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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 7/14

Postby bluesblazzer on Sat Jul 16, 2016 2:53 am

well done
is there a better way to advertise this concept?
keep kicking at the door
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 7/14

Postby DoomYoshi on Sun Jul 17, 2016 8:34 am

I am looking for a doubles partner. Someone with some clan experience who knows how to communicate. There are quite a few doubles games coming up.
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 7/14

Postby torres44cm on Sun Jul 17, 2016 11:03 am

DoomYoshi wrote:I am looking for a doubles partner. Someone with some clan experience who knows how to communicate. There are quite a few doubles games coming up.

Hey DoomYoshi, We've played some in the past, send me a invite if you haven't found a dubs partner yet,

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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 6/24

Postby Dukasaur on Sun Jul 17, 2016 4:52 pm

concrete wrote:I have been waiting on this 3 team trips to fill. Its not in the 15's but it seems like it :D
Game 16533448
9 Players
20 Rounds

Surely there are 2 teams out there ready to pick up this fight.....If there is a team that needs a trips filled that has been around as long as this one, I will try to find partners and get a team together and join yours (no nukes or zombies or trench), other then that, I will try to return the favor....thanks to anyone that will help fill this game.

I jumped in with the no-name team and the game has begun. Oh well, it's only 20 points... 8-)
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 12/16

Postby Dukasaur on Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:31 am

Originally, this project was started by Butters1919. At some point late last fall, Butters no longer had time for it and jmyork was handed control. Since then, he has worked hard and has made some amazing headway with it.

I don't know the exact date at which jmyork took over, but the following post, dated July 28 2015, indicates that he was already heavily involved at that point, even though he was not yet in charge. We can safely say, therefore, that he has been working in our Pantry for almost 13 months.
Subject: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 8/3 - NEW GAMES!
jmyork82 wrote:Butters, it looks like great minds think alike. Except, I have a different approach.

Since call outs are only so effective, I have found the best way to fill these games is to actually join them and inviting players to the game. I have filled close to 20+ games this way. It's a bit tedious and can take a few days depending on the game settings, but it can be done. Team games are the trickiest to fill so far.

If you'd like, I could explain my method of filling the games in greater detail. I certainly could use the help, I'm only one person....

PM me


It's about time that he got some official recognition of his hard work, and some official backing for this project. I'm very, very pleased to announce, therefore, that jmyork82 is now an official site volunteer, a member of the Community Team (the bronze nametags). Please join me in extending congratulations to him!

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

This also opens the door to us being able to set aside some kind of budget for prizes and rewards such as what was discussed here:
jmyork82 wrote:
dillonbrett wrote:you should make it that if you join the 4 or so oldest games you will get a credit or something then there will be a feeding frenzy for the last 4 or so games (even i will join them ;)

If it were up to me, I would try to put a little reward in place to help give an incentive, but unfortunately that is out of my jurisdiction.

But, you should join one anyways out of your good nature :D the Easter games have been interesting so far and should have a quick turnover on how fast the games conclude.

What kind of maps/settings do you like? I could match you up with an older game and make it fill for you!
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 8/3 - NEW GAMES!

Postby rizky_biznezz on Mon Aug 22, 2016 8:01 am

Yay congrats on ur promotion jm :)
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 8/3 - NEW GAMES!

Postby jmyork82 on Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:06 pm

Well, looks like i need to stop being a slack ass and get back to updating this thread on a more regular basis! New games will be up soon!
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 8/26

Postby Fewnix on Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:15 pm

Congratulations, and condolences, on your promotion.
=D> =D> =D>
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 8/26

Postby jmyork82 on Mon Aug 29, 2016 12:15 pm

Fewnix wrote:.....and condolences.....

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 8/29

Postby Swifte on Tue Aug 30, 2016 12:56 pm

This made your list lol: Game 16052230
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 8/29

Postby jmyork82 on Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:57 pm

Swifte wrote:This made your list lol: Game 16052230

Good eye, this one needs to be deleted
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/1

