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The Resign Button: King Achillies.

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The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby elfish_lad on Sun Sep 02, 2018 4:03 pm

I was surprised to find the announcement from this April locked. I hope we’re allowed to pose some questions King Achilles. If not? I’m sure you’ll let me know.

I’ve been a strong, negative critic of this feature thus far in my speed experience. I have some questions KA:

1. Why only trench games?

2. Why 10 rounds?

3. Why half the troop count?

4. Are the extreme restrictions due to concerns of abuse by a player looking to dump points?

5. Are there plans to review and/or adjust this feature based on player input?

6. Why can’t a player, not wanting to waste an opponents time, choose to resign at any time?

Thanks King Achillies for your time.

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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby Donelladan on Mon Sep 03, 2018 2:19 am

Mainly number 4.
The suggestion was made many times over the years and always refused. Many people were strongly against the idea hence the refusal. Restrictions were also implemented to make the resign button acceptable for everyone.

Why only trench ?
I made a suggestion to get a resign button for trench speed game exclusively, aiming to reduce deadbeating in speed games, and with the argument that speed trench players were already resigning through deadbeat anyway.

After gathering strong community support ( some might say using questionable methods ) bW accepted to implement it for speed trench only with severe restrictions. Then more recently the features was extented to 24h trench games with a bit harsher restrictions ( half troops count was added).

You could find the discussions for both if you look in implemented suggestions.

I think it makes sense to have a resign button for trench because thoses games are often a bit long to finished even though they are already completely decided and actually are over.
In no trench game when you realy have no chance to come back it is usually quickly over ( except some maps like hive and usa2.1 for example).

I hope we can later get rid of some restrictions and/or extend it to team trench games ( and maybe tournament games too ).

All restrictions were discussed in the suggestions topic.
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby elfish_lad on Mon Sep 03, 2018 7:42 pm

Thank you don. Being on hiatus I missed all the discussion. Thank you kindly for filling me in and getting me up to speed.

I’m going to think about my reply. I would like to offer some suggestions but I want to think them through for a bit.

Cheers again.

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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby 2dimes on Mon Sep 03, 2018 11:07 pm

I don't see a need for a surrender button because I like to fight to the very last army. I don't see why people get upset about it though.

Of course I want to battle it out but I would not mind if someone surrendered either.

It's all good.
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby elfish_lad on Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:21 am

2dimes wrote:I don't see a need for a surrender button because I like to fight to the very last army. I don't see why people get upset about it though.

Of course I want to battle it out but I would not mind if someone surrendered either.

It's all good.

That’s cool. But for me it’s all about the nature and philology of speed, of what I’m expecting when I enter a speed game.
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Sep 04, 2018 3:41 pm

I didn't know amphetamines collected postage stamps.
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby demonfork on Tue Sep 04, 2018 6:38 pm

Donelladan wrote:Mainly number 4.
The suggestion was made many times over the years and always refused. Many people were strongly against the idea hence the refusal. Restrictions were also implemented to make the resign button acceptable for everyone.

Why only trench ?
I made a suggestion to get a resign button for trench speed game exclusively, aiming to reduce deadbeating in speed games, and with the argument that speed trench players were already resigning through deadbeat anyway.

After gathering strong community support ( some might say using questionable methods ) bW accepted to implement it for speed trench only with severe restrictions. Then more recently the features was extented to 24h trench games with a bit harsher restrictions ( half troops count was added).

You could find the discussions for both if you look in implemented suggestions.

I think it makes sense to have a resign button for trench because thoses games are often a bit long to finished even though they are already completely decided and actually are over.
In no trench game when you realy have no chance to come back it is usually quickly over ( except some maps like hive and usa2.1 for example).

I hope we can later get rid of some restrictions and/or extend it to team trench games ( and maybe tournament games too ).

All restrictions were discussed in the suggestions topic.

Are you King Achilles?
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby Donelladan on Tue Sep 04, 2018 7:19 pm

I made the suggestion to obtain this resign button and the extension to 24h games. So I was pretty involved in the discussion.
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby elfish_lad on Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:01 am

Dukasaur wrote:I didn't know amphetamines collected postage stamps.

Well shit duk. That made an old cranky fucker like me, who just spent 12 hours with his guys micro cutting six (6) cricket pitches to exact specs (1 inch with all my machines dialed into metric by Toro out of Fucking Omaha, Nebraska no less) only to see that cricket tourney cancelled (moved elsewhere) because the commissioner is a dick, smile from his heart.

