LINK TO CLAN WAR - Headless Horsemen vs Fiasco
HH - Keefie
FSC - Catchersmitt14
Set 1: 3 Dubs, 3 Trips, 4 Quads, 1 Tiebreaker Game (HH to make) Games to be made Sunday 10th December
Set 2: 3 Dubs, 4 Trips, 3 Quads - Games to be made Sunday 31st December
Each clan will pick the map and settings for exactly half of the games.
- Round limits are allowed.
- Classic trips no spoils, chain, sunny as tiebreaker
- Only game types allowed are "Teams" (Polymorphic is not considered a team game)
- All games must have automatic initial troop deploy (no manual)
- All games must be sequential (no freestyle)
- All games must have 24 hour round length (no speed)
- All spoils are allowed.
- All forts are allowed except "no forts".
- Trench is permitted with no restriction.
- Each map (even random) can only be used twice per clan per clan war but can only be used once per game type (dubs/trips/quads).
- Beta maps are not allowed.
- A player can participate in a maximum of 14 Games (tie-breaker doesn't count in this total).
FOG OF WAR RULE is in place.
HH and FSC agree to the fog of war rule.
12 hour Fog of War in effect. The rule does not apply to conquest maps or those games where the team going first just deploys/forts without attacks.
If the rule is broken, the offending team has to reveal what was conquered (if any) and those territories that would have been otherwise visible.
Keefie & Catchermitt14 will be having a Sig banner challenge, with the loser having to display the winners chosen banner for 30 days.