Yeah, that is a very bad rule for this paid tournament, considering how long it takes for it to actually start (compared to in the past). I would be very pissed off if I found out I was eliminated simply because I didn't log in for a week because I had no other games (although, that would not apply to me, personally).

The "dakky bug" (as it will forever be known) is a separate issue that will also likely deter players from joining this tournament in the future. It definitely needs to be addressed in the right way.
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Mad777 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:46 am

CivProBlows wrote:
Mad777 wrote:Yeah this is the grey area of this added "rule", let's say you only login CC to play Conquer Cup (3 games) and nothing else, if your games finish way before the next round start and you are not coming back to check before that 7 days period then you are considered MIA when the computer start the new round, in this case and this tournament it show that may not be the best fit, however and with the other tons of auto tournaments it became very beneficial and decreased the amount of round having deadbeating players in your group.
The gaming is based on keeping you coming back, which is fair to me ;)

Yeah, that is a very bad rule for this paid tournament, considering how long it takes for it to actually start (compared to in the past). I would be very pissed off if I found out I was eliminated simply because I didn't log in for a week because I had no other games (although, that would not apply to me, personally).

The "dakky bug" (as it will forever be known) is a separate issue that will also likely deter players from joining this tournament in the future. It definitely needs to be addressed in the right way.

First, this is not paid tournament, there is several “free” means to gather CC credits, then secondly the “dakky bug” is being discuss with webmaster and you may not have all the facts stating it’s a separate issue ;)
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby dakky21 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:58 am

I don't turn my desktop PC off at any time, it's on 24/7. I am the only user of that PC. I am logged in into CC the whole time and it never asks me for password, I am logged in like forever. That was obviously the cause.

The bug resolution is to either forcefully log out users after some time or don't count the last login date.

Yes, I got credits free for this tourney, but I also spent time winning those games and being kicked out due to a bug deserves at least some kind of reimbursement.
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby NomadPatriot on Sat Aug 17, 2019 10:09 am

mookiemcgee wrote:Not surprised Nomad wants to complain. if you actually learn how to win more games, that might work better than ranting about how you think the system is rigged. He probably blames the casino for cheating when he loses there too.

well it seems my hypothesis is the only one that is possible so far.. since no one can actually explained what happened on the technical level..
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby dakky21 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:00 am

I will explain it on the technical level.

They introduced the rule which states if you do not login in 7 days, you are kicked out of the tournament.
They also put cookies in your browser so you don't have to login each time you visit the site.
Most of the Cookies that CC gives to your browser expire in like a year or two.
So you stay logged in without having to log in again.

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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Keefie on Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:25 am

dakky21 wrote:I will explain it on the technical level.

They introduced the rule which states if you do not login in 7 days, you are kicked out of the tournament.
They also put cookies in your browser so you don't have to login each time you visit the site.
Most of the Cookies that CC gives to your browser expire in like a year or two.
So you stay logged in without having to log in again.

Loop closed.

Are you saying that there is no conspiracy theory here ? Nomad will be so disappointed :(
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby dakky21 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:41 am

Unfortunately for Nomad, there is no conspiracy here. It's just a bug. Too bad it happened to me, but at least they can now fix it. Someone had to discover it, obviously :)
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby NomadPatriot on Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:26 pm

I am not the one bitchin' like a little girl because I got booted from the exact same tournament in round 6..

but if the website is broken & full of bugs & doesn't function properly due to inept Staff members..
well .. ok
that does seem more plausible.. considering :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Keefie on Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:30 pm

NomadPatriot wrote:I am not the one bitchin' like a little girl because I got booted from the exact same tournament in round 6..

but if the website is broken & full of bugs & doesn't function properly due to inept Staff members..
well .. ok
that does seem more plausible.. considering :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Your elimination appears to be solid, nothing funny going on. You just didn't cut the mustard.
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby NomadPatriot on Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:47 pm

Keefie wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:I am not the one bitchin' like a little girl because I got booted from the exact same tournament in round 6..

but if the website is broken & full of bugs & doesn't function properly due to inept Staff members..
well .. ok
that does seem more plausible.. considering :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Your elimination appears to be solid, nothing funny going on. You just didn't cut the mustard.

what part of " I am not the one bitchin' like a little girl " is so hard for you to understand Keefie..?

i am not complaining about being eliminated... i was just offering an opinioned option to why the system acted the way it did towards Dakky21..

you want it to be inept staff, faulty non-functioning code & systemic bugs plaguing the site.. ok.. sounds legit to me..

