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TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

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TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

Postby IcePack on Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:24 pm

      Sound familiar?

    • The Clans Team is again looking for a few good men or women to serve as Volunteer Clan Directors.
      Candidates applying should have a high activity on Conquer Club/within Clans and be familiar enough with rules and procedures to answer some basic questions. Additionally, candidates should have a cool-head and calm demeanor, and be eager to help take the Clans Dept. to the next level.
      An ideal candidate would also be willing to Skype group chat (text, not voice or video) w/ the other Clan Directors from time to time.
      Don't be dissuaded however if you don't meet some of these requirements. For example, We also need individuals who can provide a different perspective, so even being relatively inexperienced in the clan arena could be an asset to the team under the right circumstances.
      Depending on the level of response, we may hold a small interview or follow up PM to get a better feel or ask some additional questions.

      Currently Seeking:
      - a general clan director to contribute to general forum moderation, database, medals and other activities
      - potentially someone interested in running 1vs1 & poly tournaments, wars & other events

      So if you feel like you could contribute, please send a PM to IcePack with the following:
      PM Subject: Clan Director Application

      Availability / Time I Can Dedicate per Week: (weekends only, all day, mornings, evenings etc)

      Comments: (one or two paragraphs in length describing why you think you are a good candidate)

      Objectives: (one or two paragraphs in length describing what you'd like to do if given the job)

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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby Vid_FISO on Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:42 pm

    Whilst you may or may not get good people applying, you will get better results if you and the wider mod team (beyond clans) identify those you believe will make the difference you're looking for and to approach them privately.
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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby IcePack on Wed Mar 22, 2017 3:51 pm

    Vid_FISO wrote:Whilst you may or may not get good people applying, you will get better results if you and the wider mod team (beyond clans) identify those you believe will make the difference you're looking for and to approach them privately.

    If it comes to it, I would do that. But I try not surrounding myself with yes people or people with my viewpoint. I want other opinions, I want surprise volunteers, I want people from outside my circle etc.

    I want to try and get a team representative of the clan world, not just MY clan world. So far, we've had good applicants and everyone we ended up selecting I haven't had much history with and I appreciate the depth that it brings and provides from varied perspectives.

    There are many "qualified" or might be good candidates. But whether they are willing or interested, I find out from here first.

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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby Vid_FISO on Wed Mar 22, 2017 4:32 pm

    IcePack wrote:
    Vid_FISO wrote:Whilst you may or may not get good people applying, you will get better results if you and the wider mod team (beyond clans) identify those you believe will make the difference you're looking for and to approach them privately.

    If it comes to it, I would do that. But I try not surrounding myself with yes people or people with my viewpoint. I want other opinions, I want surprise volunteers, I want people from outside my circle etc.

    I want to try and get a team representative of the clan world, not just MY clan world. So far, we've had good applicants and everyone we ended up selecting I haven't had much history with and I appreciate the depth that it brings and provides from varied perspectives.

    There are many "qualified" or might be good candidates. But whether they are willing or interested, I find out from here first.

    Assuming Lindax has gone walkies, no issues with yourself, Keefie, Extreme Ways and of course Catchers, all good people doing the best you can in whatever your circumstances are. You want one or more to help with the donkey work, you need donkeys regardless of whether they're yes (wo)men or not. Find the people who give a shit rather than want things done their way.
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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby Extreme Ways on Wed Mar 22, 2017 7:47 pm

    Assuming Lindax has gone walkies, no issues with yourself, Keefie, Extreme Ways and of course Catchers, all good people doing the best you can in whatever your circumstances are. You want one or more to help with the donkey work, you need donkeys regardless of whether they're yes (wo)men or not. Find the people who give a shit rather than want things done their way.

    I give a shit and don't really have a direction for clans, but still find myself disagreeing. Assuming Lx has gone walkers, you miss someone who is... very direct, has no issues making himself clear, neutral (both from official standpoint as Lx was unaffliated as well as in his actions). Because of this, Lx is able to spark discussion that without him would not have existed. That is my view from my couple of months talking to peeps btw, and in my personal communication with Lx.

    People who give a shit will hopefully apply. If they don't, do they give a shit when you ask them to help out or are they just doing you a favor?

    On a final view, it helps having multiple "levels" of players on board. If Ice talks about something he'd like to implement or his vision on X, he bases his viewpoint on the things he knows and sees. The majority of that is FALL-stuff. I can reason from TOFU-perspective (which I think is very different from FALL, more similar to S&M based on the time I was in KoRT) as well as VDLL perspective, and I think the VDLL is very similar to other 'lowly ranked' clans, but at least I don't know how the middle of the pack thinks and reasons. Of course we can ask around in that area but then we return to my first point - will they give a shit?

    Yes, I am aware that for opinions we have CD&F but sometimes someone just has an idea about something and 9/10 times it fails on X because Y. I also don't think we should cherrypick a candidate if we have the luxury to, just general opinions from EW as a player rather than EW as a CD.
    TOFU, ex-REP, ex-VDLL, ex-KoRT.
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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby benga on Thu Mar 23, 2017 1:36 am

    Extreme Ways wrote:
    Assuming Lindax has gone walkies, no issues with yourself, Keefie, Extreme Ways and of course Catchers, all good people doing the best you can in whatever your circumstances are. You want one or more to help with the donkey work, you need donkeys regardless of whether they're yes (wo)men or not. Find the people who give a shit rather than want things done their way.

