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Ask the CD's

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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby codierose on Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:07 am

Awesome thanks =D>
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby celliottii on Fri Mar 02, 2018 1:03 pm

Hey, guys...

I'm having issues moderating our clan's forum and user groups. I went to ... _modtools/ but it looks like I don't have the mod abilities I once had.

1. How do I create a new private forum/user group for my clan? We've got two right now, but we would like to add a third as a subgroup of our main clan forum.

2. How long does it take the CC servers to update a clan usergroup name? We want to change the user group "Capralis" to "The Bar". I made the edit using my Control Panel.

3. How can i get mod privileges back?

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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby IcePack on Fri Mar 02, 2018 5:59 pm

celliottii wrote:Hey, guys...

I'm having issues moderating our clan's forum and user groups. I went to ... _modtools/ but it looks like I don't have the mod abilities I once had.

1. How do I create a new private forum/user group for my clan? We've got two right now, but we would like to add a third as a subgroup of our main clan forum.

2. How long does it take the CC servers to update a clan usergroup name? We want to change the user group "Capralis" to "The Bar". I made the edit using my Control Panel.

3. How can i get mod privileges back?


Hey celliottii

1) Clans are allowed to have 2 groups, A) Clan Usergroup, and B) Clan Training group. This needs to have 50% "new" members (can't be the same users as Group A) and must have activity every 30 days. Thats the limit on Clan related user groups. If you wanted, you could create a social usergroup following the regular social usergroup requirements and such.

2) This just changes the usergroup name where you find it etc. The forum and other stuff would have to get edited by submitting an e-ticket. Provide them the current name, and the name you want it changed too.

3) Did you have them before? Was there a requested change? Each clan is allowed one moderator to archive / edit stuff if desired. If you were given those priv's and can't, that would be a bug. If you haven't requested that yet, you would do so by PM'ing me. If someone else has those moderator privs within your clan, then they are the ones with the priv to do so. You can contact them and see if your clan wants to make a change and PM me if thats what you want to do, just let me know (and CC the other guy who currently has it)

Hope that helps


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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Tin Trumpet on Mon Mar 05, 2018 8:53 am


i nede to change my 2nd leader within the Atlantis clan from Jigger1986 to Shoop76.

i found a link for an e-ticket, but the link was broken.

can you help me do this, pls

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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby IcePack on Mon Mar 05, 2018 3:46 pm

Tin Trumpet wrote:hi

i nede to change my 2nd leader within the Atlantis clan from Jigger1986 to Shoop76.

i found a link for an e-ticket, but the link was broken.

can you help me do this, pls


Leadership change is done, I’m not sure what was up with the link. Had it checked and it appears to work (I’m on phone so I can’t check myself).
If there are further issues please let me know.


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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Tin Trumpet on Thu Mar 08, 2018 2:54 am

it was a link from a previous post. i searched e ticket. anyway, thanks
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby shoop76 on Thu Jun 14, 2018 3:03 am

Have the clan rankings disappeared? or am I just looking in the wrong place.
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Swifte on Thu Jun 14, 2018 8:00 am

shoop76 wrote:Have the clan rankings disappeared? or am I just looking in the wrong place.

Unfortunately the files and calculations did not survive the recent transfer of power, and the CD team need to recreate them, which will take some time.

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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby chapcrap on Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:06 am

Chocolate or Vanilla?
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Wed Dec 12, 2018 8:43 am

chapcrap wrote:Chocolate or Vanilla?

I'm afraid the answer to your question has to remain CONFIDENTIAL.
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby dt03457 on Tue May 07, 2019 8:59 am


I'm trying to leave my current clan SoH (Spelunkers of Hell) to move to a new clan ICON (Insanity Claimed Our Noodles) and cannot exit SoH. Not sure exactly why, but it may have something to do with the fact I am one of the clan leaders.

Can someone remove me from SoH?


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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Lindax on Tue May 07, 2019 1:55 pm

dt03457 wrote:Hi,

I'm trying to leave my current clan SoH (Spelunkers of Hell) to move to a new clan ICON (Insanity Claimed Our Noodles) and cannot exit SoH. Not sure exactly why, but it may have something to do with the fact I am one of the clan leaders.

