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[CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - Completed May 17

Finished challenges between two competitive clans.

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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby elddir on Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:25 pm

Got tired of staring at the results page trying to see who was beating whom, etc. so took a few to build this results spreadsheet. Will try to keep updated reasonably often - only takes a minute, so just have to remember (last update date at the top). Separate tabs for each division. ... sp=sharing
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:32 pm

elddir wrote:Got tired of staring at the results page trying to see who was beating whom, etc. so took a few to build this results spreadsheet. Will try to keep updated reasonably often - only takes a minute, so just have to remember (last update date at the top). Separate tabs for each division. ... sp=sharing

Youve restricted view access, but I know a number of clans are already keeping seperate ones similar. (I know of at least 4 now including yours)

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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby elddir on Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:48 pm

I intentionally limited it to view only. Let me know if you have trouble accessing it. If anyone has something better, no need to use this - just thought others might find it useful...

IcePack wrote:
elddir wrote:Got tired of staring at the results page trying to see who was beating whom, etc. so took a few to build this results spreadsheet. Will try to keep updated reasonably often - only takes a minute, so just have to remember (last update date at the top). Separate tabs for each division. ... sp=sharing

Youve restricted view access, but I know a number of clans are already keeping seperate ones similar. (I know of at least 4 now including yours)
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby iAmCaffeine on Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:49 pm

IcePack wrote:
elddir wrote:Got tired of staring at the results page trying to see who was beating whom, etc. so took a few to build this results spreadsheet. Will try to keep updated reasonably often - only takes a minute, so just have to remember (last update date at the top). Separate tabs for each division. ... sp=sharing

Youve restricted view access

You have to figure out the riddle.
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 02, 2019 1:10 pm

elddir wrote:I intentionally limited it to view only. Let me know if you have trouble accessing it. If anyone has something better, no need to use this - just thought others might find it useful...

IcePack wrote:
elddir wrote:Got tired of staring at the results page trying to see who was beating whom, etc. so took a few to build this results spreadsheet. Will try to keep updated reasonably often - only takes a minute, so just have to remember (last update date at the top). Separate tabs for each division. ... sp=sharing

Youve restricted view access, but I know a number of clans are already keeping seperate ones similar. (I know of at least 4 now including yours)

“Item was not found or you do not have access to it”. I understand having view only, but it doesn’t appear to be view only for the general public.

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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R4 Nov 25

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Jan 02, 2019 1:20 pm

IcePack wrote:
IcePack wrote:For future ease / rule modifications, I would suggest when posting the games here


That clans also be required to post what password they used during game creation. That way clans that are trying to use players who have been away for 30+ days can get them to join games without having to PM the other clan and sit around waiting for responses that may/may not make them late. Or standardize the password for all clans for the event so everyones using the same thing in the rare instance its needed.

I can see many downsides to that, in terms of people joining games they weren't supposed to join, whether as deliberate sabotage or "just for a laugh". If someone is in that position, a couple PMs should be all it takes to get him the password without needing to reveal it publicly.
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R4 Nov 25

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 02, 2019 1:27 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
IcePack wrote:
IcePack wrote:For future ease / rule modifications, I would suggest when posting the games here


That clans also be required to post what password they used during game creation. That way clans that are trying to use players who have been away for 30+ days can get them to join games without having to PM the other clan and sit around waiting for responses that may/may not make them late. Or standardize the password for all clans for the event so everyones using the same thing in the rare instance its needed.

I can see many downsides to that, in terms of people joining games they weren't supposed to join, whether as deliberate sabotage or "just for a laugh". If someone is in that position, a couple PMs should be all it takes to get him the password without needing to reveal it publicly.

“Should be” is the key words, but I’ve already had a few instances where pm’s Didn’t get answered or didn’t get answered timely enough to be able to use that player. There’s no rule that says they have to answer said PM in a timely manner, but there is a rule that says I must fill games. So the leader whose trying to get the password has no leverage or ability to reasonably be certain that he will get the password in time for me to be able to send to the player, and have the player see it, and join in the time frame (especially considering clans are allowed to be extremely fashionably late in creating games). Eventually in order to be sure you can fil the game, you have to move on from that plan and put someone else in. Then if you get the pm, at that point it’s useless cuz you’ve had to make other arrangements.

