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Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia END Mafia win

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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby Skoffin on Sun May 12, 2019 5:58 am

Vote Count
11 alive, 6 needed to lynch.

Pikanchion ---- Tobi (1)
dakky21 -------
aage -----------
Ragian ---------
strike wolf ----
chapcrap ------
Razorvich ------ ragoo, chap, pika, dakky, aage, dgz (6)
blacky365 -----
dgz345 ---------
Metsfanmax ---
Tobikera -------

Final count. Scene coming
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby Skoffin on Sun May 12, 2019 5:58 am

There were whipsers back and forth throughout the day as those locked in the store tried to find a solution to their problem. The customers, who were basically savages to begin with, returned to their most primal instincts and came to the conclusion that they must kill until they find the one who would dare commit murder here. They do not get irony. The few staff with them know not to argue, not least because an angry customer will never see themselves wrong. Besides, it's company policy to make the customer happy. A group of people band together and discuss one person in particular.

One customer had been wandering the store alone, oblivious to what was being discussed about them. They stood in the tablecloth aisle, staring at the varying sizes available. The front of the packet indicated what size was inside, but they had to be sure - as the customer opened up the package and started unfurling the tablecloth across the floor a band of aggressors marched up to them.

"That's them! They are going through everything! They are probably looking for weapons to use on us!"
The customer starts to say "hi how big is thi- " before they are suddenly dragged to the front of the room and beaten to death.

You are Opening up all the products (Townie)

You like to see and touch everything you do not buy. You hold a throw where the package tells you what the dimensions are. You open it up anyway to make sure. It was exactly the size listed on the packet. You put the packet on a different shelf next to you and the throw you toss over the top of the shelf. You are incapable of visualising things and understanding descriptions. You turn around and see packages of sheet sets. You wonder what could be in themā€¦
You are allowed to vote

Razor is dead. It is now Night One. Sned in yo actions
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby Tobikera on Fri May 17, 2019 4:10 pm

Razor's Ghost: Sure is cold.
Tobi: When will this night end, I'm getting bedsores?
Razor's Ghost: It's always night for me.
Tobi: Yeah, sorry about that, but I wasn't on your wagon.
Razor's Ghost: How long have I been dead?
Tobi: Five and one half days, in RL.
Razor's Ghost: Time's kind of irrelevant for me now.
Tobi: At my age, I'm hoping to see D2 before I join ya.
Razor's Ghost: I'll be here...waiting.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby dakky21 on Fri May 17, 2019 8:44 pm

Tobi it is obviously a Chapcrap thing, he went missing in both games and they're trying to find replacement while wondering what happened to Chap.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby Ragian on Sat May 18, 2019 1:55 am

Obviously :roll:
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby Skoffin on Sat May 18, 2019 8:56 am

I have two players missing - I have one replacement available, if anyone else is able to replace let me know.
Otherwise I'll likely start the next day tomorrow.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby jfm10 on Sat May 18, 2019 10:18 am

Skoffin wrote: I have two players missing - I have one replacement available, if anyone else is able to replace let me know.
Otherwise I'll likely start the next day tomorrow.

I could fill in if needed but would need till monday to be active.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby blacky365 on Sat May 18, 2019 2:04 pm

Skoffin wrote: I have two players missing - I have one replacement available, if anyone else is able to replace let me know.
Otherwise I'll likely start the next day tomorrow.

who else is missing?
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby Skoffin on Sun May 19, 2019 8:13 am

JFM - I'm happy to take you, cheers. I'm giving my replacements until tomorrow to catch up with reading and then we can start the day. Sorry for the delay all.

Blacky - Chap and mets are missing
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby Skoffin on Sun May 19, 2019 8:13 am

JFM - I'm happy to take you, cheers. I'm giving my replacements until tomorrow to catch up with reading and then we can start the day. Sorry for the delay all.