Can someone remove me from SoH?



If you are a leader l am pretty sure you need to send an e-ticket so admin can remove you.

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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Tue May 07, 2019 2:02 pm

Lindax wrote:
dt03457 wrote:Hi,

I'm trying to leave my current clan SoH (Spelunkers of Hell) to move to a new clan ICON (Insanity Claimed Our Noodles) and cannot exit SoH. Not sure exactly why, but it may have something to do with the fact I am one of the clan leaders.

Can someone remove me from SoH?



If you are a leader l am pretty sure you need to send an e-ticket so admin can remove you.



PM has been sent to KA.
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Mad777 on Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:06 am

It is nice you move post around but putting things in the CAT where only a handful of CC member can post in there is not helping getting a true Clan Forum to broader audience not only help gathering more votes, but mainly bring diversity, opinion, more inclusion, if you really thing one single Clan leader has to be the voice of 30+ players then you are certainly not gonna make Clan World evolving with today's audience, CC is not counting on thousands of daily actives members like it was years ago but few hundreds at the most...understand your current audience is what will help making Clan evolving with today's demands that was perhaps unknown 10 years ago ;)

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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Sun Nov 24, 2019 9:10 am

Mad777 wrote:It is nice you move post around but putting things in the CAT where only a handful of CC member can post in there is not helping getting a true Clan Forum to broader audience not only help gathering more votes, but mainly bring diversity, opinion, more inclusion, if you really thing one single Clan leader has to be the voice of 30+ players then you are certainly not gonna make Clan World evolving with today's audience, CC is not counting on thousands of daily actives members like it was years ago but few hundreds at the most...understand your current audience is what will help making Clan evolving with today's demands that was perhaps unknown 10 years ago ;)


The discussion had already been debated heavily in CAT. That was the best place to move the posts: into the topic MOST related to the post moved.
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Mad777 on Sun Nov 24, 2019 5:07 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Mad777 wrote:It is nice you move post around but putting things in the CAT where only a handful of CC member can post in there is not helping getting a true Clan Forum to broader audience not only help gathering more votes, but mainly bring diversity, opinion, more inclusion, if you really thing one single Clan leader has to be the voice of 30+ players then you are certainly not gonna make Clan World evolving with today's audience, CC is not counting on thousands of daily actives members like it was years ago but few hundreds at the most...understand your current audience is what will help making Clan evolving with today's demands that was perhaps unknown 10 years ago ;)


The discussion had already been debated heavily in CAT. That was the best place to move the posts: into the topic MOST related to the post moved.

JD, don’t shut the door and read again, the point was more a general question and the way request are generally handled strictly in CAT, I was using this example to ask « why » and I’m still curious to hear if Clan is considering exposing topics like this to the public (Clan world) rather than a handful of member next time?
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:02 pm

Mad777 wrote:JD, don’t shut the door and read again, the point was more a general question and the way request are generally handled strictly in CAT, I was using this example to ask « why » and I’m still curious to hear if Clan is considering exposing topics like this to the public (Clan world) rather than a handful of member next time?

Who is stopping you from making a post? If you want to hold an informal conversation, go ahead.

CAT is the formal place to discuss those issues. Even then, CAT members are free to post whatever relevant clan content they want in there.
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Caymanmew on Tue Nov 26, 2019 11:55 pm

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Mad777 wrote:JD, don’t shut the door and read again, the point was more a general question and the way request are generally handled strictly in CAT, I was using this example to ask « why » and I’m still curious to hear if Clan is considering exposing topics like this to the public (Clan world) rather than a handful of member next time?

Who is stopping you from making a post? If you want to hold an informal conversation, go ahead.

CAT is the formal place to discuss those issues. Even then, CAT members are free to post whatever relevant clan content they want in there.

The CD's (such as yourself) are stopping him, only 1 CAT rep per clan means people with good opinions and who want to discuss things in a formal setting cant due to 1 CAT rep per clan.