but not sure who has to " cut mustard".. if you need a knife to cut your mustard.. you might want to think about eating non-expired food..
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Keefie on Sat Aug 17, 2019 12:50 pm

NomadPatriot wrote:
Keefie wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:I am not the one bitchin' like a little girl because I got booted from the exact same tournament in round 6..

but if the website is broken & full of bugs & doesn't function properly due to inept Staff members..
well .. ok
that does seem more plausible.. considering :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Your elimination appears to be solid, nothing funny going on. You just didn't cut the mustard.

what part of " I am not the one bitchin' like a little girl " is so hard for you to understand Keefie..?

i am not complaining about being eliminated... i was just offering an opinioned option to why the system acted the way it did towards Dakky21..

you want it to be inept staff, faulty non-functioning code & systemic bugs plaguing the site.. ok.. sounds legit to me..

but not sure who has to " cut mustard".. if you need a knife to cut your mustard.. you might want to think about eating non-expired food..

Crikey you are sooooooooooooooooooooooo boring.
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby mookiemcgee on Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:08 pm

NomadPatriot wrote:I am not the one bitchin' like a little girl

Actually you are.

NomadPatriot wrote: I got booted from the exact same tournament in round 6..

Yes, because you won zero games between round 4, 5 and 6.

NomadPatriot wrote:the website is broken & full of bugs & doesn't function properly due to inept Staff members..
well .. ok
that does seem more plausible.. considering :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

See there you go bitching like a little girl again, when the reality is you just didn't win any games in that scoring window. Like Llama said maybe you should play more games again people instead of playing only against bots that are designed to let you win.
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Mad777 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:14 pm

mookiemcgee wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:the website is broken & full of bugs & doesn't function properly due to inept Staff members..
well .. ok
that does seem more plausible.. considering :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

See there you go bitching like a little girl again, when the reality is you just didn't win any games in that scoring window. Like Llama said maybe you should play more games again people instead of playing only against bots that are designed to let you win.

You got ahead of me on this one :lol:
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby dgz345 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:33 pm

I would give dakky some credits if i could. but I don't know if there is a way to send credits :lol:

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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby dakky21 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 1:47 pm

dgz there is a reason why you or anyone else can't send me credits :D a valid reason in this case :D
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby NomadPatriot on Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:02 pm

if i had no life i would spent 6-13 years on a gaming website playing 10,000's of games ….
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Mad777 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:16 pm

NomadPatriot wrote:if i had no life i would spent 6-13 years on a gaming website playing 10,000's of games ….

Seeing the amount of time you spent posting in the Forums it seems like you have no life neither :lol:
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby NomadPatriot on Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:44 pm

Mad777 wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:if i had no life i would spent 6-13 years on a gaming website playing 10,000's of games ….

Seeing the amount of time you spent posting in the Forums it seems like you have no life neither :lol:

let's break down your life then MAD..
you have played 8600+ games

let's average that too 5 minutes per round, / 20 rounds per game.. ( some rounds might be shorter.. some games might be longer .. just roughing out a average.. )

that would be 100 minutes per game you have sat in front of your computer... clicking a mouse. accomplishing nothing.

100 minutes x 8600 games = 860,000 minutes you have sat in front of your computer playing CC..

14,333+ hours
597+ days
1.63 years of your life.. sitting there.. .playing CC...

over the 10 years you have been playing CC.. let's say you sleep 8 hours a day..
so that would leave 6.6 years of you being awake.. since 2009..

in the past 10 years.. you have been playing CC 25% of the time you are awake..

1/4th of your day for a decade straight has been CC...

that is f-ing sad..

the one thing I will never do is become you..
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby dgz345 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:47 pm

NomadPatriot wrote:let's average that too 5 minutes per round

Thats a very huge average i would say. maybe in clan games but not for your average game
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Mad777 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:56 pm

dgz345 wrote:
NomadPatriot wrote:let's average that too 5 minutes per round

Thats a very huge average i would say. maybe in clan games but not for your average game

That is what he needs to spend to take a turn... :lol:

NP, I let you redo your wonderful statistic but use 15 or 30 seconds per round...
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby dgz345 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:57 pm

Mad777 wrote:NP, I let you redo your wonderful statistic but use 15 or 30 seconds per round...

this is to short average with all the CC lag :lol: :lol:
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Re: conquer cup X - why was I eliminated?

Postby Mad777 on Sat Aug 17, 2019 2:59 pm

dgz345 wrote:
Mad777 wrote:NP, I let you redo your wonderful statistic but use 15 or 30 seconds per round...

this is to short average with all the CC lag :lol: :lol:

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