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Busted PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer

Postby riskllama on Sun Sep 23, 2018 11:41 pm

lol, define "quickly"...
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer

Postby Symmetry on Sun Sep 23, 2018 11:48 pm

riskllama wrote:lol, define "quickly"...

Do I win something? Seems a bit of a pointless post, tbh.
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer

Postby riskllama on Sun Sep 23, 2018 11:54 pm

no, you idiot - define it in the context of C&A... :roll:
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer

Postby riskllama on Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:00 am

on second thought, nvm...
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer

Postby Symmetry on Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:03 am

riskllama wrote:no, you idiot - define it in the context of C&A... :roll:

Meh- no- I don't really feel like getting drawn into an abusive argument in C&A, sorry RL.

Let's have the forum mods sort it out when they get back from their weekend without another of your weird debates, eh?
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer

Postby Yynatago on Mon Sep 24, 2018 1:33 am

Gabriel is not PaulAtPeace. He strikes me as talented new player to the site, eager to learn, and gets how it all works.

He took the initiative to learn from experienced players by reaching out to them. My inbox has recently flooded, so I don't have the initial message, but I recall him contacting either MagnusGreeol or myself after being declined by Narutoserigala, so MagnusGreeol and I took him under our wings. If you're wondering why he's now a great Antarctica player, its because he learnt from teaming up with us.

Don't believe me? Search his game history, sort by date, filter by Antarctica, and then search for my name. ... mit%5D=250

Before he played with us, he lost half the game. Afterwards, he got the hang of it real fast.

I am happy to share game chats for to whomever is investigating.

See you all in battle,
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby TeeGee on Mon Sep 24, 2018 4:26 am

This is currently pending

If anyone still has a copy of the PM, can they please report it so I can gather the information needed.

Remember Gab is innocent at this stage and I would appreciate that he is left alone and not hassled or threatened by other members until a verdict is reached.

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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby macken on Mon Sep 24, 2018 6:02 am

I just found out about this post.

I can say that I received a PM from Gabriels in 31 Aug 2018 (I put it in the bottom)

That message was sended to a few players that I identiffied at that time, as high ranked players (you can see)

I was surprised that this boy had the idea of taking this road to learn fast. This path is intelligent. I would have answered, but I did not because I have been playing not much for a while and I do not have much time to enter games to teach new players I do not even know.
I would have responded to the polite by courtesy, but I did not because the PM was addressed to several players. So I let time go by and I have not heard anything about it again.

As for that post, which I have been alluded here, as part of TOP. I readed your comments, have something of funny as usual. And I'm commented this post. But it really is something that I do not care about.... and I have not interest in it. The reason it was already commented by me in these days (and I explain it again in the next paragraph basically). Researchers can search & research, it sure is somewhere. Not problem and I do not care.

Talking about PaP, precisely since what happened, and we lost CL8 because was removed a game winned by us, that would have given us the CL8. For me it was unfair. Well, there was a lot of ink.
Leaving aside the errors that could have been in the decissions. Ok, lets go. We played and did a good job, enriching the level of competition.
I made the determination not to enter to comment in the forums all this type of things. Something funny is fine, but I do not like garbage or always be in the banal discussion or disrecpect, etc.

I put the message here:

Interest in teaching a student?
Sent: 31 Aug 2018, 20:20
From: Gabriels Hammer
To: macken InnyaFacce mc05025 jalijoo fusibaseball Kaskavel Lex Usi narutoserigala random21 DerStaufer

Leaders of Conquer Club, I am very new to this site, but have decided I would like to stay a while and get better. I thought there would be no better way to do this than to receive some guidance from the best. If any of you would like to take me under your wing and teach me, I promise to be a good pupil. TY, Gabe

Edited: was CL8, nor CL9, of course
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby xroads on Mon Sep 24, 2018 7:44 am

I find it very convenient that a newbie somehow infiltrated and befriended one of the top clans around, notorious for high standards. Its also odd how Gabriel has now emptied his wall of all the comments from TOP players.

There is no way they didnt know it was him.