Postby jmyork82 on Thu Sep 01, 2016 8:53 am

Games filled during the September Challenge 2016

Game 16005422_____Game 16095989_____Game 16105473_____Game 15562635_____Game 15564463
Game 15564463_____Game 15564465_____Game 15597988_____Game 15597989_____Game 15590662
Game 15562637_____Game 15886939_____Game 16020214_____Game 15578199_____Game 15564464
Game 15815112_____Game 15716712_____Game 15756150_____Game 15602443_____Game 15605855
Game 15666851_____Game 15666855_____Game 15666856_____Game 15803650_____Game 15666861
Game 15666853_____Game 15625262_____Game 15612542_____Game 15615977_____Game 15770185
Game 15948230_____Game 15979964_____Game 15639334_____Game 15666850_____Game 15771360
Game 15681799_____Game 15666852_____Game 15602439_____Game 15666854_____Game 15770466
Game 15771361_____Game 15666849_____Game 15625264_____Game 15803657_____Game 15723641
Game 16043674_____Game 15767069_____Game 15625265_____Game 15767069_____Game 15771555
Game 16015489_____Game 15617191_____Game 15826162_____Game 15817967_____Game 15602441
Game 16104880_____Game 15625263_____Game 15803645_____Game 15803646_____Game 15602442
Game 15782269_____Game 15838564_____Game 15886939_____Game 15758179_____Game 15770465
Game 15782268_____Game 15824084_____Game 15803659_____Game 15838569_____Game 15796558
Game 15602440_____Game 15762077_____Game 15763469_____Game 15884124_____Game 15979960
Game 15657900_____Game 15771556_____Game 15770463_____Game 15770464_____Game 16040033
Game 15733946_____Game 15773817_____Game 15948080_____Game 15789416_____Game 16068393
Game 15756149_____Game 15770462_____Game 15763469_____Game 15837188_____Game 16082385
Game 15762076_____Game 15668897_____Game 15803658_____Game 15962052_____Game 15788235
Game 15794022_____Game 15979994_____Game 16015489_____Game 15866365_____Game 15902605
Game 15913610_____Game 15789415_____Game 15789417_____Game 15828736_____Game 15812917
Game 15803660_____Game 16089762_____Game 15988229_____Game 15828736_____Game 16104879
Game 15966207_____Game 15988229_____Game 15988231_____Game 15908419_____Game 15789413
Game 15803660_____Game 15855209_____Game 15944239_____Game 16015490_____Game 16026485
Game 16068398_____Game 15803729_____Game 15832499_____Game 15844176_____Game 15812907
Game 15812909_____Game 15812922_____Game 15834190_____Game 15834193_____Game 15833162
Game 15910204_____Game 16068392_____Game 15979945_____Game 15885658_____Game 15972052
Game 16095001_____Game 15979947_____Game 15979946_____Game 16040030_____Game 15913598
Game 16040031_____Game 16096376_____Game 16020357_____Game 16061749_____Game 16043671
Game 16043673_____Game 16068390_____Game 15979963_____Game 16056809_____Game 16082384
Game 16104099_____Game 16104880_____Game 16130594_____Game 16142952_____Game 16147372
Game 16149525_____Game 15885661_____Game 16150644_____Game 16089272_____Game 16150642
Game 16100225_____Game 16142951_____Game 16049356_____Game 16068391_____Game 16149540
Game 16238234_____Game 16150650_____Game 16043672_____Game 16089273_____Game 16150649
Game 16132201_____Game 16150653_____Game 16153753_____Game 16051202_____Game 16170007
Game 15913597_____Game 15834192_____Game 15834194_____Game 15892736_____Game 16048217
Game 16049353_____Game 16150648_____Game 16150655_____Game 16149530_____Game 16112972
Game 16082356_____Game 16150656_____Game 16061199_____Game 16082388_____Game 16146974
Game 16052696_____Game 16104881_____Game 16189352_____Game 16135841_____Game 16150652
Game 16104875_____Game 15913596_____Game 15979961_____Game 16089275_____Game 16049368
Game 16149534_____Game 16133105_____Game 16170772_____Game 16133103_____Game 16135844
Game 16133102_____Game 16150654_____Game 15979962_____Game 16123298_____Game 16149524
Game 16049344_____Game 16186750_____Game 16135842_____Game 16049345_____Game 16189348
Game 16130607_____Game 16130611_____Game 16189351_____Game 16191072_____Game 16191071
Game 16130608_____Game 16135843_____Game 16149526_____Game 16191070_____Game 16154323
Game 16195611_____Game 16191073_____[game]x[/game]_____[game]x[/game]_____[game]x[/game]
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/3

Postby rizky_biznezz on Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:06 am

couldn't join Game 15993381
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/3

Postby rizky_biznezz on Mon Sep 05, 2016 4:13 am

Game 15756146 Game 15756147 Game 15756148

didn't work for me either
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/3

Postby jmyork82 on Mon Sep 05, 2016 9:30 am

rizky_biznezz wrote:couldn't join Game 15993381

Thanks for letting me know, I will have this one deleted.

rizky_biznezz wrote:Game 15756146 Game 15756147 Game 15756148

didn't work for me either

I cant seem to find these games at the moment which means somebody may have already had these deleted too.

