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narutoserigala wrote:Thank you , Doom Yoshi for the congrats. I make a series of posts, try to reply to each as much as I could.
It is possible that some posts may be duplicates & redundant, & I will not reply for time saving reasons.
jusplay4fun wrote:Congratulations, Naruto.
Being on top of this list is indeed quite an accomplishment. When I first joined CC in 2013, I learned quickly that there were LOTS of very good game players here. And Risk is only one of the games at which many of these players are good. I have not changed that opinion in the past 4 years and have actually seen even more evidence to support my initial assessment.
In reading this thread, I think that you answered most of your critics in a reasonable fashion.
JP4Fnarutoserigala wrote:Thank you , Doom Yoshi for the congrats. I make a series of posts, try to reply to each as much as I could.
It is possible that some posts may be duplicates & redundant, & I will not reply for time saving reasons.
narutoserigala wrote:xroads wrote:congrats, but if you beat him, he foes you
Thanks xroads,
Regards my foes list, it is only just temporary and it also include players I beat. Just a few days ago, I unfoed a few. Just read my profile page for the reason. So if you check, you'd find you (xroads whom I beaten by the way) no longer are foed from a few weeks back, if I remembered correctly, from one of my earlier reviews. Because of the temporal nature of that list, I continue to review/ unfoe regularly.
Why? This gives me a better chance to meet & play new players more often especially since I do not play a large gameload ( fewer than 10 mostly) & turnover rate can be slow. This is something I picked up from someone random profile page on the site (I cannot recall who that random guy was though).
Nevertheless, some good things have came out from this. A few of these newer players whom I discovered using this method, have even played with me to let me have a chance to help improve their play/ skills while on the same team & learn from each other. That was how my newer teams with CTC, far2ezee, P3K, risk etc happened & more are in the pipeline. Playing with such a small gameload, this is an effective way for a better chance to meet more new players, whether you agree or not.
However, if someone is not on my temporary list, then he/ she was put on that list for other reasons (such as poor sportsmanship etc) & irregardless of game outcome ( victory or defeat). This is normal like everyone's foe list.
Yynatago wrote:A commendable achievement Narutoserigala.
For those who missed his earlier response to how he currently uses the foe feature:narutoserigala wrote:xroads wrote:congrats, but if you beat him, he foes you
Thanks xroads,
Regards my foes list, it is only just temporary and it also include players I beat. Just a few days ago, I unfoed a few. Just read my profile page for the reason. So if you check, you'd find you (xroads whom I beaten by the way) no longer are foed from a few weeks back, if I remembered correctly, from one of my earlier reviews. Because of the temporal nature of that list, I continue to review/ unfoe regularly.
Why? This gives me a better chance to meet & play new players more often especially since I do not play a large gameload ( fewer than 10 mostly) & turnover rate can be slow. This is something I picked up from someone random profile page on the site (I cannot recall who that random guy was though).
Nevertheless, some good things have came out from this. A few of these newer players whom I discovered using this method, have even played with me to let me have a chance to help improve their play/ skills while on the same team & learn from each other. That was how my newer teams with CTC, far2ezee, P3K, risk etc happened & more are in the pipeline. Playing with such a small gameload, this is an effective way for a better chance to meet more new players, whether you agree or not.
However, if someone is not on my temporary list, then he/ she was put on that list for other reasons (such as poor sportsmanship etc) & irregardless of game outcome ( victory or defeat). This is normal like everyone's foe list.
As of writing, his profile page says this:
Interests: If you are on foe list, then it is because I am targeting a higher unique kills medal. Once this is achieved, this list will be lifted.
Congratulations again Narutoserigala!
betiko wrote:Yynatago... not sure you understand my previous post. To get unique kills for your medals, you need to defeat your opponent... if you are beaten and you foe, the statement you copy pasted makes no sense.
Thorthoth wrote:narutoserigala wrote:JPlo64 wrote:xroads wrote:congrats, but if you beat him, he foes you
And he's one of the psycho leaders of TOP
You are very confused. If you were thinking about PaP, what he did had totally nothing to do with TOP or leaders. It was his actions alone and after I found out, I stood against it for the record.
So he's one of the PaP-opposition psycho leaders of TOP.
Moral of story: Wanna be Conqueror? Just foe everyone better than you, That's how Farmer Herpes did it.
BoganGod wrote:Thorthoth wrote:narutoserigala wrote:JPlo64 wrote:xroads wrote:congrats, but if you beat him, he foes you
And he's one of the psycho leaders of TOP
You are very confused. If you were thinking about PaP, what he did had totally nothing to do with TOP or leaders. It was his actions alone and after I found out, I stood against it for the record.
So he's one of the PaP-opposition psycho leaders of TOP.
Moral of story: Wanna be Conqueror? Just foe everyone better than you, That's how Farmer Herpes did it.
I'm sorry Symmetry, Fake Bernie, and Eddie, you are no longer even in the race for the most inane, brain farting troll on CC. Sore tooth is the clear winner. Herpes didn't mass foe folks, when he was conqueror he even played public speed games. Letting anyone and everyone have a go at winning his points. If you had been on the site to play, rather than whiteant and destroy. You may have noticed the difference. Getting to Conqueror when the site had 50,000+ active playing members was an achievement.
Yynatago wrote:betiko wrote:Yynatago... not sure you understand my previous post. To get unique kills for your medals, you need to defeat your opponent... if you are beaten and you foe, the statement you copy pasted makes no sense.
