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Batman Mafia~~~GOTHAM WINS!!!!!!!!

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Batman Mafia~~~GOTHAM WINS!!!!!!!!

Postby Talapus on Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:37 pm


“The Madness Within”

By: Summer Gleeson

Well, it’s been less then a day since all the escaped inmates have been returned to Arkham, and already the murderer that lurks in here has struck again. Earlier this afternoon, the bodies of two kitchen assistants and cook were found brutally beaten and stabbed, stashed away in a side pantry. It is still unknown who may have been responsible, and as with the previous murders, there was no witness.

I went around and talked to some of the inmates to see what the general feeling was. However, due to the fact that medication had recently been handed out, I didn’t glean much info on the latest slayings. Besides incoherent babble and mad laughter from the first two inmates I talked too, I was only able to get one statement from a rather unkempt individual named Jonah Hex.

“Mr. Hex, what are you feelings regarding the recent murders here at Arkham?”

“Their deaths only matter to their families…in here no one cares.”

I was a bit taken back by that statement, but then asked, “But doesn’t it concern you that people are dying? Wouldn’t you do the right thing and report the culprits if you knew who they were?”

After thinking this over for a minute, Hex responded, “I will always attempt to do the right thing... even it means killing every last man, woman and child in here twice over. But I can’t, so it doesn’t matter anymore, we all gotta die sooner or later. I’m just glad it’s gonna be sooner because I can’t take staying here any longer.”

I’m not quite sure what to make of the statement by Jonah Hex, but there is no doubt he is a disturbed individual. Unable to get any other statement from the other inmates I gave up and tracked down Commissioner Gordon.

“The Mayor’s been breathing down the back of my neck for the past week trying to get us motivated to solve this. Gotham wants answers and so do we. We just have yet to make any headway on these murders. But, with the help of Batman and Robin, we hope to make some progress in the next day or two. Until we get any major leads though, Detective Bullock will be overseeing the investigation up here.”

With not much else to go on, Arkham Asylum has let Detective Bullock come in and implement some new rules in hopes to apprehend the murderers. After waiting a few hours to talk to him, Detective Bullock finally gave us this statement.

“The mayor and commissioner put too much faith “batboy” and his side kick. They aren’t gonna be able to help solve this. I mean, look around you! We’re surrounded by a bunch a freaks and gender confused nut jobs. Throwing two more law breaking, caped vigilantes into the fray won’t solve this. No, we need results!So, starting tonight, we’re gonna have all the inmates vote on who they think is the guilty party and send them to the chair. Right or wrong, the citizens of Gotham will get to see some justice.”

“Do you really think that’s the best idea Detective? Won’t that just cause more anger and outrage?”

“Who cares! Look around here and try to tell me there is one innocent person locked up, you can’t do it. Nobody in Gotham really cares if some costumed maniac is gassed during the night. There won’t be any public outcry if we hang one of these wierdos. Gotham just wants to see that the employees that actually care for everyone up here stop getting hurt. So, what better way to insure that then have all the inmates vote on who they think the guilty party is. Sooner or later the murders will stop, and until then we will be providing Gotham with a public service by eliminating some of these freeloading scum bags that reside here. It’s a win win situation.”

Although I don’t agree with the detectives methods, it’s clear that it’s time for something to be done. I’ll continue to update you good citizens with more news once I get it. Until then, stay safe Gotham!

Batman Mafia Rules

1. This game is moderated by me (Talapus), whatever I say goes. If I make a mistake I’ll do my best to fix it, but feel free to PM and let me know. All roles will be given out randomly.

2. Do not quote any PMs you receive from the Mod. I would prefer if you didn’t post your roles right away because it’s more enjoyable if you hold off on this until closer to the end. Once the game has concluded, I will post all actions and roles. You may not post your win condition, how many words are in your role PM, or any other kind of way to get around not quoting PMs.