Let’s be real, there’s the possibility of someone to have a laugh, but at this point hardly anyone besides clan leaders and hardcore players are the only ones who give a shit enough to frequent these areas and going through those game linked areas. The chances are that these are abused is minimal at best.

If you are that worried about abuse, an easy work around is to require the passwords be PM’d to the opposing clan leaders at time of game creation, at least that way they guaranteed have it on time when they need it with no chance for abuse.

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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby rockfist on Wed Jan 02, 2019 1:33 pm

IcePack wrote:
elddir wrote:Got tired of staring at the results page trying to see who was beating whom, etc. so took a few to build this results spreadsheet. Will try to keep updated reasonably often - only takes a minute, so just have to remember (last update date at the top). Separate tabs for each division. ... sp=sharing

Youve restricted view access, but I know a number of clans are already keeping seperate ones similar. (I know of at least 4 now including yours)

Its five, but I don't keep track of the 2nd division and if we don't start doing better I'll stop keeping track of the Premier.
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby elddir on Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:07 pm

Let's try this again.... ... sp=sharing
Is anyone else having issues?
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:15 pm

elddir wrote:Let's try this again.... ... sp=sharing
Is anyone else having issues?

Error seems to be cleared up now

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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby Mad777 on Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:01 pm

Like in tournament world I assume CD in charge of this event would update the thread with results, I could be wrong.
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby Lindax on Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:03 pm

Mad777 wrote:Like in tournament world I assume CD in charge of this event would update the thread with results, I could be wrong.

Just entered the round 1 results in the Challonge brackets for both divisions. Will do more rounds soon.

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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby IcePack on Wed Jan 02, 2019 6:07 pm

Mad777 wrote:Like in tournament world I assume CD in charge of this event would update the thread with results, I could be wrong.

Lindax / CD’s tend to wait for Rounds to fully complete, so results tend to lag badly from actual results. A number of clans generally run their own to track scores so they see results in real time

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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R4 Nov 25

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Jan 02, 2019 7:35 pm

IcePack wrote:
If you are that worried about abuse, an easy work around is to require the passwords be PM’d to the opposing clan leaders at time of game creation, at least that way they guaranteed have it on time when they need it with no chance for abuse.

Yeah, that would be reasonable.
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R4 Nov 25

Postby Mad777 on Wed Jan 02, 2019 11:56 pm

Dukasaur wrote:
IcePack wrote:
If you are that worried about abuse, an easy work around is to require the passwords be PM’d to the opposing clan leaders at time of game creation, at least that way they guaranteed have it on time when they need it with no chance for abuse.

Yeah, that would be reasonable.

Agreed as well, i was mainly posting this to make other member understanding what is all about being a « tournament/event » organizer. Not about guessing results but only about factual scores.
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R6 Jan 6

Postby JPlo64 on Thu Jan 03, 2019 7:58 am

elddir wrote:Let's try this again.... ... sp=sharing
Is anyone else having issues?

Great work elddir!
Thanks for sharing =D>
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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R8 Feb 3

Postby Lindax on Sun Feb 03, 2019 8:36 am

Round 8 starts today.

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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - R9 Feb 17

Postby Fewnix on Tue Mar 26, 2019 1:49 am

I call RGV to win the two outstanding games for a tie in Round 9 RGV v GoN giving us a slight lead over them in the middle of Second Division, a good place for us to be. For now. For now.

And a most enjoyable CL!0

Really appreciate all that all have done, are doing and will do.

Thank you
=D> =D> =D> ... WarId=3157

Oh, and A^ and LHDD get duly promoted to Premier Division. ... =681099653

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Re: [CLX] Clan League 10 - Main Thread - Completed May 17

Postby Lindax on Fri May 17, 2019 10:29 am

This tournament is now closed.

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