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Personal mafia moments

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Personal mafia moments

Postby strike wolf on Sat Apr 22, 2017 12:06 am

Kind of a thread for each player (especially players who have been here longer just by the nature of the topic) to kind of present some of their favorite personal moments in mafia.

for me in no particular order

1. Platoon Mafia-Not my best game but as I said previously in the pokemon game probably the game where I first really felt like I fully came into my own as a player.
2. Mask of the Red Death-In hindsight not my best play as scum but who forgets their first win as scum? Especially considering I was an SK.
3. New Briarsburg-This is still possibly my favorite game hosted on this site but also one I felt particularly good about my play and got to fake my own death in it.
4. PYOM-Tactical Nuke Strike Wolf.
5. Firefly-successfully investigated Commander as Sk night 1. Saved Saf from dying and got a good trade off on who was killed N2 by busdriving everyone.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby mandalorian2298 on Sun May 07, 2017 3:05 pm

1. Dominion - First game I ever played (I played it over dial-up)
2. Sherwood Mafia - Getting myself strategically lynched on Day 1
3. Bad Poet's Society - Getting mega-pwned by Talapus (aka Eddie Longboat :x )
4. Pulp Fiction - Making one good decision (recruiting Everywhere) then messing up royaly and watching as Everywhere won the whole game singlehandedly.
5. (forgot the name of the game) - getting mod-killed by Fircoal for James T. Kirking the unplayable role that he gave me :P (a Mafioso who has to get all the other scum lynched but isn't allowed to say that they are Mafia)
6. Pokemon RPG - Finally seeing what would happen if you put Nark and Wing in the same game. Glorious.
7. Godfather Mafia - win was nice and this quote from Nag still makes me laugh:

nagerous wrote:Hot-Head had to swear and be over-agressive in each post.. much like the character Sonny himself, who's overagressiveness was his downfall. Ironically because the role was given to firth people just thought he was being a prick anyway.
Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.


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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Fircoal on Sun May 07, 2017 4:03 pm

mandalorian2298 wrote:5. (forgot the name of the game) - getting mod-killed by Fircoal for James T. Kirking the unplayable role that he gave me :P (a Mafioso who has to get all the other scum lynched but isn't allowed to say that they are Mafia)

It was confusion paranoia mafia, and it wasn't unplayable, you just couldn't accept that there was no easy solutions so tried to make one yourself. The point was to make an argument about why your scumsters were scum, not to tell others that they were scum.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby mandalorian2298 on Sun May 07, 2017 5:35 pm

Fircoal wrote:
mandalorian2298 wrote:5. (forgot the name of the game) - getting mod-killed by Fircoal for James T. Kirking the unplayable role that he gave me :P (a Mafioso who has to get all the other scum lynched but isn't allowed to say that they are Mafia)

It was confusion paranoia mafia, and it wasn't unplayable, you just couldn't accept that there was no easy solutions so tried to make one yourself. The point was to make an argument about why your scumsters were scum, not to tell others that they were scum.

1. There was no point, you are retroactively inventing point. You just liked make insane games and then laugh at the players attempting to make sense of them.

2. I told no such thing.It was in the subtext. :-^
Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.


Talapus wrote:I'm far more pissed that mandy and his thought process were right from the get go....damn you mandy.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Fircoal on Sun May 07, 2017 11:58 pm

mandalorian2298 wrote:
Fircoal wrote:
mandalorian2298 wrote:5. (forgot the name of the game) - getting mod-killed by Fircoal for James T. Kirking the unplayable role that he gave me :P (a Mafioso who has to get all the other scum lynched but isn't allowed to say that they are Mafia)

It was confusion paranoia mafia, and it wasn't unplayable, you just couldn't accept that there was no easy solutions so tried to make one yourself. The point was to make an argument about why your scumsters were scum, not to tell others that they were scum.

1. There was no point, you are retroactively inventing point. You just liked make insane games and then laugh at the players attempting to make sense of them.

2. I told no such thing.It was in the subtext. :-^

1. I'm pretty sure that was the point. And yes I like to make insane games, it's quite fun to watch really.

2. You know exactly what you did -.-
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby mandalorian2298 on Mon May 08, 2017 3:36 am

Fircoal wrote:
mandalorian2298 wrote:
Fircoal wrote:
mandalorian2298 wrote:5. (forgot the name of the game) - getting mod-killed by Fircoal for James T. Kirking the unplayable role that he gave me :P (a Mafioso who has to get all the other scum lynched but isn't allowed to say that they are Mafia)

It was confusion paranoia mafia, and it wasn't unplayable, you just couldn't accept that there was no easy solutions so tried to make one yourself. The point was to make an argument about why your scumsters were scum, not to tell others that they were scum.

