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Naruto: Top of the Board

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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby gannable on Sat Oct 14, 2017 5:31 pm


i played this guy on his map/settings and smoked him.
I learned on the fly.

He whined incessantly in the chat.

Then, he foed me after I won.

He's probably a good player but nothing special.
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby King_Herpes on Sat Oct 14, 2017 6:38 pm

Foe/lowball I've done both and I see no difference in means of elevation. Now when he lowballs a team, wins and foes let us know. That's right kids, we're talking about foeballing. Then he'd be beginning to play as dirty* as I have in the past as to where I've been put through the C&A cheese grater and to this day still Paul in one piece.
Sorry about your little butt āœŖ Dumb fucking e-lambs the lot of you
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby gannable on Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:34 pm

i always see people going on about medals but I lost track of them years ago.

Does anyone have a list of all the available medals?
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby IcePack on Sat Oct 14, 2017 11:52 pm

gannable wrote:i always see people going on about medals but I lost track of them years ago.

Does anyone have a list of all the available medals?


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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby gannable on Sun Oct 15, 2017 12:16 am


what are they?

that sounds pretty cool
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby betiko on Sun Oct 15, 2017 6:03 am

gannable wrote:championships?

what are they?

that sounds pretty cool

never played them cause they looked too long, but basically, it's some tournaments focused on a particular setting to declare the best i one field... like who is the best dubs team, who is the best in escalating.. never tried it so don't remember the structure, but lots of rounds basically. i think it slowly lost interest and it's been a while since they runned the last one.
i might try to play one.

regarding medals; other than the fact that probably the majority of players don't care about them it still says a lot regarding the games they play. You can see in wat settings a player is specialist or which ones he doesn't/barely plays.
Having 1500+ games and X amount of years under the belt here and not even having some bronze medals such as the crossmap is just plain retarded... you don't get them on purpose, it's just basic curiosity to try a few of the many maps in here... so boring to do the same thing over and over for a score before even trying a bit of everything. it takes a particular type of people i guess.
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby gannable on Sun Oct 15, 2017 10:56 am

thats fine about the medals,

But I never understood the mentality if playing a game such for the sake of trying to get a medal.

for example, some players would play tons of crappy, 1x1, speed, standard games against anybody, any low ranking player just to pile up for the medal. 1) i think those games suck 2) i dont feel like possible losing 40 pts to a player in a game where its basically a coin flip. bad dice in those games there's no recovery
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sun Oct 15, 2017 2:08 pm

betiko wrote:
gannable wrote:championships?

what are they?

that sounds pretty cool

never played them cause they looked too long, but basically, it's some tournaments focused on a particular setting to declare the best i one field... like who is the best dubs team, who is the best in escalating.. never tried it so don't remember the structure, but lots of rounds basically. i think it slowly lost interest and it's been a while since they runned the last one.
i might try to play one.

You also have to meet certain requirements to participate in the championships.
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby betiko on Sun Oct 15, 2017 5:47 pm

gannable wrote:thats fine about the medals,

But I never understood the mentality if playing a game such for the sake of trying to get a medal.

for example, some players would play tons of crappy, 1x1, speed, standard games against anybody, any low ranking player just to pile up for the medal. 1) i think those games suck 2) i dont feel like possible losing 40 pts to a player in a game where its basically a coin flip. bad dice in those games there's no recovery

the point is that if you start medal hunting you don't give a shit about your points. you must think like that, otherwise there is no way ou are going to do it.
i personally love playing crappy 1v1 speed games against anybody, this isn't getting me anywhere in terms of medals, but i just find it fun. it's very annoying when you have a score you start caring about though. but that's the whole thing for me about this site... the higher your score is, the less fun you have because you have to restrict yourself to stuff that will not ruin your score. so i think that to last long here, you need to change your mind set several times... you might have some periods of times where you feel to play things where you will make a lot of points, or things that are sill and fun, or chase some medals you are starting to get close to.
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby narutoserigala on Sat Jun 23, 2018 1:21 am

gannable wrote:beitko,

i played this guy on his map/settings and smoked him.
I learned on the fly.

He whined incessantly in the chat.

Then, he foed me after I won.

He's probably a good player but nothing special.

Lol :lol:

Good thing I kept a record in the game chat because after nearly a year, I could still refer to what really happened here.

I recorded them in the chat for reference and you mistook them for whining. As for the foeing, it was intended to free up slots for new opponents. Winning at my games did not single you out for foeing then nor now. You may not know this, but at that time my list had more players who lost to me ( or never beaten me ever) than actually won in my games. So by your logic, it must had meant that I foed them because they lost? Actually winning or losing was irrelevant and it was just temporary. In any case, my foe list is almost as bare as anybody's presently. However, in your case, you made it simply being a jerk :-)

Oh come on. Don't feel annoyed at my assessment of your skills. Reviewing the game logs + chat, my assessment is still fair and correct to the facts.

All throughout the game, let me assure you that it was the CC dice carved out so much advantage for you, that it became an overriding factor. Not to mention your double 3 carders at the most critical time. How could anyone lose with that much advantage like what you had ?? In fact, you would have even lost if the CC dice hadn't stopped my80% odds on cyan for the kill and game.

So do not confuse dice or card luck with skills , vice versa. I don't know if you can qualify to be a judge of skills of your opponents at a new map like Schloss, especially after one lucky win like that. Particularly in your case , I could still spot your mistakes.Given that kind of card luck +dice lead you had all game long, even a fool could win such a game on his day . :-)
Last edited by narutoserigala on Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:54 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby iAmCaffeine on Sat Jun 23, 2018 5:58 am

The thing is, nobody cares how good you are at the game when you're a paranoid, whiny little bitch.
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Re: Naruto: Top of the Board

Postby narutoserigala on Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:31 am

iAmCaffeine wrote:The thing is, nobody cares how good you are at the game when you're a paranoid, whiny little bitch.

Which of course I am not. Like I said, I document facts if anyone cared to analyse the data.

I am open to data based discussion regarding CC dice problems ( yes,CC dice is seriously problematic). Please feel free to contact me. Perhaps we can discuss a framework to work towards a solution!
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