3. If you forget your role, or you delete it, that is your own fault. I suggest not doing either. However feel free to PM if there is any confusion as to what part you play and I’ll try clearing it up.

4. All ‘votes’ and ‘unvotes’ must be in bold. If they are not, they will not be tallied. (I.E. Vote: Guybrush Threepwood) If you vote two or more times consecutively without an unvote in between them, then the first vote will be the one that gets tallied.

5. Lynching requires a majority of the town vote.

6. Once your death scene has been posted, you are dead. You can no longer post anything revealing or of substance. Whining is alright, **Voices from beyond the grave** are alright, as long as nothing of substance is revealed. Feel free to tell everything once game has concluded.

7. The game will not be discussed outside this thread, unless your role specifically says you may do so(You’ll know if it’s ok).

8. Do not edit/delete previous posts. Whatever you say goes into historical record.

9. Day scenes I write will be informational and somewhat helpful(To the right people). I hope you’ll enjoy the story that you will help make each and every day.

10. Joking in the thread is fine, but don’t let it get carried away and take over as spam.

11. Be attentive and active in the game. If I see you are not posting at all, I will prod all those who are inactive. If there is no timely response, you will be replaced. This is important in such a large game like this because of all the roles. Also, I’ve played with all of you in one game or another and it’s worked out pretty well, so I hope there won’t be problems with inactivity here.

12. Each game ‘day’ will not last more than four 24 hour days(Times may vary, but I’ll post it and let you know). I will remind everyone if the deadline is near, and to look toward voting. If no majority is reached at the end of the fourth 24 hour day, a ‘no lynch’ will be forced, sending the game into the night phase.

13. Similar, each game ‘night’ will not last more than three 24 hour days. I will remind all those who have night choices when the deadline is near. If I get all night choices fairly quickly, then night will end early. However, if at the end of the third 24 hour day I have not received your night choice, you will have lost your choice action (I.E. for mafia, there would be a ‘no kill’, etc).

14. If you have any questions about whether you should or shouldn’t do something, or just need some clarification, feel free to PM me.

15. I would prefer not to have to find replacements, but stuff happens, I realize that. If you could PM me and let me know that you can no longer participate instead of just leaving, that would be great. It’s more enjoyable for the rest of us when everyone plays, so I’ll try to find someone to fill your place.


***Thanks to all the people who helped write these rules. You know who you are and it’s great that there is the same basic set we can use for all the mafia games.***

Alright, so now that the basic rules have been posted, it’s time to clarify a few things. Over the last 48 hours I’ve received numerous PM’s asking for clarification of roles and wondering what Pro-Gotham & Anti-Gotham means. First off, I think it’s obvious to most of you that though there are some of the basic mafia roles in this game, there are also quite a few that aren’t. With such a wide range of characters to draw from, I just couldn’t do Batman justice by giving out all the same mafia type roles. So, don’t expect that everybody has a role that is simple or easily defined.

Secondly, in most mafia games there are two groups: mafia & townies. This game however is a bit different because all players are either Pro-Gotham, Anti-Gotham, or "The Others". Basically you know which side you’re on, but because everyone in Gotham has their own agenda and plan, there is no one player that knows who else is all on their side. So, there may be some mafia members, but they won’t know who else is technically Anti-Gotham, Pro-Gotham, or "other". Same thing for the Pro-Gotham players and "The Others" everyone is pretty much in the dark.

The third thing to remember is this, voting in this game is a bit different. Typically, you have three options:
1 - Vote for “yourself”
2 - Vote for “someone else”
3 - Vote “no lynch”
But in this game, you have a fourth option:
4 - Vote “Random”
Basically, if you can’t decide who to lynch, just vote “random”. Courtesy of, one unlucky players name will be selected and that player will be lynched if the majority of players voted “random”. I like to call this “Arkham Roulette”, have fun with it!!!