It seems I didn't interpret your post correctly, nor xroad's, in which case I should highlight the faulty assertion made by xroad and JPlo64. Narutoserigala defeated his opponents before he foed them.
A search of their games show that in the last game played by xroads or JPlo64 against Narutoserigala, Narutoserigala won. After which Narutoserigala presumably foed them. xroads, in fact has never won against him. ... mit%5D=100 - Game 17064806 ... mit%5D=100 - Game 15882966
See you all in battle!
betiko wrote:Yynatago wrote:betiko wrote:Yynatago... not sure you understand my previous post. To get unique kills for your medals, you need to defeat your opponent... if you are beaten and you foe, the statement you copy pasted makes no sense.
It seems I didn't interpret your post correctly, nor xroad's, in which case I should highlight the faulty assertion made by xroad and JPlo64. Narutoserigala defeated his opponents before he foed them.
A search of their games show that in the last game played by xroads or JPlo64 against Narutoserigala, Narutoserigala won. After which Narutoserigala presumably foed them. xroads, in fact has never won against him. ... mit%5D=100 - Game 17064806 ... mit%5D=100 - Game 15882966
See you all in battle!
You made me check, i thought i had played just 1 game against him and that he foed me after beating him. Actually we played 4 games. I wont a 7 player game against him, then he beat me in a trips (he probably foed me then but i didn't notice); then we had a couple of clan games against each other, won 1 lost 1 and i remember trying to join some of his poly games at that time and i couldn t as he had me foed (that was after winning a clan game and before losing the other one).
Anyways, it doesn t make much sense in terms of medal hunting, if you beat me in trips and you are only playing poly games, if you beat me in poly you will advance towards that particular medal.
MOBAJOBG wrote:Gratz!, naturoserigala've made it to the top, slowly but surely.
You've certainly tap into every single drop of your knowledge, experience, expertise and strategy skill to achieve such an amazing feat in your long journey of grinding for each and every point.
...and betiko, if you've more than 5,000 points, I don't think you'll be foed by the Conqueror but alas, it's a shame you don't even possess more than 2,500 points.
MOBAJOBG wrote:Gratz!, naturoserigala've made it to the top, slowly but surely.
You've certainly tap into every single drop of your knowledge, experience, expertise and strategy skill to achieve such an amazing feat in your long journey of grinding for each and every point.
...and betiko, if you've more than 5,000 points, I don't think you'll be foed by the Conqueror but alas, it's a shame you don't even possess more than 2,500 points.
Donelladan wrote:MOBAJOBG wrote:Gratz!, naturoserigala've made it to the top, slowly but surely.
You've certainly tap into every single drop of your knowledge, experience, expertise and strategy skill to achieve such an amazing feat in your long journey of grinding for each and every point.
...and betiko, if you've more than 5,000 points, I don't think you'll be foed by the Conqueror but alas, it's a shame you don't even possess more than 2,500 points.
I have been foed by Narutooh and I was around brig or general at the time.
Also; sure foeing every persons below 2500 would be an acceptable way to become Conqueror....( I know naruto didn't do that, but that's kind of what was implying Mobajobg.)
MOBAJOBG wrote:Gratz!, naturoserigala've made it to the top, slowly but surely.
You've certainly tap into every single drop of your knowledge, experience, expertise and strategy skill to achieve such an amazing feat in your long journey of grinding for each and every point.
...and betiko, if you've more than 5,000 points, I don't think you'll be foed by the Conqueror but alas, it's a shame you don't even possess more than 2,500 points.
betiko wrote:Donelladan wrote:MOBAJOBG wrote:Gratz!, naturoserigala've made it to the top, slowly but surely.
You've certainly tap into every single drop of your knowledge, experience, expertise and strategy skill to achieve such an amazing feat in your long journey of grinding for each and every point.
...and betiko, if you've more than 5,000 points, I don't think you'll be foed by the Conqueror but alas, it's a shame you don't even possess more than 2,500 points.
I have been foed by Narutooh and I was around brig or general at the time.
Also; sure foeing every persons below 2500 would be an acceptable way to become Conqueror....( I know naruto didn't do that, but that's kind of what was implying Mobajobg.)
yeah, not very interested in points lately, but when i was going for a high score some years back i know that you really didn't want to face peple with over 1000pts difference bellow you.
pretty sure he would foe you with 5000 points if you've beaten him though.
Silly Knig-it wrote:Congratulations for getting to the top of the board. Takes some planning.
When I look at high rankers, I look next at cross map. So many are very narrow players, 5 or 10 maps wide. My respect goes to those who hold high rank and a gold or platinum cross. That takes skill.
But you do have my congratulations for the planning and persistance to become Conquerer.
betiko wrote:No one really cares to play your games dude, don t give yourself that much importance.
Knig it has a point tough... in five years and all those games played... you haven t even received a bronze crossmap... that s kind of a basic.... it just means you have beaten five or more opponents on 7% or less of the maps the site offers.. just 20 maps! That is nothing compared to what the site can offer (over 250 by now).
You can t possibly seen as the best with such narrow and restricted field of games played... not even the best in what you play, you d need a champioships medal for that.
You are just very good with some settings that you have been mastering for years, narrowing as much as you could your risks and being patient. Kudos for that, but just be more humble, there has been dozens and dozens of players much more talented than you are.
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