Raising the limit to 2 or 3 might do a lot of good at increasing discussion in CAT.
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:04 am

Caymanmew wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Mad777 wrote:JD, don’t shut the door and read again, the point was more a general question and the way request are generally handled strictly in CAT, I was using this example to ask « why » and I’m still curious to hear if Clan is considering exposing topics like this to the public (Clan world) rather than a handful of member next time?

Who is stopping you from making a post? If you want to hold an informal conversation, go ahead.

CAT is the formal place to discuss those issues. Even then, CAT members are free to post whatever relevant clan content they want in there.

The CD's (such as yourself) are stopping him, only 1 CAT rep per clan means people with good opinions and who want to discuss things in a formal setting cant due to 1 CAT rep per clan.

Raising the limit to 2 or 3 might do a lot of good at increasing discussion in CAT.

CAT members can make posts on behalf of their clan members. People have done this before in discussion posts.

Having 1 CAT rep per clan makes each clan equally represented. 1 CAT rep per clan is the most fair way to hold formal discussions.
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Caymanmew on Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:07 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Mad777 wrote:JD, don’t shut the door and read again, the point was more a general question and the way request are generally handled strictly in CAT, I was using this example to ask « why » and I’m still curious to hear if Clan is considering exposing topics like this to the public (Clan world) rather than a handful of member next time?

Who is stopping you from making a post? If you want to hold an informal conversation, go ahead.

CAT is the formal place to discuss those issues. Even then, CAT members are free to post whatever relevant clan content they want in there.

The CD's (such as yourself) are stopping him, only 1 CAT rep per clan means people with good opinions and who want to discuss things in a formal setting cant due to 1 CAT rep per clan.

Raising the limit to 2 or 3 might do a lot of good at increasing discussion in CAT.

CAT members can make posts on behalf of their clan members. People have done this before in discussion posts.

Having 1 CAT rep per clan makes each clan equally represented. 1 CAT rep per clan is the most fair way to hold formal discussions.

Wouldn't 2 CAT reps per clan also have everyone equally represented? You know, 2 each...
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:12 am

One person can accurately be the representative for a group of 40 people or less, no?
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Caymanmew on Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:14 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:One person can accurately be the representative for a group of 40 people or less, no?

So can 2...

Wouldn't more people discussing and trying to talk out problems be a positive thing? Especially given the lack of posters in the CAT atm?
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Jdsizzleslice on Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:21 am

Caymanmew wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:One person can accurately be the representative for a group of 40 people or less, no?

So can 2...

Wouldn't more people discussing and trying to talk out problems be a positive thing? Especially given the lack of poster in the CAT atm?

CAT members have the option to make posts at their own desire. So is your grievance really directed at the CDs or at the CAT members for not posting? I haven’t seen any discussion topics created by anyone recently. Before we try to make an argument for increasing the number of people in CAT, how about the CAT members actually make posts. But even then, if they don’t want to make a post, that’s totally their right not to do so.
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Caymanmew on Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:35 am

Jdsizzleslice wrote:
Caymanmew wrote:
Jdsizzleslice wrote:One person can accurately be the representative for a group of 40 people or less, no?

So can 2...

Wouldn't more people discussing and trying to talk out problems be a positive thing? Especially given the lack of poster in the CAT atm?

CAT members have the option to make posts at their own desire. So is your grievance really directed at the CDs or at the CAT members for not posting? I haven’t seen any discussion topics created by anyone recently. Before we try to make an argument for increasing the number of people in CAT, how about the CAT members actually make posts. But even then, if they don’t want to make a post, that’s totally their right not to do so.

Interesting thought, but perhaps you're coming to the wrong conclusion. One would think if you're not getting much activity from the limited reps you look to expand them in an attempt to increase the conversation level. If the conversation is productive and vibrant you probably wouldn't look to add more people as it would be effectively working already.
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Re: Ask the CD's

Postby Keefie on Wed Nov 27, 2019 12:42 am

Maybe it would be a good idea to contact all the CAT reps to ask them their opinions on the current CAT forum, why it's so quiet and what they would do to make it work better.
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