Blacky - Chap and mets are missing
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby Skoffin on Mon May 20, 2019 9:56 pm


During the night most of those locked inside the store find somewhere to sleep - a sleep interrupted by screams as the morning approached. Everyone ran to investigate only to find a pair of scissors in-bedded inside some fools stomach. Bye Felicia

aage had been murdered

You are The Tired Supervisor (Lyncher/Unknown)

You are overworked and underpaid for what you do. You are very tired. Somehow you are the best at customer service; you have the highest conversion rates and the customers love you. It is not appreciated, however. Customers make bizarre requests of you but you still manage to help them with a smile on your face. You would love a nap, but you will not get one.
[Redacted text]

It is now Day 2
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia Day 2

Postby Ragian on Tue May 21, 2019 2:29 am

So... Are we back on? Have chap and mets been replaced?
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia Day 2

Postby Skoffin on Tue May 21, 2019 5:53 am

Yes. Beast replaces mets and jfm replaces chap. It is daytime, everyone can post.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby jfm10 on Tue May 21, 2019 7:10 am

chapcrap wrote:
Ragian wrote:No way Pika is scum. Unless he's the boldest scum I've ever encountered.

Eh... That's a pretty bold proclamation.

I haven't played a lot with dakky, but I've played the last two with him. He seemed scummy last time and was town. He's doing similar things here. Idk why he would do the things he did. I really don't get it. Is it scummy? I guess I don't really think so. But there was no need for it.

I'm interested in the polar opposite view points of Pika from Ragian and Tobi. I guess I just think it's hard to get good reads either way. So for one of you to say #1 town and the other to say #1 scum just shows that.

I'm gonna get on board with Rage for making Razor give an opinion on D1.

unvote vote Razor

I am at this point of the game (page 7) and with the stubborness of pikas insistence for a policy lynch has me pegging him as scum.Ragians view of pika has me thinking he may aswell be scum and just trying to distance himself but just got my eyes looking that way for now.

Pikanchion ---- scummy for the persistence of a policy lynch
dakky21 ------- town from what i have read
aage ----------- dead townie
Ragian ---------egmeoy
strike wolf ----
chapcrap ------town
Razorvich ------ dead townie
blacky365 -----
dgz345 ---------
Metsfanmax ---
Tobikera ------- town from what i have read

I will update (maybe)when i get to it on page 10.

unvote just in case :P

vote pika
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby jfm10 on Tue May 21, 2019 7:16 am

Ragian wrote:Great. You quote my reason for my town read opn Pika and then you say that I have no reason. :roll: Then you go on to say that I have been supportive of your towniness in other games (which is irrelevant), but you completely ignore that I think you're town here too. Otherwise, I would have voted for you alongside my strongest town read Pika.

Sheesh, dude. I didn't even jump on you. What's with the nerves?

I apologize now for putting in my 2 cents as i am reading instead of all at once but this is the botom of page 7 and i am in total agreement with Tobi so far.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby jfm10 on Tue May 21, 2019 7:31 am

Ragian wrote:
aage wrote:
Ragian wrote:So...we're not playing mafia, then?

We stopped playing mafia when multiple players claimed VT out the blue and the policy lynching started. You guys played yourself.

I still think we should lynch Dakky, and I don't understand this wagon on Razor. Unfortunately there is no time to correct this mistake so unvote, vote Raz.

No way you don't understand the vote on Raz. It doesn't make any sense that you blame everyone else for policy lynching when you're advocating a policy lynch on dakky. FoS Aage. Raz is not a policy lynch in my opinion. As I've stated a million times, Raz has shown no interest in giving views or commenting on what's going on which is detrimental to town when we don't have any power roles.