    I give a shit and don't really have a direction for clans, but still find myself disagreeing. Assuming Lx has gone walkers, you miss someone who is... very direct, has no issues making himself clear, neutral (both from official standpoint as Lx was unaffliated as well as in his actions). Because of this, Lx is able to spark discussion that without him would not have existed. That is my view from my couple of months talking to peeps btw, and in my personal communication with Lx.

    People who give a shit will hopefully apply. If they don't, do they give a shit when you ask them to help out or are they just doing you a favor?

    On a final view, it helps having multiple "levels" of players on board. If Ice talks about something he'd like to implement or his vision on X, he bases his viewpoint on the things he knows and sees. The majority of that is FALL-stuff. I can reason from TOFU-perspective (which I think is very different from FALL, more similar to S&M based on the time I was in KoRT) as well as VDLL perspective, and I think the VDLL is very similar to other 'lowly ranked' clans, but at least I don't know how the middle of the pack thinks and reasons. Of course we can ask around in that area but then we return to my first point - will they give a shit?

    Yes, I am aware that for opinions we have CD&F but sometimes someone just has an idea about something and 9/10 times it fails on X because Y. I also don't think we should cherrypick a candidate if we have the luxury to, just general opinions from EW as a player rather than EW as a CD.

    Lx was never about discussion, but that was for good reason. He did what was needed to move things forward.

    I agree with IP, new blood is needed, but you also need vox populi, there should be a thread opened publicly so anyone can pitch in.
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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby Vid_FISO on Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:28 pm

    I'm reminded of the saying 'separated by a common language', I appreciate English isn't the first language of a good proportion of CC members and also that words/ sentences can have quite a difference in meaning between Brits, Aussies and North Americans.

    Maybe Keefie understands what I've posted better, but then again different parts of the UK have their own usage too :-)

    Anyways, structure is key, taking one major issue, infractions -

    When the system was put in place someone should have realised what could potentially happen and put forward amendments to the rules, their interpretation and how they were exercised. This didn't happen.

    Once the infractions started occurring then rather than blindly charge on with 'these are the rules' the CDs should have realised that the system was flawed and done something about it.

    Straight talking is all well and good, but when something isn't working properly it needs to be fixed, it needs to be fixed immediately!

    Regardless of whatever internal communications the CDs were engaged in (if any), an issue was not deal with properly.

    Whilst you may well need one or two more CDs to do the housekeeping, it may well be an idea to have someone overseeing the whole corner of the site, maybe at admin level to simply say, 'no, that's not going to work/ working, change it'.
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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby IcePack on Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:40 pm

    Actually, when the current infractions system was voted on by the CDF reps, I did have a major concern regarding infractions.

    I'm that person you are describing as the overseer. I did raise my concerns to the TO.

    At that time, we were also getting blasted for "you never listen to us in CDF!" and the TO at the time (Lindax) was also pro stronger enforcement and infractions / forfeits. So despite my objection, I decided, for better or worse that we would run with it for the duration of the CL9 to see if it was an improvement over the CL8 system, as it was what clans voted for at the time.

    Perhaps I should have squashed it before it started, we all make mistakes. But I also didn't want to "not listen" to the community either. Live and learn, I'll continue to do my best and the team does try to listen to the voice of the community (even sometimes when maybe we shouldn't).

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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby Vid_FISO on Thu Mar 23, 2017 2:50 pm

    IcePack wrote:Actually, when the current infractions system was voted on by the CDF reps, I did have a major concern regarding infractions.

    I'm that person you are describing as the overseer. I did raise my concerns to the TO.

    At that time, we were also getting blasted for "you never listen to us in CDF!" and the TO at the time (Lindax) was also pro stronger enforcement and infractions / forfeits. So despite my objection, I decided, for better or worse that we would run with it for the duration of the CL9 to see if it was an improvement over the CL8 system, as it was what clans voted for at the time.

    Perhaps I should have squashed it before it started, we all make mistakes. But I also didn't want to "not listen" to the community either. Live and learn, I'll continue to do my best and the team does try to listen to the voice of the community (even sometimes when maybe we shouldn't).

    Accepted that your position isn't easy at the best of times, I really do understand that, my advice is that you, with hopefully a trusted team alongside you, use your position/ authority to shape things so that they work effectively. The 'community' is often driven by a handful that make most noise (and yes, I do get the irony), I've beta tested a number of games of the years and the noisy minority are the ones that have ensured that those games no longer exist, actually no, that's wrong, it's those listening to the noisy minority that have put themselves out of business.
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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby Keefie on Sun Mar 26, 2017 2:53 am

    I despise the current system of infractions/forfeits and have always fought behind the scenes to get them changed. Alas the TO wasn't for turning.
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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby IcePack on Tue Apr 04, 2017 11:14 am

    Bump - also if you have an interest in contributing to the Platoon Report (with others helping / pitching in) you can also let me know

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    Re: TeamCC Callout! CD Position(s) Available!

    Postby IcePack on Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:18 pm

    One more bump, still looking for a lot of help. If you are interested, please contact me. :)

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