Finally, and MOST IMPORTANT, voting “no lynch” every now and then may not be a bad thing. It’s unclear as who is on what side, and a loss for either side could greatly tip the balance of power. This is the same for night choices. Just because you’re Pro-Gotham, doesn’t mean you can’t off another Pro-Gotham player. Or, just because you’re Anti-Gotham, doesn’t mean you can’t off another Anti-Gotham player. And lets not forget about the innocent bystanders that may pop up here and there!

Remember, this is Arkham Asylum in Gotham City. It’s full of costumed freaks, trigger happy cops, caped crusaders, and certified lunatics. It’s a mad house in here…let the insanity begin!


1)Fircoal - Selina Kyle A.K.A. “Cat Woman” – Anti/Pro-Gotham/Freelancer: Each night you can hinder(role block) or help(Stop role blocks, mafia and SK hits thus insuring the action of one other player if they have a power role)
2)freezie - Gordon A.K.A. “Batgirl” – Pro-Gotham/Sidekick(Doctor)
3)pancakemix - A.K.A. “Joker” – Anti-Gotham/Serial Killer/Cleaner
4)Koesen2.0 - Billy Mumy A.K.A. “The Fox” - Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Mason)
5)LSU Tiger Josh - Dick Grayson A.K.A. “Robin” – Pro-Gotham/Sidekick(Doctor)
6)Serbia - Peter Scolari A.K.A. “The Shark” - Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Mason)
7)derfderf34 - Carl Beaumont – Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Hider)
8)XenCobra - A.K.A. “Commissioner Gordon/Chief Of Police” – Pro-Gotham/Cop
9)gimpyThewonder - A.K.A “The Riddler” – Anti-Gotham/Roleblocker
10)cmckinney - cmckinney – Dr. Milo – Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Hider)
11)nagerous - Jonah Hex - Pro-Gotham/Arkam Inmate(Miller)
12)Skittles! - Stell Bates - Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Fool)
13)kalishnikov - Dr.Victor Fries A.K.A. “Mr. Freeze” – Anti-Gotham/Asylum Mafia
14)mandalorian2298 - Detective Bullock A.K.A. “Detective” – Pro-Gotham/Detective
15)Koesen - Harvey Dent A.K.A “Two-Face” – Anti-Gotham/Bus Driver
16)Skoffin - Pamela Lillian Isley A.K.A. “Poison Ivy” – Anti-Gotham/Evil Genius(Responsible for night 4)/Cult Recruiter
17)jnd94 - Oswald Cobblepot A.K.A. “Penguin” – Anti-Gotham/Asylum Mafia
18)Anarkistsdream - David Jolliffe – Pro-Gotham/Mason
19)Minister Masket - A.K.A. “Bat-mite” – Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Bomb)
20)Huckleberryhound - Tony Zucco - Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Fool)
21)Skittles! 2.0 - Sid The Squid - Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Hider)
22)kwanton - Jonathan Crane A.K.A. “Scarecrow” – Anti-Gotham/Deranged Lunatic(Had the power to scare two people out of voting each day
23)MountainLion - Bruce Wayne A.K.A. Batman - Pro-Gotham/Vigilante
24)XenCobra2.0 - Andrea Beaumont/The Phantasm – Pro-Gotham/Revenge Vigilante(Tried to kill one certain character, once/if she succeeded, she’d become a regular townie)
25)Kernal_Kronic – Matt Hagen A.K.A. “Clayface” – Anti-Gotham/Arkam Inmate
26)neutrino - Jervis Tetch A.K.A. “Mad Hatter” – Anti-Gotham/Evil Genius (Responsible for night 4)/Cult Recruiter
27)n8freeman - Simon Trent A.K.A. “The Grey Ghost” - Pro-Gotham/Arkham Inmate(Cult Hunter)

Game Days:

Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Breaking News
Night 4/Mob Rule
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Last edited by Talapus on Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:29 pm, edited 58 times in total.
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Postby The1exile on Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:40 pm