I don't think anyone will follow my example, but I'll share my thoughts so far:

Probably town
- Pika

- Raz
- Aage

- Tobi
- Dakky

Don't know
- dgz
- blacky
- Mets
- chap
- strike

Lastly, cause I have read it all now, Ragian has moved to FOS for that really bad scum read.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia Day 2

Postby ZaBeast on Tue May 21, 2019 9:31 am

So is a lyncher's target usually random? Because aage was clearly gunning for dakky. More importantly, I really don't like how dakky claimed being a vt after the consensus was such a claim was not policy lynch worthy. His saving grace is that he softclaimed as much right after tobi claimed (and that we're talking about dakky). Still, I think it deserves a FOS dakky

@jfm interesting find, keep in mind it might also have been an attempt from scum to frame him. You think pika is scum, do you believe scum ragian would scum-read 2 townies and have a scum partner as his only town read though? That seems a bit much.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia Day 2

Postby Tobikera on Tue May 21, 2019 9:32 am

Pardon my ignorance here, but I've not been in a game before where someone was classified as a "lyncher." Is this equivalent to "scum" or "mafia goon"? I note the differences in text colors that the mod used for aage versus Razorvich. Oops! Scratch that, I just opened another tab and looked it up...third party...probably not working in town's best interests (depending on whom he wanted lynched).

My FOS is still on Ragian and Pika (and my vote here as well). I'm still struck by the "policy" lynch insistence of Pika and Rage's demonstrative defense of Pika. Even if you ignore Pika's policy lynch desires, I hardly think he has done anything to garner the level of "town" feelings that Rage appears to impart.

To jfm and ZaBeast...welcome to the game.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia Day 2

Postby Tobikera on Tue May 21, 2019 9:33 am

Should have waited....ZaBeast answered all....sorry... :oops:
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia Day 2

Postby aage on Tue May 21, 2019 10:00 am

Welp that was quick. Have fun guys.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby Pikanchion on Tue May 21, 2019 10:58 am

jfm10 wrote:I am at this point of the game (page 7) and with the stubborness of pikas insistence for a policy lynch has me pegging him as scum.Ragians view of pika has me thinking he may aswell be scum and just trying to distance himself but just got my eyes looking that way for now.

What's scummy about it?

Vote: Tobikera
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia Day 2

Postby dakky21 on Tue May 21, 2019 1:24 pm

All town should rethink everything. Scum knows I play weird and do not so smart things so I'm not a valuable night kill or a target for a lynch, because they know no one will follow my lead. Look it from that perspective. So whoever is saying "dakky must be town" is scummy to me. First it was chap and now jfm.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia

Postby jfm10 on Tue May 21, 2019 3:11 pm

Pikanchion wrote:
jfm10 wrote:I am at this point of the game (page 7) and with the stubborness of pikas insistence for a policy lynch has me pegging him as scum.Ragians view of pika has me thinking he may aswell be scum and just trying to distance himself but just got my eyes looking that way for now.

What's scummy about it?

Vote: Tobikera

I am positive tobi is town by what ive read.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia Day 2

Postby jfm10 on Tue May 21, 2019 3:24 pm

ZaBeast wrote:So is a lyncher's target usually random? Because aage was clearly gunning for dakky. More importantly, I really don't like how dakky claimed being a vt after the consensus was such a claim was not policy lynch worthy. His saving grace is that he softclaimed as much right after tobi claimed (and that we're talking about dakky). Still, I think it deserves a FOS dakky

@jfm interesting find, keep in mind it might also have been an attempt from scum to frame him. You think pika is scum, do you believe scum ragian would scum-read 2 townies and have a scum partner as his only town read though? That seems a bit much.

I thought about that aswell and that is why i got my eyes on him instead of my normal guilty judgement as I usually would.
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Re: Customer @#%$&**^% Service Mafia Day 2

Postby strike wolf on Tue May 21, 2019 11:48 pm

I don't 100% disagree on Rage. Saying Pika is his best town read sure. It's day 1 and there's not much to go on. Sticking to his guns and not budging on his positikn does seem like a town thing. Yet calling him almost guaranteed town on day 1 was a stretch.

Still don't agree with policy lynching Tobi. Really not even that interested in reopening that line of discussion.

DGZ is suspicious to me for hammering Raz when he did. Ther r was still time for discussion and honestly the way thst whole bandwagon took off to L-1 earlier in the day struck me as odd too.
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