Concise description:
Limit the loss to a single game to 30 points. (maybe 25 points?)
Players still gain points as currently
Yes, that means that scores will very slightly go up with the introduction of this system.
In a game like chess, there is literally zero chance that a beginner will beat a grandmaster.
In CC, we all have been in situations where pure luck gets the best of a situation and it has nothing to do with how well the player played
CC has a similar scoring system to chess but we do not take into account this luck factor and thus we unfairly punish a high ranking player to losing a game to a lower ranked player.
Also, there is a weird situation where higher rated players will not want to play lower rated players for the fear of dropping points.
In recognition for the luck factor, the winner should still gain a bunch of points.
However, limiting the loss means that higher rated players will be penalized less for playing in CC wide tournaments etc.
How this will benefit the site and/or other comments:
- take the sting out of random losses
- encourage more participation from higher rated players in game play- especially with lower rated players