Me. Not the dick.

Cheers mate.

Last edited by elfish_lad on Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby elfish_lad on Wed Sep 05, 2018 12:23 am

demonfork wrote:Are you King Achilles?

Aaaaaand scene.

My very astute CC compatriot hit the nail on the head.

We have a paid admin position: King Achillies.

1. This (these) person(s) has (have) shone themself(selves) very capable... when there are clear rules to follow.

2. Generally? Above the fray.

3. Willing to partner with astute players to catch cheaters.


Let him/her/undetermined-gender/them deal with it.

It’s just not that hard.

Let us choose how to play. Let paid staff, following the guidelines, enforce the rules.

As you King Achillies, posted the Announcement, then closed the thread (I assume), I chose to address you publicly: can you push this up the Big Wham chain?

Open up the perimeters. We are paying you Big Wham to make this work.

I’m hoping you, King Achillies as paid staff who is (are) connected to the boards, will make this heard.

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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby Dukasaur on Wed Sep 05, 2018 4:51 am

elfish_lad wrote:
As you King Achillies, posted the Announcement, then closed the thread (I assume)

Actually nobody closed the thread. Old threads in the Archives are automatically closed. I'm the one who moved it into the Archives after it had sat in open Announcements for almost a year, so I guess if you want to criticize the action it's me you want. Nothing nefarious in it, once a thread has sat long enough to become stale, it's normal procedure to move it into the archives.

elfish_lad wrote: will make this heard.


Make what heard, exactly? That you want to re-open debate on this feature, which has already been debated across multiple threads over many, many years? The main Suggestions thread is still open, go debate it there. Announcements are for announcing; whilst they do allow a certain amount of debate, that's not their primary purpose.
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby elfish_lad on Wed Sep 05, 2018 8:41 pm

Right oh.

I hope you and don understand, I was hoping to engage a paid staff member in a public dialogue not worthy, hardworking volunteers. Been one. Know the gig. Moving on. With respect.

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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby king achilles on Wed Sep 05, 2018 11:34 pm

Please remember that this implementation of the Resign button did not come from me but from a Suggestion topic where multiple people also gave their input until it eventually came into fruition. I believe the Resign button has not been implemented for a long time for reasons of getting abused or be used too much to the point that it will likely destroy the competitiveness of a person and essentially the game, IMO, so this is something that is not to be taken lightly and be given as a ready option to all the games. I will try to answer your questions from my side even after Donelladan and Dukasaur has already addressed them. Thank you both for answering his inquiry.

1. Why only trench games?
- Trench games can be (too) slow to finish even when the outcome is somewhat obvious and as what Donelladan said, it also aims to reduce deadbeating in speed games.

2. Why 10 rounds?
- I think that is a fair time to consider resigning from the game instead of quitting the game as soon as you 'see' you are at a disadvantage. Remember that the dice can go either way and in this game your luck can change just that quickly.

3. Why half the troop count?
- You mean less than half the troop count of your opponent. You can't resign if you have 5 troops when your enemy has 10. If you have 4 then the Resign button will appear, granting that you have also reached the required round. In my opinion, to show the obvious of why you are resigning.

4. Are the extreme restrictions due to concerns of abuse by a player looking to dump points?
- There is always a concern for abuse hence the restrictions. Point dumpers usually deadbeat anyway.

5. Are there plans to review and/or adjust this feature based on player input?
- That is always a possibility.

6. Why can’t a player, not wanting to waste an opponents time, choose to resign at any time?
- At any time? Feel free to make a post or suggest your idea:

If I am wrong with the link above, feel free to make your own suggestion topic if you want people to resign at any time.
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby elfish_lad on Mon Sep 10, 2018 9:05 am

Thank you kindly.


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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby 2dimes on Mon Sep 10, 2018 3:29 pm

Now that's sorted are they still working on the Pizza button?
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Re: The Resign Button: King Achillies.

Postby Crystallina on Mon Sep 10, 2018 3:34 pm

Please expand the resign button to every type of game. Usually, it is clear that a game is a lost cause well before it becomes available, if it is available at all, and having to drag the game out endlessly is mind-numbing and just a colossal waste of everybody's time, especially for a game that advertises itself as "a few minutes per day is all that is required". This is especially bad for certain maps and VERY bad for non-premium members, who don't have infinite slots for games and whose current games can be clogged up for days with games that they have already essentially lost.
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