There are actually a hand full of games in the join games list that become unjoinable. It usually seems to be when an inactive player has an open game with 3 slots or less. I try to keep an eye out for these but let me know if you find anymore.
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/12 (19:29 CCT)

Postby Sey69 on Tue Sep 13, 2016 3:36 pm

Congratulations on the promotion. =D>

Keep up the good work. :)
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/12 (19:29 CCT)

Postby Mad777 on Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:01 pm

I'm counting 39 games remain in the 15M....shortly approaching the <1M gap

=D> =D>
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/12 (19:29 CCT)

Postby jmyork82 on Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:38 pm

Mad777 wrote:I'm counting 39 games remain in the 15M....shortly approaching the <1M gap

=D> =D>

The gap has been updated: 1,064,785 is the current game differential. At the rate we are filling games with the challenge, we should be less than a mil by the end of the month.

I'm curious about the age differential too. Are you still able to figure out how old these games are Mad?
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/12 (19:29 CCT)

Postby Mad777 on Tue Sep 13, 2016 6:56 pm

jmyork82 wrote:
Mad777 wrote:I'm counting 39 games remain in the 15M....shortly approaching the <1M gap

=D> =D>

The gap has been updated: 1,064,785 is the current game differential. At the rate we are filling games with the challenge, we should be less than a mil by the end of the month.

I'm curious about the age differential too. Are you still able to figure out how old these games are Mad?

Searching few game before the oldest in the join Game Center (15789412) and there is some speed game that were created July 6th last year...14 months ago.
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/12 (19:29 CCT)

Postby jmyork82 on Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:14 am

Mad777 wrote:
jmyork82 wrote:
Mad777 wrote:I'm counting 39 games remain in the 15M....shortly approaching the <1M gap

=D> =D>

The gap has been updated: 1,064,785 is the current game differential. At the rate we are filling games with the challenge, we should be less than a mil by the end of the month.

I'm curious about the age differential too. Are you still able to figure out how old these games are Mad?

Searching few game before the oldest in the join Game Center (15789412) and there is some speed game that were created July 6th last year...14 months ago.

I knocked a few months off then, I think last time you searched for me, we were at 18 months or so. That can be the next goal after we get it under a mil. We can try to get under a year =D>
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/13 (19:32 CCT)

Postby Fewnix on Thu Sep 15, 2016 12:46 am

As I see it the oldest game now is Game 15803660and there are 18 games between that game and the game at the 160000000 mark Game 16015490 waiting to be filled.
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/20 (18:15 CCT)

Postby jmyork82 on Wed Sep 21, 2016 5:27 pm

7 more games in the 15M's!
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/20 (18:15 CCT)

Postby Mad777 on Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:04 pm


Almost down to 29 pages (never went below 30 as far I can remember), and also now below 3,000 games.

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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/20 (18:15 CCT)

Postby jmyork82 on Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:20 pm

Mad777 wrote:......6.......

Almost down to 29 pages (never went below 30 as far I can remember), and also now below 3,000 games.


Say bye bye to the 15M games! :o :o :o

We are now within a million of the current game, 836,161 to be exact. That was a huge jump in the game gap. We are now in the 16M games, only 2 left in the 160's. Then we have plenty of 161's after that. We are the closest we have ever been to 29 pages of games, and that is right around the corner as well. The September challenge was a huge success in terms of filling these old games. We easily did 3-4 months worth of work in less than a month. Normally I have to fight tooth and nail, searching for players to join some of these games, but they all filled with hardly any intervention from myself. This was a great effort from the community from top to bottom. Cheers!!!
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Re: Cleaning out the Pantry! - UPDATED 9/27 (18:20 CCT)

Postby Dukasaur on Tue Sep 27, 2016 5:39 pm

“‎Life is a shipwreck, but we must not forget to sing in the lifeboats.”
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