1. There was no point, you are retroactively inventing point. You just liked make insane games and then laugh at the players attempting to make sense of them.

2. I told no such thing.It was in the subtext. :-^

1. I'm pretty sure that was the point. And yes I like to make insane games, it's quite fun to watch really.

2. You know exactly what you did -.-

2. I adapted. :p
Mishuk gotal'u meshuroke, pako kyore.


Talapus wrote:I'm far more pissed that mandy and his thought process were right from the get go....damn you mandy.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby nagerous on Thu May 11, 2017 3:09 am

My memory is shot to shit on some of these older games but I will try my best:

1) NJO and my day 1 duel with Koesen where we had to guess who are duelling partner within three attempts and we both within minutes picked each other correctly on first attempt but I was quickest so I nailed the scumster :lol:

2) my first game, Another Mafia Game by pancakemix, which was 10 years ago now. My scummy partner the1exile gave me up randomly as scum so I terrorist attacked hecter :D

3) hosting games and coming up with themes has always been my favourite Mafia moments with some epic moments in my games, such as when three people all claimed Yoshi in the Super Mario Mafia, wicked submarining her way to a win in R+J Mafia and watching a masterclass Mandy play in Godfather Mafia

4) LSU telling us dumbfucks he was town in all those Mafia games :lol:

5) Freezie's wandlore Mafia where I was Harry Potter and we nearly won

6), Re-inquisition Mafia - great scumster victory
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Minister Masket on Thu May 11, 2017 3:57 am

The only one that my awful memory will never let go is Death Note Mafia. All of it pretty much.
Being Ryuk, I backstabbed Light very early on (I'm sure for a good reason 8-[ ) and spent the rest of the game causing absolute mayhem with my Death Note (before losing it, and I think getting it back right at the end).
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Thu May 11, 2017 4:14 am

So this is bit hard to describe so hopefully this video might give a better understanding.

This is a year ago from my memory but I believe the settings were 1 evil neut (Mass Murderer) 3 scum and 12 town. Before the game starts, everyone can choose what their character name is. I chose my name to be Mass Murderer, and wouldn't you know it, I get the role of a Mass Murderer.

Long story short, I won as a Mass Murderer with the name Mass Murderer, ending the game on a high note when there are 3 players left and me pretending to be a Sheriff (Cop). It was probably the funniest game I've played. I only wish I screen shotted it. :cry:
Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby strike wolf on Thu May 11, 2017 9:54 am

Minister Masket wrote:The only one that my awful memory will never let go is Death Note Mafia. All of it pretty much.
Being Ryuk, I backstabbed Light very early on (I'm sure for a good reason 8-[ ) and spent the rest of the game causing absolute mayhem with my Death Note (before losing it, and I think getting it back right at the end).

GAH! Death Note mafia. I was a Day vig (gained cop power after L died), someone else was a recruiter and a third was a doctor/cop I think. By night 3 all three of us were in the same mason group after I was recruited and thought it would be smooth sailing. I killed Light after a good investigation (claiming my day kill was 1 shot because apparently I had to type it in thread and couldn't send the mod a pm), had I think Nag correctly pinned as scum but yet to prove it and looked like it was going to be smooth sailing when the unlynchable, unkillable Ryuk revenge killed me for killing Light. As I remember town did even try to get rid of masket but they couldn't.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Samlen on Thu May 11, 2017 2:26 pm

I had this one game where the host asked each player the same series of questions that essentially let everyone choose their alignment and their general role. Long story short, we had 11 third party, 2 mafia groups of 2 and 4(i was a part of this group) and 7 town. I managed to use my one-shot janitor role changer role to convince people I was hunting a cult, we had a devilish businessman handing out deals to control half the players and a Rickroller who's whole purpose was to include the lyrics from 'never gonna give you up' in the beginning of his posts without being noticed (which he did successfully). It was a hectic and exciting game where we got almost 3k posts in. I've actually thought about trying this out on this forum to see what madness ensues.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby strike wolf on Thu May 11, 2017 10:35 pm

You might want to leave the tag that balance is not guaranteed but otherwise it sounds interesting.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Samlen on Fri May 12, 2017 12:23 am

Dear lord there's no way a game like that likely to be balanced. It was only by some miracle that town won with like 3 members left xD
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Minister Masket on Fri May 12, 2017 2:34 am

strike wolf wrote:
Minister Masket wrote:The only one that my awful memory will never let go is Death Note Mafia. All of it pretty much.
Being Ryuk, I backstabbed Light very early on (I'm sure for a good reason 8-[ ) and spent the rest of the game causing absolute mayhem with my Death Note (before losing it, and I think getting it back right at the end).

