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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby BuJaber on Thu May 10, 2018 12:22 am

Then Pika and Ragian are the scum team and they're taking advantage.

If I get only the non regular crowd and the new players are left and they'll feel comfortable
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby BuJaber on Thu May 10, 2018 12:23 am

Vote Pikanchion
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby Ragian on Thu May 10, 2018 1:38 am

BuJaber wrote:Then Pika and Ragian are the scum team and they're taking advantage.

If I get only the non regular crowd and the new players are left and they'll feel comfortable

Based on what, good sir? The fact that we both feel uncomfortable with you possibly taking advantage of non regular crowd with your action? Pot, kettle, black.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby madmitch on Thu May 10, 2018 4:26 am

@ Bujaber, when I asked if there was any good news you said good news vote Robellis and Pika ,Then you voted for Robellis and I thought maybe you found out something about them during the night , but then you went after Rags and Pika and now voted for Pika and I don't think you unvoted , but I feel you are acting scummy and think I will VOTE Bujaber
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby BuJaber on Thu May 10, 2018 8:04 am

Smart play mitch.. original stuff

People soon to have egg on their faces:
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby BuJaber on Thu May 10, 2018 8:18 am

To the people with half a brain:

My 'overeagerness' is me trying to scumhunt and move the game forward as efficiently as possible. I didn't get the lynch I wanted day 1. Nothing happened that changed my mind so I wanted the same wagon again.

Nobody except ragian is arguing against the points I made and instead are attacking my person. Their paranoia (or nefarious intentions) is driving them to vote for me not any logical analysis. Even ragian who dosagreed about rob is disagreeing based on a gut feeling.

Maybe I'm wrong about rob.. who knows but you know what is now 99% fact?
At least 1 scum is among pika/ragian/mitch.
If it's not 2 scum in there it is very likely rob + 1 of them.

I think safest bet is actually ragian because of how sure he is that rob is town. Either he knows it for a fact or is his buddy. Plus he kinda works as a teammate with pika, mitch, or rob.

Vote Ragian

Mitch what kind of PR would have info about 2 people from 1 night only?? There isn't one in the 2d3 setups. Think about what you're saying.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby madmitch on Thu May 10, 2018 12:36 pm

@ Bujaber ,I know there is no power role that can let you see 2 people at night, but you came out so cocky I had to ask about it. Now you are voting for Rags what gives ? Which is the true vote as I have not seen any unvotes from you ](*,) ](*,) ](*,)
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby DoomYoshi on Thu May 10, 2018 1:39 pm

Vote Count

Ragian (1) - bujaber
BuJaber (2) - Pikanchion, madmitch

With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

Deadline is May 11 (or 14).
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby robellis00 on Thu May 10, 2018 2:48 pm

BuJaber wrote:Maybe I'm wrong about rob.. who knows but you know what is now 99% fact?
At least 1 scum is among pika/ragian/mitch.
If it's not 2 scum in there it is very likely rob + 1 of them.

Dude, the problem with you accusing 4 people out of the 7 that are left (actually 6 since you're not including yourself...), is that it seems like a scum thing to do since you're trying to raise suspicion on so many people. It seems like you just want to kill everyone. What was your rationale for voting pika? I missed it but how did you get to that conclusion? That pika and ragian are scum team? Tell us how you know so we can vote one of them out if they are mafia.

The reason Mitch asked you if you had any information from the night was either 1) to give you a chance to tattle on someone doing something shady at night so we can all vote them out. Or 2) to try and expose someone with a power role so he could vote them off. scum move. He was giving you a chance to justify your vote. Or he was trying to set you up. Looks like he was happy enough just to vote you anyway.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby BuJaber on Fri May 11, 2018 2:43 am

Pika is quiter than usual and not posting much content as much as just votes that feel empty to me.

That was my initial suspicion on him. Ragian seems sketchier. And yes you hit the nail on the coffin with mitch. But even if it's option A if I have information that is helpful to town I will reveal it when I think it's appropriate. He shouldn't coax the information out of me if he's town.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby BuJaber on Fri May 11, 2018 2:47 am

As for me suspecting too many people that is something I disagree with but it's an opinion thing so I really can't force you to think like me.

Basically as town I have no need to make friends, I have no info to go on so I could change my mind very quickly and frequently based on just one post for example, and I don't care how many times I change my vote as long as it eventually lands on scum.

In other words my only job is to identify and lynch the scum by any means necessary and to try and convince the other townies that my latest case is the correct one each time.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby Ragian on Fri May 11, 2018 6:05 am

Wait, so you identify me as the only one arguing and then vote me? What hard evidence do you have since accusing based on gut feeling is a crime in your opinion? None? I thought so. Your play right now is hypocritical at best.

I want Djele to have the opportunity to catch up before casting a vote, but I can see that BuJ is at L-2. Claim, mate.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby BuJaber on Fri May 11, 2018 8:32 am

I voted you because you make sense as scum with more people than anyone else. How is that gut?

Is this really how you wanna play it? L-2 claim. L-2 claim L-2 claim.

I'm only being voted by pika, mitch and potentially you. Basicallly my suspects. Not letting them force me into claiming that easily
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby madmitch on Fri May 11, 2018 8:40 am

I am not trying to expose a power role but Bujaber opened the door when he said hang Rob and Pika, what makes them scum ? why ?
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby Ragian on Sat May 12, 2018 2:14 am

Fine. vote BuJ
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby DoomYoshi on Sat May 12, 2018 6:15 am

Apparently I misread dj's PM. He is actually gone until Sunday. Either way the deadline is extended, and I'll probably keep it a soft deadline so it might not be exactly the 14th, but give him some time to catch up.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby Ragian on Sat May 12, 2018 1:42 pm

Thanks, Doom.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby BuJaber on Sun May 13, 2018 12:07 pm

What about tails?
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby madmitch on Sun May 13, 2018 1:27 pm

BuJaber wrote:What about tails?
Good question ? @ Tails You said " the biggest challenge has been keeping the game active " So get active \:D/ \:D/ \:D/
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby Ragian on Sun May 13, 2018 1:58 pm

What about claiming?
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby madmitch on Sun May 13, 2018 2:37 pm

Claiming will work also,
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby djelebert on Sun May 13, 2018 5:54 pm

Back! Sorry I only did tell it to DY, cause I thought it's quite inappropriate talking about holidays with war and trench fellows!

I didn't see any persuasive agurments (Who can do it in this game? :-) ). My instinct is telling me that one scum must be a experimented player.
And the one who looks scummy for me is Pikachion. Not a lot of comments, just talking about Buj agressivity but pretty convinced about it.
I'm maybe wrong, it's also not a persuasive agurment, but I will follow my instinct.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby djelebert on Sun May 13, 2018 5:58 pm


VOTE : Pikachion
his silence is suspicious in such a game with a lot of newbies.
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby djelebert on Sun May 13, 2018 5:59 pm

What is claim?
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Re: Operation Michael Newbie Game Day 2

Postby Ragian on Sun May 13, 2018 11:52 pm

Claiming means revealing your role (or lying about it) when you're brought to a point close to lynch. The usual "claim territory" is L-2 (when you're two votes from being lynched) because then no one can speed hammer you. BuJ has chosen not to follow the usual "rules". This is the only case of anti-town play that I have seen in this game. Add his attempt at setting up Rob for a lynch, his erratic voting D2, and his "the people who are voting for me are scummy". I'm confident that we've found scum.

Moreover, it strikes me as very odd that you (Djele) have nothing to say about the BuJ-case as it's the most pressing matter. What am I to extract from that?
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