So you really expect everyone to believe that 5 top players agreed to play with a cadet after he had been on the site for less than a week in a triples game? Come on give me a break
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby macken on Mon Sep 24, 2018 8:10 am

xroads wrote:I find it very convenient that a newbie somehow infiltrated and befriended one of the top clans around, notorious for high standards. Its also odd how Gabriel has now emptied his wall of all the comments from TOP players.

There is no way they didnt know it was him.

So you really expect everyone to believe that 5 top players agreed to play with a cadet after he had been on the site for less than a week in a triples game? Come on give me a break

For clarify,
Are you asking me directly? In that case I can answer to not be disrespectful.

Or are leaving it in the air for everyone? In that case I have nothing to add, as I commented before.
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby macken on Mon Sep 24, 2018 8:32 am

Well, I will answer anyway, is not a problem and I want not create any discomfort.

We (members of TOP) play games with any player, independent of his score. For differenst reasons, we do it. Can be because one have played against him or with him some game, or because someone have seing that player or have heard about, of searcher for new players that can be a future TOP members (we have TOPCATS group too for it).
So is normal play games with TOP players, where are one (or two, or more) players that we are playing with them and someone can know something about they or nothing.
Normally we communicate with ourselves and ask who wants to play such a game or are launched invitations. Then we fill the slots to start the game.
Anyone can research and see we play these games.
I not play much these type of games, but I played one recently, where I was invited and I accepted join it, you can see:

Is something totally normal.

I can say more. I did not know the player Sanguis.
And afther the game, Sanguis sended a PM to me asking for strategy for the game. And I sended him politely answer with a several comments about the strategy in these map. He thanked me politely.

But I say again, anyone is free to think what anyone think, not problem for me. But sometimes are questioned thing that are normal and everyone do here thousands of times... I also want to say that I find reasonable whatever doubts anyone can have about whatever, it does not bother me, honestly. I just think that I had to give my opinion as I was alluded as any TOP member can be.
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby xroads on Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:12 am

Here is what I think.

This is a brilliant plan by PAP & Top to get him back into CC, then back into TOP.

And it probably would have worked perfectly if he wasn't so greedy and started sending out PM's like he did before.

I mean come on.

Newbie, playing just like PAP did, sending out PM's just like PAP, playing with his old TOP buddies, and a religious zealot as well, and even talking like him.

So now the question should be, what should be done with the members of TOP who are complicit in this scheme?
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby macken on Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:49 am

xroads wrote:...
So now the question should be, what should be done with the members of TOP who are complicit in this scheme?

For exemple, in case are wining some tournament, we can be punished and S&M can take it.

Sorry for the joke.

You are stating things like the title of the post, even stating that the clan is doing this strategy.... hmmm

This is my last post here.... have fun...
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby xroads on Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:52 am

So you are saying cheaters shouldnt be punished?
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby betiko on Mon Sep 24, 2018 9:54 am

top members are smart enough to recognise pap. i also think that pap wouldn't be really welcome in top after what he did there. So basically... i don't think it's something top was aware of; more like paul trying to infiltrate them again, it was just a matter of time before they recognized him.

sorry pap, you need to start a new account, stop talking about god and honour, stop the blue ink and stop the fucking antartica map, at least for a year or 2. we got you this time, but try to make something less obvious next time.
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby Denise on Mon Sep 24, 2018 10:55 am

For the record, I knew PaulatPeace when he was new on the site in 2011 and this is exactly how he approached the game then. He contacted high ranks to learn from them. I think I was brig then. I'm willing to give the TOP players the benefit of the doubt but this seems way too coincidental to me. Here are my first two games with PaP. I'm willing to share game chat if it's needed. Maybe it would help to compare it to the recent game chat's of Gabriels Hammer. Also, I've quoted my recent PM from Gabriels Hammer.

Game 9045390
Game 9078493

Gabriels Hammer wrote:Hey there,

I am new to this site and trying to get some experience on some maps I like. Saw you recently played a game on one of the maps I like. Would you have time for a quick game? Let me know and I'll invite you to one.

Thanks, Gabe
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby Keefie on Mon Sep 24, 2018 11:27 am

There is always a slip, always.


This is it.
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby Donelladan on Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:03 pm

xroads wrote:...
So now the question should be, what should be done with the members of TOP who are complicit in this scheme?