GAH! Death Note mafia. I was a Day vig (gained cop power after L died), someone else was a recruiter and a third was a doctor/cop I think. By night 3 all three of us were in the same mason group after I was recruited and thought it would be smooth sailing. I killed Light after a good investigation (claiming my day kill was 1 shot because apparently I had to type it in thread and couldn't send the mod a pm), had I think Nag correctly pinned as scum but yet to prove it and looked like it was going to be smooth sailing when the unlynchable, unkillable Ryuk revenge killed me for killing Light. As I remember town did even try to get rid of masket but they couldn't.

I completely forgot I was bulletproof and unlynchable. Tracked down the thread to re-read and I can't believe just how theatrical I got. :mrgreen:
I didn't in fact get my death note back but it didn't really matter at that point.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby nagerous on Sun May 14, 2017 3:50 pm

I need to read this one again
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby strike wolf on Mon May 15, 2017 12:18 pm

There was also a game where I was Mason ed (we may have been mafia together but I don't think so) with Ragian I think and we spent the entire quick topic discussion trying to talk about the game in haikus. Wish I could remember which ithe was.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby TA1LGUNN3R on Fri May 19, 2017 1:41 pm

Com9 and pcm's Memebase mafia, when like 6 people died in one night.

One of my favorites was when I won Dexter mafia as an SK by fakeclaiming and getting edocsil, who I think was the doctor, lynched.

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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Skoffin on Sat Jun 03, 2017 8:58 am

* When I started my vendetta against wicked after I spent an entire game as a SK literally killing every single mafia member and cementing myself as 'pro-town hero' and being one night away from victory when Wicked replaced into the game that last night specifically to throw the game to spite kill me because we disagreed in another discussion. so mad bro
* When I hunter killed Kwan because no one would believe me that he was scum.
* When people bought my bullshit fake claims
* When I usurped ga7 for the flimsiest reasoning :P
* When I discovered that DDS is good at mafia but the worst at risk
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby ga7 on Sat Jun 03, 2017 10:11 am

-Winning like 11 or 12 Fircoal games in a row :D
-Most memorable was probably Winner Mafia where town was 4/10 facing 2 mafia and the rest 3rd party, still pulling out an almost perfect win.
-Super Mario by Nag was one of my first game where I got lynched as baby mario day 1 then replaced as mario the cop and nailed Serbia as scum
-NJO by Mandy where I was GF persuaded I would be usurped by Selin, Tal turning traitor instead and killing him, then winning with a lousy survivor fakeclaim :lol:
-LSU "told you dumbfucks I was town" classic
-Masket claiming "Mafia PGO" as my scumbuddy in a Chu game, then Chu making me one in later one :lol:
-Stargate by Lovo just cause everyone on MSN at the time was scum together and successfully usurped
-Worst moment is Skoffin's Memes mafia :P
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Skoffin on Fri Jun 09, 2017 8:14 am

ga7 wrote:-Worst moment is Skoffin's Memes mafia :P

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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby aage on Sun Jun 25, 2017 7:12 am

My favourite game was hands down the CYOC game by pcm where I was Steve the Stapler and got half the town killed in a single night.

reading it back now, that's the same game where Sheep used the power of the gods to give TFO a mustache. Guess my play wasn't as impressive. :(
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby dakky21 on Sun Jun 25, 2017 8:04 pm

Now I have a best & worst mafia moment... waited for Lion King game to end.

Best: Being Mufasa (the KING) and successfully targeting scum for a day kill while still in a joke phase.
Worst: Being mod-killed after it because mods wanted to follow a story line.

Enough said...
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Skittles! on Mon Jun 26, 2017 4:53 am

dakky21 wrote:Now I have a best & worst mafia moment... waited for Lion King game to end.

Best: Being Mufasa (the KING) and successfully targeting scum for a day kill while still in a joke phase.
Worst: Being mod-killed after it because mods wanted to follow a story line.

Enough said...

Maybe there's a reason why Nag chose you to die in the first night.
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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby DirtyDishSoap on Mon Jun 26, 2017 9:40 am

Skoffin wrote:
* When I discovered that DDS is good at mafia but the worst at risk

Dukasaur wrote:
saxitoxin wrote:taking medical advice from this creature; a morbidly obese man who is 100% convinced he willed himself into becoming a woman.

Your obsession with mrswdk is really sad.

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Re: Personal mafia moments

Postby Skoffin on Mon Jun 26, 2017 10:41 pm

DirtyDishSoap wrote:
Skoffin wrote:
* When I discovered that DDS is good at mafia but the worst at risk


that game lasted like a week, were you drunk the entire time?
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