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Postby nagerous on Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:42 pm

First random vote of the game goes to *drum roll*..... Gethine! vote gethine
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Postby willis on Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:51 pm

Vote fircoal for being a 'chu
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Postby jnd94 on Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:52 pm

vote exile lets get this train moving!
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Postby cmckinney on Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:54 pm

any particular reason for that vote, or just doing type thing?
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Postby LSU Tiger Josh on Fri Jun 08, 2007 5:58 pm

Vote CmKinney as my random lucky winner.
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Postby Talapus on Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:00 pm

Wow, it's not even been going for 10 minutes yet and already there is a huge witch hunt nice now children.... :twisted:
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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Postby jnd94 on Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:01 pm

LSU Tiger Josh wrote:Vote CmKinney as my random lucky winner.

pshhh very random :roll: FOS LSU
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Postby I GOT SERVED on Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:09 pm

Vote: jnd

That post was most obviously random. :wink:

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Postby gimpyThewonder on Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:29 pm

vote random
why not, lets see what happens
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Postby Talapus on Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:35 pm

Vote Count:

(1)gethine - nagerous
(1)Fircoal - willis
(1)the1exile – jnd94
(1)cmckinney – LSU Tiger Josh
(1)jnd94 – I GOT SERVED
(1)random - gimpyThewonder

With 26 players it takes 14 to lynch. Day 1 will end 4am(PST) on June 12th . That’s 84 hours from now, make them count!
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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Postby Iliad on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:00 pm

Woot it started. Hey guys
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Postby Fircoal on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:13 pm

No Mandy. So... my vote goes to

Vote: Pancake
Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Postby Serbia on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:15 pm

VOTE: Willis

For quoting me in his sig.
saxitoxin wrote:Serbia is a RUDE DUDE
may not be a PRUDE, but he's gotta 'TUDE
might not be LEWD, but he's gonna get BOOED
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Postby Iliad on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:17 pm

Wow that's a lot of votes on one page!
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Postby derfderf34 on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:21 pm

vote random

because i am a fool fool fool
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby Iliad on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:21 pm

But I guess every game starts like this
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Postby Fircoal on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:24 pm

Iliad wrote:But I guess every game starts like this

DA! FOOL! :lol:
Vote: Mandy
Eddie35: hi everyone
Serbia: YOU IDIOT! What is THAT supposed to be? Are you even TRYING to play this game?! Kill the idiot NOW please!
Skoffin wrote: So um.. er... I'll be honest, I don't know what the f*ck to do from here. Goddamnit chu.
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Postby Talapus on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:24 pm

Vote Count:

(1)gethine - nagerous
(1)Fircoal - willis
(1)the1exile – jnd94
(1)cmckinney – LSU Tiger Josh
(1)jnd94 – I GOT SERVED
(2)random – gimpyThewonder, derfder34
(1)pancakemix – Fircoal
(1)Willis – Serbia

With 26 players it takes 14 to lynch. Day 1 will end 4am(PST) on June 12th . That’s 83 hours from now, make them count!
Last edited by Talapus on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.
DoomYoshi wrote:
vote talapus

You lying sack of cunt!
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Postby derfderf34 on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:25 pm

it sucks being a fool
(= . =)
(")_(") bringing back that bunny pride
why did they get rid of gridiron gang
eh' woman
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Postby Iliad on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:30 pm

Who hasn't posted yet? But I guess the game has just started
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Postby Anarkistsdream on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:51 pm

Vote: Gethine
virus90 wrote: I think Anarkist is a valuable asset to any game.
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Postby Iliad on Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:53 pm

Anarkistsdream wrote:Vote: Gethine

He was mafia last time I played mafia with him so
Vote: Gethine!
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Postby MountainLion on Fri Jun 08, 2007 8:09 pm

Vote Skittles because I prefer NOT to taste the rainbow :P
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