I don't think there is any way we can prove TOP member were complicit in his scheme. Thus, nothing should be done with them. ( and first we should be sure he is PaulatPeace ofc... despite the evidence, it's not done yet).

You can't argue that because they played one game with him, they were complicit.

Gabriels Hammer also send me a pm, same as the other.
I was also very surprised that he asked me because I didnt play antartica games recently.
I then assumed he was a multi, I checked his game and was quite impressed by the fact he mastered antartica from his first game.
I politely declined.

But I also play games with newbies that seems nice and ask politely ( when they aren't multi :D ), so I totally believe macken explanation.
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby loutil on Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:13 pm

Donelladan wrote:
xroads wrote:...
So now the question should be, what should be done with the members of TOP who are complicit in this scheme?

I don't think there is any way we can prove TOP member were complicit in his scheme. Thus, nothing should be done with them. ( and first we should be sure he is PaulatPeace ofc... despite the evidence, it's not done yet).

You can't argue that because they played one game with him, they were complicit.

Gabriels Hammer also send me a pm, same as the other.
I was also very surprised that he asked me because I didnt play antartica games recently.
I then assumed he was a multi, I checked his game and was quite impressed by the fact he mastered antartica from his first game.
I politely declined.

But I also play games with newbies that seems nice and ask politely ( when they aren't multi :D ), so I totally believe macken explanation.

It would be hard not to know it was him. Too many coincidences. But, nothing that could ever be proved. Also, is there a rule against playing with previously banned players?
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby loutil on Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:16 pm

Keefie wrote:There is always a slip, always.


This is it.

That is what stood out to me.
Plus, again...
2018-09-02 21:50:49 - Gabriels Hammer: jones, I realize you may not understand this yet, but Red is set up to win the game. Look at the # of troops he has on his bases!!! When he takes the South Pole our bases will be easy picking and the game will be his!
2018-09-02 21:51:32 - Gabriels Hammer: The 1 other game I have played on this map I learned this the hard way!!!
He had just started this account on 8/28. There were no other Antartic games he played before 9/2 that fit this description. So, clearly, he was talking from past experience prior to this new account.
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby MagnusGreeol on Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:28 pm

If PaP made 10 multi accounts and tried friending and playing with TOP members, How in the world would it be the members fault? I don't know GH, And honestly Ive been way too far busy with clan recruitment/ New Recruits AND RL, to have any time for PaP or this GH scene!
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby zeus111 on Mon Sep 24, 2018 12:50 pm

xroads your right on this 100 percent dont give up the fight !!!!
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby Sanguis on Mon Sep 24, 2018 2:55 pm

For one, let me say that I don't know P@P, nor do I know the story behind his TOP history and why he got banned. I do have to say though; the whole honor thing, the mastering of antarctica in the blink of an eye, who to contact and the religious similarities are suspicious. I will however say that as an outsider, I do not know if the provided information is good enough to prove someone's guilt.
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby zeus111 on Mon Sep 24, 2018 3:25 pm

walk like a duck quacks like a duck ................its a duck ....... ip search if he isnt using a vpn or the tor browser will show us all
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Re: PaulatPeace is back as Gabriels Hammer [tg]

Postby narutoserigala on Tue Sep 25, 2018 12:11 am

xroads wrote:I find it very convenient that a newbie somehow infiltrated and befriended one of the top clans around, notorious for high standards. Its also odd how Gabriel has now emptied his wall of all the comments from TOP players.

There is no way they didnt know it was him.

So you really expect everyone to believe that 5 top players agreed to play with a cadet after he had been on the site for less than a week in a triples game? Come on give me a break

xroads: Firstly, I remind you that I have noted that this game as with most of my games are public (if not all) and anyone can join from the time I became Conqueror and even before then. Not just GH, even you can join but in no way, that meant I knew, or liked you, let alone agreed to play with you beforehand. No permission is required at all.

Secondly Elaterate is not a "TOP" player.

If you are going to accuse anybody, you could at least check your facts. Perhaps it is better for you to read carefully before putting out false reporting like yours. Your false reporting damages your own credibility.
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