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I must be crazy mafia (4/7) End Game: Mad World

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Re: I must be crazy mafia (5/7) Day 3: Tears in the Rain

Postby Metsfanmax on Thu Jul 26, 2018 9:55 am

Well, if we're doing a TFO lynch, then we need both Ragian and myself on board. And since we're unlikely to get further information today, I think Ragian just needs to make a call about whether he's going to join or not.
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Re: I must be crazy mafia (5/7) Day 3: Tears in the Rain

Postby strike wolf on Thu Jul 26, 2018 11:00 pm

Vote Count

TFO (2)-Lil_whitebone, Teegee

If I host another game, I think I'm going to enforce a rule that those who don't vote will be killed off...or at least lose their actions for the night or something.

Day 3 End Scene

Town again found themselves unable to reach any conclusion. Some continued to point fingers at one of them but there was no steam to be found towards his lynch nor any others. So instead, they pointed at each other for random events and as the day wore on so did the chance for a lynch. In the end, it all trickled into nothing and they went home for the night.

Day 3 ends in a no lynch. Night 3 has begun. You have 48 hours to send in your actions.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: I must be crazy mafia (5/7) Night 3: Sound of Silence

Postby Ragian on Fri Jul 27, 2018 2:39 pm

Sorry. I got caught in family affairs. :(
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Re: I must be crazy mafia (5/7) Night 3: Sound of Silence

Postby strike wolf on Sat Jul 28, 2018 10:51 pm

End Game

As town fell asleep again, mafia plotted to themselves. in a basement, a simple plan was reached. A simple one, kill Ragian and hope not to be redirected in the act. As the rest of town settled in for the night, an assault was launched. A quick action here and the knife fell around Ragian's throat.

Ragian ran from the initial strike bloodied but still standing for now. Through the night, he cried for help, looking for someone...anyone to help but there were no answers. Around him the town stood quiet. Finally, he heard the sound of a paramedic and he ran towards them. "Oh thank you. Please I need-" Yet he caught his breath as Mets, his attacker, stepped out with Lil_whitebone.

Ragian gulped, "Please don't do this." And he turned to Lil. "I defended you! I'll do it again tomorrow." Yet there was no response except for the click of a revolver. Slipping into character, Ragian attempted his last con. "Look I'm on your side! I was just playing them. Waiting for my moment to st-" The bang rang out and the rest of the town came out to look to see what had happened.

Ragian-Amario-Town [Redirector] has been killed.

As the remaining town gathered in the square, they suddenly found themselves surrounded. Now with the numbers on their side, mafia continued their assault.

Teegee-Mervin-Town [wrecking ball] and TFO-A Happy Towel-Town [beloved community member] have been endgamed and gunned down.

Mets jumped with joy. Shouting madly into the air. "WE DID IT! WE DID IT!" He laughed. "THE EVIL OF THIS TOWN HAS BEEN PURGED AND ALL THAT'S LEFT IS PURITY!!!" Lil_whitebone smiled and picked up the gun that Mets had dropped. He aimed the revolver at Mets' back. He had used this lunatic to the best of his abilities. Best to let him go now. Yet as Lil went to pull back the trigger, he realized that he couldn't do this. "Let the lunatic have his moment." He decided. He'd earned the break. They both had.

Mets-Peter-Mafia [Roleblocker] and Lil_whitebone-Al Fredo-Mafia [paramedic] have won.

Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: I must be crazy mafia (4/7) End Game: Mad World

Postby BuJaber on Sun Jul 29, 2018 3:07 am

Proof that when people don't talk, scum look like townies.

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Re: I must be crazy mafia (4/7) End Game: Mad World

Postby Metsfanmax on Sun Jul 29, 2018 3:54 am

I slipped up a couple of times in this game, I was a little surprised no one caught me. First, I hammered LiL pretty hard for not trying to protect dakky on N1, but soon after that admitted that I had a kind of protection ability and said that I used it on myself, not on dakky, and no one called me out on the seeming hypocrisy. Also, when Ragian asked me what I did on N2, I lied: I had made TFO's actions target Ragian, but I said I made them target TFO himself. This is because I felt it would look somewhat scummy for me to be redirecting onto Ragian when I had publicly pushed for TFO as scum. But somehow I completely forgot to factor in that this also cleared TFO of the kill the night before, so a few minutes later I scrambled to make up ground and say that I still thought TFO was scum, and I was surprised that that worked.

Most of all, we got a lucky break with Ragian thinking that the N1 results cleared LiL. I felt really dirty taking advantage of that mistake, but you play with whatever advantage you can get.
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Re: I must be crazy mafia (4/7) End Game: Mad World

Postby BuJaber on Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:19 am

Yes I believe Ragian's assumption was 1 scum in the game maybe?

I don't know either way we didn't really pay too much attention. Not much motivation to pay a lot of attention.

Also I forgot the absolute main problem was the no lynch every day. We needed some sort of info to go on. No lynch is only good for town in specific situations. With a playerbase this busy/away and a mod this strict with deadlines (with good reason) town suffered big time by not using our number 1 tool: the lynch.

Did you guys kill TeeGee n2? Because I don't know how else I would have died since I switched him with me.

And a very big "D'oh" from me for not using paramedic on dakky n1. (At least I protected a townie :roll: )
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Re: I must be crazy mafia (4/7) End Game: Mad World

Postby strike wolf on Sun Jul 29, 2018 8:34 am

Crap! I screwed up. I didn't double check my night 2 actions and forgot that Ragian should have been protected.
Maxleod wrote:Not strike, he's the only one with a functioning brain.
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Re: I must be crazy mafia (4/7) End Game: Mad World

Postby LiL_Whitebone on Sun Jul 29, 2018 9:54 am

ohh it's over. gg.

n2 i roleblocked and killed bujaber. your switch with TeeGee didn't happen buj
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Re: I must be crazy mafia (4/7) End Game: Mad World

Postby Ragian on Mon Jul 30, 2018 2:45 pm

I was crap because I wasn't paying enough attention. Sorry. That's not good enough.

Thanks, Strike, please host another one. I'll promise to play better!
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